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Chapter 2 100 12 Looking for 1000 Years

These 9 silhouettes, can’t see the appearance, are blurred, with a coercion of hard to describe on the body.

When they appeared, the entire 9-Layer Land Mansion Tower finally showed its cricket, all the walls, floors, and so on, spread out one after another golden pattern, and a towering force emerged.

The entire giant tower is not in darkness, but rays of light ten thousand zhang, like a Divine Pagoda!

“Nine Characters True Words Item’s Spirit!”

Princess Miaomiao and Dragon Tiger Monster Sect, two people’s faces changed dramatically.

At this moment, even the cultivation level of their 2 Martial Grandmaster Realm is completely suppressed under these 9 auras.

Qin Nan was shocked.

These 9 horror silhouettes turned out to be Item’s Spirit of Nine Characters True Words?

“Nine Characters True Words, you guys are just coming out!” Princess Miaomiao quickly came back to his senses, and on her body came the power of one after another Mysterious, saying: “You have something here, I need it, if I can It’s a gift to me, and in the next 100 years, this Princess will definitely make you all promote to Emperor Item! “

Nine Characters True Words, every word is a magic treasure, which is the existence of King Dao Item.

The King Dao Item is already terrifying. Princess Miaomiao even dared to boast and let them all be promoted to Emperor Item.

Qin Nan expression froze slightly.

It was the first time he had seen Princess Miaomiao look so severe.

What exactly did she ask for, even at such a great advantage?

Suddenly, Qin Nan thought of Princess Miaomiao’s eager performance in capturing the treasure, and immediately understood that the contents of that wooden box were really important to Princess Miaomiao.

“Haha, ridiculous, promoted to the Emperor Item?”

Dragon Tiger Monster Sect gave her a dismissive glance, and said, “It seems you don’t know the origin of Nine Characters True Words. You have to be clear. Nine Characters True Words are rumored to involve a heavens-frightening secret, although I don’t know this. What’s the secret, but their levels before the birth have long surpassed the Emperor Item. Otherwise, would this Grandmaster be seen?

“To shut up!”

Princess Miaomiao kills one after another, within the body one after another horrible power, is awakens!

Dragon Tiger Monster Sect slightly looked at changes and wanted to refute but couldn’t speak.

At this moment, the 9 voices, simultaneously opened, overlapped, accompanied by the entire 9-Layer Land House Tower, contains a kind of hard to describe found mystery: “Our existence is only for the selection of Successor, inherit the mission! Just become a Successor and get everything here, including Nine Characters True Words! “

“How to become a Successor?”

Princess Miaomiao has a pair of phoenix eyes, Gubo is not surprised, the Mysterious power within the body, the speed of awakening, but it never stops.

“You three, you only need to pass one assessment.” Item 3’s Spirit at the same time said: “Only one person can win this assessment. Those who lose will lose their lives forever. Do you three participate in the assessment? “

“Haha, must participate!”

Dragon Tiger Monster Sect hearing this, the current eyes light up: “I have the ancient Heavenly Dragon and the Earthly Thunder Tiger Bloodline, which is extremely noble! This assessment must be my victory!”


Qin Nan frowned.

He was not very interested in this assessment. What he wanted to understand most was why his War God’s Pupil was so amazing!

“What assessment? That thing, I must, if you do not give it, go to war!”

No one had expected that Princess Miaomiao suddenly made a long howling sound at this moment, fully blooming from her Mysterious power within the body.

I saw that she was no longer the petite body of 2 years old, and suddenly grew up and turned into a young woman.

Her body is high shoulders, her hair is waterfall-like, her skin is fair, her facial features are exquisite, and her Normally Long Item Item skirt suddenly turns into a gold silk skirt, tightly covering her whole body, lining an attractive body. Shape, emitting a sense of heavens-frightening dynamic coercion.

At this moment, she seemed to turn into a princess of great power.


Qin Nan stayed. He never thought that until now, Princess Miaomiao, who was ten or twenty-three years old, was very immature. Suddenly, one day, he suddenly grew up, wearing a gold skirt and a beautiful face.


Dragon Tiger Monster Sect is completely stupid. The little girl who just played against it suddenly changed, so unexpectedly so beautiful? Even its heart couldn’t help beating.


Princess Miaomiao’s raised hand, boundless magic seal, flashes layer by layer, moved towards that Nine Characters True Words.

This blow can’t be seen by ordinary people, they just feel bland, but they don’t understand the torrent of torrents at all.

“What is it, what is it? You are an injured body. Now using the source will only make you hurt, even if it is Heaven Defying Life Replenishing Ointment in the wooden box, it will be difficult to get you back …” Nine Characters True Words Item’s Spirit, facing this horrible blow, simultaneously sighed.

I saw these 9 silhouettes, simultaneously reached out, moved towards that void.

Time flies, everything, to nothing.

Princess Miaomiao’s slender figure stunned, as if she had been hit with an archaic blow, and a little blood spilled from the corners of her mouth. This was in stark contrast to the princess ritual of her great power just now.

“Nine Characters True Words, no matter what, today I will get this Heaven Defying Life Replenishing Ointment. I must have it, even if I give everything, at any cost …” Princess Miaomiao reached out and wiped off the blood from the corner of the mouth, a pair of beautiful In the eyes, there is a sense of perseverance that no one can shake.

She stretched out her hands again, worked hard, and wanted to use her Source Strength, but was suddenly sealed by a force of Mysterious power, which made her shape tremble instantly, and her mouth was spurt a mouthful of blood.

“Nine Characters True Words, why block my power? This Princess will defeat you today!”

Princess Miaomiao raised her head and kept reaching out for her tricks, but she continued to touch the seal. Her figure was repeatedly reversed, causing her mouth to spit out a spit of purple color blood, which landed on the ground and opened countless flowers. Incense 4 overflows.

She tried dozens of times in a row, but still couldn’t break through the Mysterious seal of her within the body.

“Nine Characters True Words, didn’t expect you to be so powerful, it seems that I underestimated you.” Princess Miaomiao wiped off the blood from her mouth, stubbornly: “To this day, this Princess will participate in the assessment, no matter Whatever, take Heaven Defying Life Replenishing Ointment! “

Her temperament changed instantly, like an iceberg, extremely indifferent, as if isolated from the world.

She has only a single thought head and must get Heaven Defying Life Replenishing Ointment!

“What a pain, what a pain …”

9 Dao Item Spirit silhouette, simultaneously sighed, no more words, but looked towards Qin Nan, opened the mouth and said: “Are you Qin Nan?”

Qin Nan came back to his senses immediately from the shock. He looked at the cold and strange Princess Miaomiao, and sighed in his heart, then said resolutely: “Below is, dare to ask 9 seniors, I feel so summoned , Is there any connection to this place of Ten Characters Hidden Treasure? “


Dragon Tiger Monster Sect heard this sentence, a pair of eyes stared old, “How could it be, how could a mere mortal of Innate Realm be inspired? Are you particularly bullying me at a young age? I’m Heavenly Dragon Thunder Tiger Bloodline, noble, has not received a call … “


Nine Characters True Words Item’s Spirit opened his mouth and gave the Dragon Tiger Monster Sect a heavy blow.

Princess Miaomiao on the other side of the great hall, heard that expressionless glanced at Qin Nan.

“Our Nine Characters True Words, circulating in the mainland, just to find Successor. Unexpectedly, 1000 years ago, the Divine Object came. Since then, we have accepted the Divine Object command. While searching for the Successor, we are looking for you.” Nine Characters True Words Item’s Spirit sighed: “Not long ago, the dividend object sensed your arrival, and specifically let me wait for the exception to open the Ten Characters Hidden Treasure and invite you.”

The Dragon Tiger Monster Sect froze. Even the icy Princess Miaomiao, the pretty face flashed a bit of mischief.

What a horrible existence, can actually order Nine Characters True Words Item’s Spirit, specifically to connect to Qin Nan?

The most important thing is, why did you look for Qin Nan 1000 years ago?

Nine Characters True Words Item’s Spirit again: “Now that you have arrived, we have completed our mission, and return to the original owner!”

A rays of light flashes, a unique white wooden box, dropping from the sky, fell into Qin Nan’s hands.

Qin Nan stunned holding the white wooden box. Suddenly, this time was no longer the burning of his eyes. He felt a strong burning sensation throughout his body.

His whole body of blood was boiling at this moment, and his heart throbbed.

In his soul, one after another complicated feelings, excitement, nostalgia, surprise.

His instinct even raised a strong desire to open this white wooden box!

“What the hell are you? Why did you start looking for me 1000 years ago …”

Qin Nan eyes was slightly lost, and reached out to open the white wooden box.

ps: There are 2 more at 30pm! In addition, the book circle is doing activities, as long as you publish a book review in the Peerless Battle Spirit book circle, you can get book coins! 1000 first prizes and 2 moon cakes. 40 second prizes, 500 moon cakes. 3 prizes of 500 and 100 moon cakes! Although the rewards are small, but there are a lot of wins, there are a total of 570 Oh, the chance of winning is high ~ Let’s participate more ~ ​​Activity time: October 10 to November 28, the comments during this period are valid .

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