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Qin Nan walked into the sea of ​​trees, all around was extremely silent, without any sound.

The weird thing is that there is no aura here, even the strength of life in the tree can’t be sensed, like a cut is all dead, similar to the black sea.

Fortunately, this sea of ​​trees is not as boundless as the black sea. Qin Nan spent 5 minutes and walked out of it.

The scene in front of him changed accordingly.

I can only see that there is a vast expanse of plains in front of him, which is covered with various gullies, ranging from 100,000 zhang in size to ten thousand zhang in size. Hundred zhang, or even ten thousand zhang, has turned into a distorted form of chaos that cannot be recovered to this day.

apart from this, all kinds of ancient aura, filled with between Heaven and Earth, extremely chaotic.

Moreover, some auras are extremely powerful, extremely overbearing, and particularly conspicuous.

This situation is actually much worse than extreme west land, because there is only one kind of obstructs the heavens aura in extreme west land, but there are too many auras here. If the cultivation level is insufficient, being invaded within the body will cause Cultivator cultivation deviation.

Qin Nan walked forward, and the auras seemed to be extremely afraid of him, all spreading out automatically.

Qin Nan was not surprised by this. What surprised Qin Nan was that he just perceived it carefully. The feeling this place gives him is more than the feeling anywhere in the 9 Heavenly Immortal domain. different.

“The war that year destroyed all the rules of this place and so on. It is not so much a new place as it is the end of the first Small Immortal Territory.”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart, can’t help but wonder.

From this we can see how terrible the war was then.


Qin Nan’s eyes flickered suddenly.

Because in front of him, there are clumps of crystal clear and near-transparent, containing rays of light containing a huge aura, and slowly gathering, the aura becomes more magnificent.

murderous intention?

Qin Nan’s mind had just flashed this idea, and these rays of light gathered together completely and turned into one piece of palm-sized, shapeless stones, like jade stones just picked up, and flew towards him. come.

When he reached a point, the ‘jade stone’ came to an abrupt end, motionless.

“Not Murderous intention?”

Qin Nan brows slightly wrinkle, after a little hesitation, he transfigured a big hand of rays of light and grabbed at this ‘jade hand’.

Until he put it in his palm, the ‘jade stone’ remained unresponsive.

Qin Nan urged the War God fairy pupil, carefully observe, his expression gradually moved, because he felt a kind of mysterious force in this ‘jade stone’.

“Well, take it first.”

Qin Nan thought about it, put it in the Storage Bag, and moved on.

At first, he was still walking very slowly, cautiously, but when he got behind, he almost reached his peak speed, turned into a peerless awn, and flickered in the sky.

This is because he perceives that even if he encounters some very obvious dangers that he can see, but he passes by, these dangers are like death and he ignores him directly.

According to Qin Nan’s guess, I am afraid that it is the aura of Zhou Di and Huangfu Jue that calms everything down.

This is undoubtedly a great thing for him. If he encountered terror and danger before he found Empress Fei Yue, what’s the point of his coming?

Time passed and 2 days passed quickly.

During this period, the strange ‘jade stone’ from time to time gathered near Qin Nan and floated towards him, resulting in more than 130 of his Storage Bags.

Apart from this, Qin Nan also saw all kinds of terrifying auras, and all kinds of Ancient Martial dao intents still deeply imprinted in the void.

If it is the usual, Qin Nan will stop and take a closer look to see if he can gain something, but for now, he has no interest.

“No, I have to find Cultivator quickly!”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart.

He doesn’t know anything about this Era Battlefield now. If he just flew down so aimlessly, he didn’t know how much time wasted.

However, Qin Nan this time’s luck didn’t seem to be very good. It took him 3 days and 3 nights to realize it.

I only saw that in front of him, there were broken Great Mountains, forming a mountain range.

Among them, there is a dark red Great Mountain peak condensed by countless blood. One after another deafening explosion is heard. Two terrifying auras that surpass Nine Heavens Supreme are erupting in the mountain belly. , Attacking something.

According to Qin Nan’s guess, the 2 Lord Realm Powerhouse should be trapped by something or entered the mountain, because only the sound is heard, not at all any of the dao technique, lord technique aura Overflow from it.

Qin Nan didn’t hesitate, and quickly used Cross the Heavens Strikes. He came to the top of the mountain. Only then did he realize that there were countless golden lines on the top of the mountain, and ten ancient pictures were posted on the middle. Talisman, like some kind of formulation.


Lord Realm Powerhouse under formation, expression simultaneously.

“This fellow daoist, as long as you are willing to take the shot, we are willing to share the gains of this trip with you 20%!”

A full voice came out of it.

Although in their perception, Qin Nan’s aura is only Nine Heavens Supreme peak, but in their eyes, Qin Nan is definitely a Lord Realm Powerhouse, and it is likely to be a Lord Realm peak!

Because, this place is not an ordinary Lord Realm dare to come!

As for why Nine Heavens Supreme?

This is very easy to understand. Some Lord Realm Powerhouse do not want people to see it’s own cultivation level, and some Lord Realm Powerhouse have some quirks. They like to make people mistaken for Supreme, and then show the real cultivation level, to shock others … …

“Oh? How do I do that?”

Qin Nan was quite surprised.

dignified 2 Lord Realm Powerhouse, come to him for help Nine Heavens Supreme?

“You are outside of the Ten Fairy Town Magic Array, you can directly attack the formation eye, which is the ten Talisman!”

Another husky voice sounded.

“It’s okay for me to shoot, but you have to take an oath and never shoot at me. What?”

Qin Nan began.

Although the effect of Immortal Demon Dao Oath is much weaker for Lord Realm Powerhouse, it is more or less effective.

“That is natural!”

The two people sent Immortal Demon Dao Oath without hesitation.

“Okay, but ugly words come first. If the effect is not great, don’t blame me.”

Qin Nan specifically said that the two people should be in succession, which prompted the Breaking Heavens Blade to be cut off to the ten Talisman.

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