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At this moment, in Dao Magic Chart.

“Stop now? Did Qin Nan Senior Brother win? Although Qin Nan Senior Brother battle is powerful, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of these more than 80 evil spirits. However, the previous evil spirits, to Qin Nan Senior Brother is so respectful, could it be that Qin Nan Senior Brother can specifically suppress them? “

Zhang Zhiling’s mind flashed each and everyone’s doubts, 100 wondering.

Suddenly, Dao Magic Chart was called back, and he reappeared in the ocean floor.

Zhang Zhiling’s eyes immediately moved towards looking forward, and at a glance, the whole person was shocked.

I only saw that Qin Nan Senior Brother was waving the knife in his hand, moved towards a flesh body intact Cultivator, and cut it 4 times in a row, this Cultivator did not hide, forcibly suffered, blood splattered, black gas surging .

The Cultivator screamed suddenly, his face in pain.

However, he didn’t have the slightest anger, but his eyes were full of surprises, and his mouth was still vaguely saying all kinds of gratitude.

Zhang Zhiling: “???”

Immediately afterwards, a more weird scene appeared.

“Give me a break, let Fellow Daoist Qin Nan cut me first!”

“Shit !, why? The labor and mantras are obviously longer than you!”

“Dead bald donkey, squeeze something, hurry up and let me go, otherwise I will ruin you!”

The Cultivator with white bones, half-human half-bone, and flesh body intact, huddled together, swearing, and even someone started to use their fists and feet together, the scene was quite chaotic.

Zhang Zhiling looked blank, what happened to this world? could it be that he hit some sort of Illusion Technique?

If so, this Illusion Technique is overbearing …

Qin Nan thought of him at this time, simple saying: “Shi Ming, you take him to find the inheritance.”

Shi Ming nodded, Zhang Zhiling with shiver coldly, left here.

However, even Qin Nan himself couldn’t think of it, this time he helped a bunch, but in the future 9 Heavenly Immortal domain, a mighty 8 Heavenly Venerable giant appeared, reappearing antiquity time Obstructs the Heavens Lineage’s brilliant Legendary.

After half an hour, Qin Nan had all chopped off. These more than 80 silhouettes were all seriously injured, especially those Cultivators with white bones. Aura became very weak.

However, as the evil spirits of extreme west land, the various heavenly material treasures they have searched for in normaly have reached an extremely large scale, so there is no need to worry about the issue of recovery.

What surprises Qin Nan is that according to Xu Ruchen, there are now more than 30 Cultivators hunting outside, and more than 20 Cultivators have encountered powerful enemies and have been temporarily sealed. They need to be rescued. .

“Fellow Daoist Qin Nan, I have one more thing to discuss with you.”

Xu Ruochen hesitated for a while and said.

“When did Saint Child, a member of your Dignified Xu Family, become timid, say something directly.”

“Okay! Fellow Daoist Qin Nan, we have found countless inheritance opportunities and heavenly material treasure in countless years in the middle place of extreme west land. There are 3 opportunities, which are very amazing and we have never taken them. “

Xu Ruochen said: “If possible, I hope Fellow Daoist Qin Nan can leave us one or two places, because after our cursing power has been cut off, it will take a very large amount of resources to recover.”

After speaking, he looked at Qin Nan’s eyes, and his heart was a little hesitant.

Qin Nan faintly smiled, and said, “That’s it? That’s fine, I’ll leave it to you two places, and I’ll take one.”

Before waiting for Xu Ruochen to say more, Qin Nan whispered Asking Dao: “How do you know how to get to Era Battlefield?”

Xu Ruochen expression suddenly startled, blurted out: “Are you going to Era Battlefield?”

As soon as this word came out, almost all Cultivators present looked towards Qin Nan, and the smile on his face was all frozen.

“Fellow Daoist Qin Nan, don’t be stupid 10000000!”

“Yes, that place can’t go at all!”

Everyone started to persuade, with a look of anxiety on their faces.

“These words are what meaning? Is that place very dangerous?”

Qin Nan brows slightly wrinkle.

“Old Long, you tell Fellow Daoist Qin Nan.”

Xu Ruochen looked towards one of the most seriously injured bones, Qin Nan’s identity was also clear through a few people’s chats just now.

Old Long, once a peak Supreme, is the longest person trapped by this among the people in front of him for 1000 years.

If it weren’t for Qin Nan’s accidental appearance, another 2 years later, he would be completely consumed by Obstructs the Heavens Great Incantation.

So he is one of the most grateful people to Qin Nan.

“Qin Nan little friend, into the deepest part of extreme west land, you can go to Era Battlefield. But for many years now, we Cultivator of Obstructs the Heavens Great Incantation among us, even if others can’t kill us, we dare not Take one step forward. “

“Because the depths of extreme west land are too scary!”

“Like outside rumors, countless Cultivators have disappeared when they came to extreme west land. In fact, this is wrong. Most Cultivators have a great chance if they only go to the outer and middle places. Those people are delusional to enter the deep At first, the mysteries of the place disappeared completely. “

“Apart from this …”

Old Long’s tone changed extremely solemnly: “In the second year of my curse, there was a terrifying explosion in the depths of extreme west land, which almost rang through the entire extreme west land. A few hundred years later , I learned by accident from some outside Supreme. “

“That year, there was a person Ruler giant. For some reason, taking the Era Battlefield as the entrance, they crossed the depths of the extreme west land, and finally started a war with the horrible things in the depths.”

“Ultimately, this Ruler escaped to Era Battlefield and remained in retreat, I am afraid it was very traumatized.”

Rao was Qin Nan’s mental preparation, and still can’t help but be surprised.

The depths of this extreme west land are too terrifying, right?

Even the Ruler Powerhouse was seriously injured and retreated, could it be that there is Heavenly Venerable in it?

Qin Nan calmed down quickly, exhaled his breath, lightly said with a smile: “Even so, I’m going. But you don’t have to worry, I can even break Obstructs the Heavens Great Incantation, maybe I just crossed it Pass the depths of extreme west land. And, before leaving, I will completely unleash the curse for you. “

The crowd made all changes countenance, and even persuaded, and finally saw Qin Nan’s incomparable decision, and they could only stop there and sigh again and again.

After the matter was revealed, Qin Nan looked towards more than a dozen Cultivators, his eyes burning: “Can you pass the dao technique you learned to me?”

These dozens of people are from the Supreme Dao Lineage, and Qin Nan has always been following them.

Heavenly material treasure, opportunity and so on, he can not do it now, but if they are willing to teach each other, then Qin Nan 鈥檚 blank in the major dao technique will be completely filled, this extraordinary Dao 鈥檚 formidable power, Will also be able to play to the true extreme.

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