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After the small storm subsided, Qin Nan followed Cheng Mu and Yi Shi to the Demon King Palace 2th-layer.

Although it is said that this time they participated in the Lord Realm-level Powerhouse and the Mysterious Existence conceived by Era Battlefield, the entire auction site looks nothing special. Each and everyone is placed in the great hall, and there is one in the front. Red fairy wood platform.

“Welcome the fellow daoist to come to this auction.”

A 30-foot-tall skeleton made up of dark red skeletons came out from the rear and arched hands towards the crowd.

“Curious being.”

Qin Nan glanced at his eyes, revealing a surprising look.

This skull is completely different from the ‘skulls’ of extreme west land. Its within the body does not have any fluctuation in Life Strength, but it flows another mysterious strength.

“We don’t say other nonsense, we go to the first treasure.”

As soon as the voice of the red skull fell, there were 2 black robed man at the back, carrying up to one foot, engraved with numerous patterns of purple color wooden box, and the black robed man magic seal came to an end. The wooden box made a ka ka ka sound. , The box body is like a flower, blooming to all around.

At the wooden box middle, there is a stone lion made from a whole white ancient jade, which is lifelike. Although it has not been urged, it also exudes an amazing domineering. It stands proud of Heaven and Earth and stands in the crowd. Beast.

The only flaws were the ears and fangs of the Shishi, which dropped one and one respectively.

“This image has been identified by our Demon King Palace. It is an Asking Dao Item with a damage level of less than 20%. It is named Howling Moon Heavenly Jade Statue. It is an antiquity time. Supreme Treasure mastered by a Ruler-level Powerhouse. Pushed to the extreme, it can … ”

The red skull gushed.

Rao is Qin Nan, who had seen a lot in the city before.

This dark auction is really unusual. It was the first treasure, which was a nearly complete ancient Asking Dao Item. So what next?

How amazing is the finale of the auction, Supreme Treasure?

“Well, everyone must already have it in mind. Let’s start with an Intentionless Soul Jade. Please bid.”

red skull said with a smile.



“I have 4!”

In the great hall, some sounds kept ringing.

However, unlike the auction in which Qin Nan was previously involved, when there were 5 people there a person Mysterious Existence, the whole great hall fell into a short silence, and many people frowned, thinking The value is worth or not, there is no fiery phenomenon.

“What is this Intentionless Soul Jade? Could it be that very precious?”

Qin Nan couldn’t help but face Yi Shi 2 Asking Dao.

“In that war, the Falling Ruler-level Powerhouse, and even Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse, were countless and innumerable. Because their souls have reached another level, after the fall, Soul Strength will still integrate into between Heaven and Earth. “

“These scattered Soul Strength, coupled with some kind of coincidence, will condense together into an Intentionless Soul Jade. This jade not only has great benefits for Lord Realm, Ruler-level Cultivator, but also for those Mysterious Existence Great benefit. “

“Therefore, when auctioning, you basically buy Intentionless Soul Jade.”

Yi Shi said, “However, this kind of Intentionless Soul Jade is quite scarce and extremely difficult to obtain. That person offered 5 pieces of this Asking Dao Item. Certainly no one will compete with him.”

As Yi Shi said, after a few ten breaths, there was still no bid in the great hall, and the red skeleton had to make a final decision.

“Agglomerated by Soul Strength floating between Heaven and Earth …”

Qin Nan said, “Can you show me Intentionless Soul Jade?”

Yi Shi took a moment to hesitate, and without rejecting it, took one out of the Storage Bag.

This thing is the size of a slap, exuding a mass of light halo, like jade stone, which has an immense mysterious power.

“It turned out to be the kind of jade stone!”

Qin Nan body was shocked and rejoiced.

You know, when walking through the restricted areas, he got a full 400 yuan!

One item is close to the complete Asking Dao Item, and only 5 pieces are sold. Then he can buy a full 400 pieces for 80 pieces!

“Didn’t expect, because of my two past lives, not only can I ignore the danger, but I can also attract this Intentionless Soul Jade on my own. If I stay in the major restricted areas for an extended period of time, I don’t know if I will How much Intentionless Soul Jade was earned. “

Qin Nan sighed.

“Hehe, the guests of the Dignified Demon King Palace haven’t even seen Intentionless Soul Jade? It’s a pity that Yi Shi and Cheng Mu are very digging and don’t want to give you a few. Why not, I lend you 2 3 Intentionless Soul Jade, how about letting you participate in the auction? “

Yun Ao, not far away, just glimpsed this scene, and immediately Yin-Yang was weird.

Yi Shi and Cheng Mu complexion changes are a bit ugly. I just wanted to refute what Qin Nan said differently: “Then it is not necessary, not everyone will borrow it.”

Yun Ao sneered and was too lazy to say anything more.

The auction continues, and most of the auctioned items are also sold for 3 or 5 Intentionless Soul Jade.

Qin Nan now has the confidence, and of course he pays special attention. Every auction item is being carefully observed, but the current ones have no effect on him, and he has not made a noise.

“The next thing, until now, is a favorite of many fellow daoist.”

The red skeleton said, “turned over the palm,” a bone that appeared silver, covered with large and small runes, emerged, exuding an extremely ancient aura.

“This is the skeleton of a Ruler Powerhouse at antiquity time. According to our appraisal, the power in it has been lost by less than 30%. If it can be refining … every fellow daoist bids.”

As soon as the skull’s voice fell, a few voices rang out immediately in the great hall. Yun Ao, who had not spoken, suddenly said loudly: “7!”

At this point, Lord Realm Powerhouse, who was still bidding, changed his face slightly and shook the head.

In general, the bones of the Ruler Powerhouse can only be sold for a maximum of six, and Yun Ao directly adds one, and it does not make sense to buy it.

“I finally got it!”

Yun Ao looked at the leg bone, a flash of fire flashed in his eyes.

Others don’t know, but he knows that this leg bone is related to an inheritance opportunity. If it can be obtained, it will definitely gain a lot, far beyond the value of this leg bone itself.

“No one continues to bid? Then congratulations …”

The red skeleton glanced at the crowd, preparing a final sound, and a faint voice rang: “8.”

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