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Qin Nan’s figure fell from the air and landed on top of a Great Mountain.

He looked silently forward, without any expression on his face.

The wind blew, blowing his azure-red color long hair and robes.

I don’t know how long it has passed, Qin Nan’s gaze fell on the wrist with a red rope tied on it.

After destroying the Three Lives Tribulation for Empress Fei Yue that year, all the other two 2 organs on his hand were destroyed. I don’t know why, but this red rope has remained.

Later, he flew to the 9 Heavenly Immortal field. Empress Fei Yue passed this red rope and kept watching him. When Qin Nan encountered any problems, he would also ask through the red rope.

“Bronze Mirror, where are you now? I met a Mysterious man in Two Lords Land and he told me why Zhou Di and Huangfu Jue were reincarnated together.”

Qin Nan passed a spiritual thought to the red rope.

The red rope did not respond, and Qin Nan was not in a hurry, waiting quietly.

Suddenly, Qin Nan’s mind emerged from his first contact with Bronze Mirror, the first time he grilled fish for Bronze Mirror and so on.

In the end, he finally met Bronze Mirror before he entered Asking Dao Land.

At that time, Bronze Mirror came down stunningly, showing the peerless cultivation level, to resolve the crisis for him, Beginning Blade took him to a small Mysterious space, and after waiting for a long time, Bronze Mirror returned again, her face, rare pale, ice blue color A large piece of blood was stained on her long skirt.

“Bronze Mirror, are you all right?”

“No problem, it’s not my blood, it’s Antique Taboo.”

“What price will you pay after doing this work?”

“Three Lives Tribulation has been cut once, so there will be no Ten Lives Ten Generations Cultivation, just a little lifespan.”

She spoke casually, and then moved on.

She didn’t tell Qin Nan what was going on, she wanted to bear everything alone.

The time passed little by little. After 3 hours, the red rope still had no response.

Although Empress Fei Yue is indifferent and extremely cold, he will never ignore him in general, but when it comes to his two past lives, Empress Fei Yue will definitely come to ask him what is going on.

Today, she didn’t ask, it only means that she went to force the layout and hit the Ruler Boundary.

Wholeheartedly sank into it, no longer paid attention to everything else.

“Oh, Bronze Mirror, Bronze Mirror, you just kept talking and wanted to bear it alone, but this time, I just didn’t let you do it!”

There was a smile on Qin Nan’s mouth.

There was an instant decision in his mind.

In his hand, there was an unused hole card, the War God mark.

As long as he moves the mark, the legendary All Immortals Number One Person will reappear in the 9 Heavenly Immortal realm, killing all Lord Realm for him.

Although All Immortals Number One Person can only be used once, after using the imprint, it has no effect at all.

But, what about it?

As long as he can help Bronze Mirror to promote Ruler, he will never frown, even if the price is high.

“But what do you do? Now tick the mark and let All Immortals Number One Person do it?”

Qin Nan’s brow frowned slightly. After thinking about it carefully, he denied this idea.

Less than 3 months have passed since Bronze Mirror last used Ten Lives Ten Generations Cultivation, which means that 9 months remain.

It’s obviously too early to call All Immortals Number One Person.

And, according to War God and All Immortals Number One Person at the time, it was after he was in danger that he ticked the mark and was able to shoot for him.

10000 One, now All Immortals Number One Person is recruited, what is he unwilling to do?

This possibility is very big!

“I remember when someone said that in the Great Upper Realm, if Lord Realm Powerhouse wants to be a Ruler, then only by going to the end of the first Small Immortal Territory, Era Battlefield, there is a chance.”

“Bronze Mirror is now in the process of deployment, presumably on the Era Battlefield side.”

“The best way is to leave this Asking Dao Land, go to Era Battlefield and go to her side!”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart, and his eyebrows tightened.

as everyone knows, if you want to leave Asking Dao Land, you have to wait for ten years or become Lord Realm.

These two conditions are obviously unattainable at present.

So what else is there?

“Leave … Era Battlefield …”

Qin Nan muttered to himself, always feeling that there was any connection between the two.

“Wait, didn’t the woman say that the extreme west land of Asking Dao Land was extremely chaotic. According to legend, as long as you go through, you can reach Era Battlefield?”

Qin Nan the eyes shines, and then after a careful consideration, there was no hesitation, and moved towards the west flew over.

As for this extreme west land, it is extremely dangerous. After countless Nine Heavens Supreme went in, nothing happened and he was left behind.

Time passes, after 5 days.

In the middle of the air, there are more than 20 silhouettes, just like a peerless fairy sword, and it is just Zhuang Nan and Southern World Supreme entire group.

They are like Qin Nan, who have been chasing Qin Nan closely, never stopping.

Suddenly, Southern World Supreme step one stopped, with a miserable face, can’t believe it, Zhuang Nan stepped forward to Asking Dao: “What’s wrong?”

Southern World Supreme said: “I see Qin Nan flying like this, and sooner or later will enter extreme west land!”

Zhuang Nan hesitated for a moment, and immediately thought of something, his face startled: “fuck, that kid is crazy?”

Not only him, but also other Supreme Supremes present, his face was simultaneously changed, and his heart was shaken.

They chase Qin Nan and go to various restricted areas. They will not be afraid of the slightest, but if they really want to chase Qin Nan and enter the extreme west land, they will never want it!

Zhuang Nan calmed down quickly and thought, saying, “We will not chase for the time being. If this guy really enters the extreme west land, then we must not keep up. Stop here first and watch Look at Qin Nan’s status. “

Everyone was relaxed, their bodies fell from the void, and they began to create Cave Mansion on the ground.

“Southern World, how’s the practice these days? Qin Nan’s Extraordinary Dao, to what extent have you mastered it?”

Zhuang Nan suddenly looked towards Southern World Supreme, opening the mouth to ask.

“For the time being, only less than 30% have been grasped, and it is estimated that it will take some time before we can grasp 50%.”

Southern World Supreme shook his head, 50%, which is already his limit.

Stealing Dao, can’t really steal everything from the other side.

“50%? That’s enough. Qin Nan’s battle strength is not a trivial matter now. We must achieve a level where you and I can join him.”


Zhuang Nan watched Southern World Supreme’s back towards Cave Mansion, a weird smile appeared on his face, but he recovered quickly as before, without seeing any trace.

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