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Chapter 2 100 Chapter 15

Princess Miaomiao and Dragon Tiger Monster Sect, after spending dozens of breaths, finally came to this place of rays of light.

“Okay … so terrible … coercive … at all … not at all …”

The Dragon Tiger Monster Sect trembled, even if it had an extremely dignified Bloodline. At this moment, the soul rose into a fear.

“Qin … South …”

Princess Miaomiao was also shuddering, but she held back the endless fear and stared tightly at the front.

At this moment, the rays of light are in the center.

“Qin Nan.” The dark-eyed towering towered, his voice seemed to come from the archaic sky, and every syllable shook the All Heavens World: “Look, you know me!”


Qin Nan’s soul trembled, and a sense of consciousness was restored in his brain. “I know you. From the moment I saw you, I knew that you were the left eye of War God!”

At this time, Qin Nan’s thoughts were still extremely chaotic and filled with endless doubts.

He has War God’s Spirit. Why does he still have War God’s left eye?

Could it be that His War God’s Spirit, like Huang Que of Flying Sword Sect, was transformed by the soul of War God?

And that War God, how does it exist?

“I know you have a lot of questions.” The dark eyeball said: “This time I called you not to solve your doubts, but to tell you that I and your War God’s Spirit are from War God, so We want to be one! “


Qin Nan was shocked.

He now has War God’s Spirit, which is already extremely heaven-defying. If this War God left eye is added, what kind of change will he bring?

“I should have been one with you, let War God’s peerless posture bloom on your body!” The dark eyeball suddenly turned and turned into a thunderbolt. “But, you disappointed me, wearing War God’s Spirit, but you bow your head to others for friendship! Do you know what a great shame this is? “

The dark eyeball tone became extremely angry, and the World around it seemed to be completely angry because of its anger.

Qin Nan’s brain seemed to explode, and he almost couldn’t bear the anger of anger. It was only after a while that he saw a trace and soberness and calmness in his eyes. Shame! But Xiao Qingxue is my friend. She used to help me. Now she begged me. How can I refuse? “

“You give up!”

“You look down!”

“You lost the dignity of War God!”

“War God should fight the Heavens fight the Earth, fight everything, win everything!”

“You can’t lose, you can only win, even if you make a concession, you are a shame!”

The anger of the dark eyeballs became even more bursting, even in all directions, the wrath of ghosts and gods sounded.

Each of these angers sounded like a Heavenly Thunder strikes to Qin Nan.

In Qin Nan’s brain, there is no longer any thinking, only the sky explosion is left, as if to dispel his soul!

“I … no … no … confess …”

“I owe people … owe friendship … I should have … I should have repaid …”

“Where … how do you admit defeat … admit defeat?”

“I just … I just paid for the friendship …”

Even as Qin Nan’s bones loomed near the collapse, he never bowed his head even in the face of the anger of War God’s left eye!

“Funny, ridiculous, ridiculous!”

The dark eyes were extremely anti-smiling: “didn’t expect that you, as a War God Successor, are so degenerate! Martial arts World, weak are prey to the strong, how can the friendship be said? War God, War God, there is only war! Fight! Fight! The earth of war is broken, the sky is falling, everything is defeated! “

Qin Nan’s brain was rattling and he completely lost consciousness!

“Since you are so depraved and so ridiculous, then in the name of War God’s left eye, I deprive you of War God Successor! From now on, you Qin Nan no longer exist!”

The dark eye suddenly rose, and turned directly into a Profound Light, which penetrated into Qin Nan’s left eye.



Princess Miaomiao and Dragon Tiger Monster Sect, standing 1000 meters away from the monstrous rays of light, are shiver coldly.

Suddenly at this moment, the sky of brilliance disappeared and all around became extremely silent.


The Dragon Tiger Monster Sect growled, and his expression was extremely excited.

Without the horrible coercion just now, it feels that the entire world is bright and everything is beautiful.

Princess Miaomiao tensed her face, said nothing, and went quickly.

When two people walked in, he immediately saw Qin Nan’s body collapsed to the ground, his left eye closed, and his body spread out with numerous purple color patterns, his breathing became weak gradually, as if it would dissipate at any time.

“Qin Nan!”

Princess Miaomiao’s expressionless face flashed a wave of loudly shouts.

Qin Nan was lying on the ground, motionless, but the purple color lines on his body, like one after another python, spread more and more, and even exuded a faintly discernable ancient aura.

“Don’t pretend to be dead!”

Dragon Tiger Monster Sect gave a scornful look at Qin Nan. It has been a monster for so many years and considers itself very shameless. Didn’t expect that this guy is even more shameless. He pretended to be dead and caused Princess Miaomiao’s worries.

It was not polite at the moment, reached out the tiger claw, and moved away towards Qin Nan.


Suddenly, Qin Nan’s body surged into coercion and smashed into the Dragon Tiger Monster Sect.


A scream of screams pierced the sky of the deserted island immediately.

The body of the Dragon Tiger Monster Sect was soared 100 meters away. A 狰狞 dragon’s head burst into countless blood. The entire tiger’s body was broken and extremely miserable.

Princess Miaomiao looked shocked.

Dragon Tiger Monster Sect is a descendant of Heavenly Dragon Thunder Tiger. Its dragon’s head tiger body has extremely terrifying defense power. Even if it is a Martial King Realm’s peak Powerhouse shot, it cannot hurt it at all.

Qin Nan What’s wrong with this?

Isn’t his cultivation level sealed?

What happened after the divide object in that box was opened?

“Ahem …”

The Dragon Tiger Monster Sect in the distance stood up struggling, his feet swaying, and a pair of dragon eyes burst into a huge horror. “This guy … this guy’s within the body … not just now That kid … he … he’s probably being possessed … “


Princess Miaomiao expression changes.

The so-called robbing house refers to those Peak Powerhouse, after falling down, use itself soul to occupy other people’s bodies.

It’s just that this kind of seizure is inherently harmful, even if it is a Martial Saint-level Powerhouse, it is difficult to master this secret technique.

Now it seems that I am afraid that the Divine object in the mouth of Nine Characters True Words, I want to win Qin Nan!

“Not good !”

Princess Miaomiao also had time to sort out her thoughts. She quickly noticed that the vitality of Qin Nan within the body was dissipating rapidly. She had no time to make a shot, and in less than 3 breaths, the vitality of Qin Nan was like a flood. Water, instantly absent, disappeared completely!

Qin Nan … dead!

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