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As time passed, Qin Nan passed through the Twelfth penalty zone and the 5st penalty zone after 21 days.

During this period, the number of ‘jade stones’ on him also reached a full 400.

“This must be Dark Absolute City, right?”

Qin Nan looked forward, secretly said in one’s heart.

I just saw that Heaven and Earth in all directions, somehow became dark, without any rays of light.

A huge black city with a length of several thousand thousand li, suspended quietly in the air, the city wall is covered with scratches of various sizes, some of which are the ancient and domineering military dao intent And still not dissipated.

The gate of the city gate has a large and small gap, giving a very broken feeling.

However, Qin Nan could perceive that in this city, there was a horrible force of silence, even his War God fairy pupil could only glimpse a trace.

Qin Nan didn’t pause for a long time and quickly flew forward.

When he walked into the city, all of a sudden, a mysterious gray aura came down, covering him all over his body.


Qin Nan felt it, and realized that there was no danger, then moved towards and looked forward.

There are dozens of silhouettes on the street. Each of them is surrounded by a group of gray auras. It is impossible to see the appearance at all. Even if they use the pump technique, they cannot pass through the gray aura. level.

“It seems that everyone who enters this Dark Absolute City will be blocked from identity.”

Qin Nan expression slightly happy, so that saves him a lot of trouble.

“Now it seems that this Dark Absolute City is really suitable for me to stay.”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart.

Now he can’t contact Bronze Mirror, don’t know the current status of Bronze Mirror, and when Bronze Mirror will launch Supreme Clear Sky Token, so the only thing he can do is wait.

Now this Dark Absolute City can guarantee his security, and there are many wonderful existences of Lord Realm Powerhouse and Era Battlefield here. If Bronze Mirror launches Supreme Clear Sky Token, he can also see from the reactions of these people Out.

“Nine Heavens Supreme?”

“Tsk tsk, even Nine Heavens Supreme, dare to come here!”

When Qin Nan appeared, he had a lot of eyes on him, and some of them looked unabashedly at the sight of drama.

Normally, in this Dark Absolute City, it is hard to see a Nine Heavens Supreme. Some big forces will not come here with clansman and disciple.

Of course, how surprised they were not at all.

After all, as long as you cross Central Battlefield, you can come to this Dark Absolute City. There is no danger on the way. Nine Heavens Supreme can come, and that’s normal.

Qin Nan turned a blind eye and walked forward, glanced at the scattered street vendors on the street.

Most of the stalls are Mysterious Existence bred by Space-Time Battlefield. The aura emanating from the body is completely different from Cultivator. Some are spooky, some are Soul Power, and some are without any life fluctuation.

The things they display are strange and weird, but the traces of aura overflowing are very powerful, and even some of the fragments placed are at the level of the Asking Dao Item.

Unfortunately, even though Qin Nan has some heartbeats, there is no way. What kind of heavenly material earthly treasure on his body, etc., these Mysterious existence must be inconspicuous.

Qin Nan has walked a few streets in a row, there are no silhouettes on the street, and some are even empty, looking relatively deserted.

“Why is there so much Cultivator?”

After a while, Qin Nan suddenly saw that there were about 50 silhouettes in front of a street, gathered in front of a 7-layer palace, of which there were more than 20 Lord Realm Powerhouse, and the rest was Space- Mysterious Existence by Time Battlefield.


Suddenly, Qin Nan sensed that in the 7-layer palace, there were 2 Demon Dao aura he was familiar with.

“These two auras, are they Mo Xie and Heavenless?”

A thought came to Qin Nan’s mind, and immediately walked towards it.

At this moment, among the crowd, Cheng Mu and Yi Shi are communicating with spiritual thought. The former is unhappy and the latter is unhappy. The two people are now a little divided.

“Nine Heavens Supreme?”

Suddenly, a lot of people in the crowd showed a surprised expression.

“Has Nine Heavens Supreme come here?”

Cheng Mu and Yi Shi are also stunned. This is who are you, how dare you be so bold?

When their gaze fell on Qin Nan, the pupils of two people simultaneously shrank.

Although they can’t see the appearance of Qin Nan now, they have seen Qin Nan before, and the aura emanating from Qin Nan is very familiar to them.

“He turned out to be…”

Inside the two people, there was a violent shock, and they subconsciously took a breath.

They never thought that Qin Nan’s peak Supreme’s cultivation level could even cross the Twelfth and 21 restricted zones!

And it’s only been 15 days!

They had previously obtained a treasure map, had been there once, and were already familiar with the journey, and it took them exactly 3 days to return!

It can also be seen from this that Qin Nan went all the way down without even encountering a little danger!

With their knowledge of the 2, 21, and 1 restricted areas, even Powerhouse at Ruler level, it is impossible that they will not encounter any danger!

“2 people, didn’t expect to meet again so soon.”

Qin Nan also noticed aura of two people, faintly smiled.

“How the hell did you …?”

Yi Shi reacted, staring at Qin Nan, not bear ask.

“Are you talking about going through the 2 restricted areas? Coincidentally, I had wasted fourteen days after arriving at the Twelfth restricted area. I just happened to run into a Transmission Formation and came to the vicinity of Dark Absolute City.”

Qin Nan said.

“Transmission Formation?”

Yi Shi and Cheng Mu two people didn’t believe at all.

Everywhere in this Space-Time Battlefield is filled with all kinds of ancient aura, wu dao intent, and original Heaven and Earth Law have been destroyed. It is impossible to establish a Transmission Formation.

If they could, they would have done so long ago.

“Qin Nan little friend is really joking.”

Yi Shi had a smile on her face, and her attitude changed completely: “Ashamed to say, Qin Nan little friend helped us once, but did not expect that we could not bring Qin Nan little friend here, and I hope Qin Nan little friend . “

He was paused, as if he remembered something: “It ’s better, Qin Nan little friend, since you have come to this Dark Absolute City, why not join us in the dark auction with us, how about it?”

Qin Nan felt a little funny, but didn’t show it, Asking Dao: “Dark auction? What’s that?”

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