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“Large Brightness Comes to India!”

“Fading the Four Directions Technique!”

“Melting Ancient Divine Fist!”

These 6 people have an amazing tacit understanding. In an instant, their body shape changes, forming a formation, mobilizing countless pounds, and also hitting a dao technique, attacking Qin Nan with 6 sides.

“Monk from Bodhi Ancient Temple Sect?”

Qin Nan was a little stunned, so that there was no immediate shot. By the time the reaction came, the Murderous intention of hiding the sky and covering the earth had arrived, and he could only use Cross the Heavens Strikes to move the figure to the other side. , All to avoid.

“It’s weird, but you met us today and ended up dead end!”

The Bodhi Ancient Temple Sect’s peak Supreme has nothing to do with the children of Buddha Dao. The baleful qi is towering, and the magic seal has changed.

“Shaking Dao Blade Arts!”

Qin Nan within the body Ten 2 Asking Dao Techniques, running at the same time, gathered on the blade and cut down.

It turned into a 1000-knife blade of 10000 and 6 pounds, and suddenly rolled down. The formation of 1 people almost failed to hold on for a while, and was crushed into a smash, turned into countless light spots, scattered to all directions.

“Ten … Ten 2 Asking Dao Techniques? You have mastered ten 2 Asking Dao Techniques?”

The six ghostly Nine Heavens Supremes simultaneously revealed a horror in their eyes, and immediately noticed the amazing sense of crisis and quickly responded.

However, compared with this heavenly blade, their dao technique is like the light of firefly and the sun and the moon, the gap is extremely large.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Only a series of blasting sounds were heard, and their dao technique was all annihilated, and the remaining sword was also politely chopped on them, making it one after another scream, the skeleton was broken and smashed Above the sea.

Had it not been for Qin Nan’s deliberate effort, they would have fallen on the spot.

There is also a big difference between peak Supreme.

“How can you be like this? As long as you speak frankly, I will spare you.”

Qin Nan looked towards that peak Supreme, differently said.

“Ahem, didn’t expect, this time I encountered the presence of Supreme.”

The peak Supreme spit out a black blood, and in his eyes, there was no trace of fear, but he was full of excitement: “Your heart, it must taste great!”

It’s not just him, the other 5 are also excited.

At this moment, a weird scene appeared. Their broken skeleton was quickly restored, and within 2 minutes, it was restored as it was, completely free of the influence of the sword.


Qin Nan brows slightly wrinkle, and then cut it again, completely cutting the 2 skeletons of Supreme Big accomplishment into a shatter, leaving no trace left.

However, countless ashes were quickly gathered and restored to their original state.

“Hahaha, don’t waste your energy, no matter how strong you are, we are not dead! I read that you are on the Supreme list, and today I will give you a happy, will not let you suffer too much pain!”

The peak Supreme uttered a big laugh, and his body moved again.


Qin Nan faintly smiled and shot Melting Dao Immortal Flame again.

As if this peak Supreme said, they are immortal, and no matter what power Qin Nan uses, they will soon recover.

Qin Nan watched it for a long time, but couldn’t observe the clue.

However, Qin Nan is not worried at all. Although they are ‘Undying Body’, the gap between them and his cultivation level is too great. As long as Qin Nan spends a little more means, they can suppress them for a short time, and then in Enron Leave.

At this moment, the Nine Dragons Stone Seal in Qin Nan’s soul came out again, showing a 3 dao light hua, like flowing water, submerged in the power of Supreme in Qin Nan dantian.


Qin Nan’s heart moved, giving up the idea of ​​suppressing them, and moved towards the peak Supreme.

“Jié jié jié, you are really stubborn and stupid Ah! I said, we are Undying Body, you do n’t have to struggle with me, or you will provoke me, today you—”

The peak Supreme’s tone was full of contempt, and he was too lazy to avoid the resistance and greeted him directly.


The rays of light in the eyes of this Supreme Supreme trembled sharply. Two skeletons on the left chest were chopped, and a large mouth was torn on the dried flesh on the right.

A gray aura emerged, pouring out of it, rushing into the sky and dissipating in an instant.

An unprecedented pain rushed into his soul.

The other 5 people saw it, and their figure was simultaneously.


5 Interest …

Ten breaths ……

The screaming Peak Supreme also realized something. The eyes on the right were staring round, and the horror in his heart was beyond words.

“No … didn’t recover?”

It’s not just him, so is the other Nine Heavens Supreme.

This situation is even more shocking than when they saw Qin Nan practicing the 2-door method.

“This Nine Dragons Stone Seal really keeps giving me small surprises.”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart, lightly said with a smile: “How’s it? Do you choose to fall off now or choose to tell me the truth?”

Six Nine Heavens Supreme barely came back to his senses, eyes staring together.

In each other’s eyes, there was a trace of fear, a trace of temptation, a trace of surprise, and it was very complicated.

In the end, the traumatized peak Supreme bit his teeth and opened his mind, saying, “We became like this because of Obstructs the Heavens Great Incantation!”

As soon as the words came out, he expressed startled, and then he saw a huge surprise in his eyes.

The other five Nine Heavens Supreme are the same.

In this case, they can say it!

“Obstructs the Heavens Great Incantation? What is it?”

Qin Nan continues Asking Dao.

“Shi … benefactor, you are my benefactor of Shi Ming. If you have a need in the future, even if I kill Bodhi Ancient Temple Sect, I will never frown!”

Shi Ming’s face was full of excitement. When he saw Qin Nan’s face full of doubts, this was a little calm. He said, “Benefactor, you don’t know. After we hit this Obstructs the Heavens Great Incantation, not only can’t die, flesh body Eventually it will turn into bones, and it will continue to hunt foreign Cultivators. “

“Apart from this, there is everything about Obstructs the Heavens Great Incantation, and this extreme west land, even if we really want to say it, but we ca n’t say anything in the end, and we ca n’t reveal any information. As long as there is such a move, Will be bound by an invisible force. “

Shi Ming paused, Asking Dao: “As for Obstructs the Heavens Great Incantation, was the benefactor eroded by obstructs the heavens aura when he entered this extreme west land before?”

Qin Nan hearing this simple saying: “What obstructs the heavens aura you say is the aura with negative emotions?”

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