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Chapter 2 100 Zero 2 Sweeping Everything

4 big geniuses, True Qi is raging, will burst, and rushes to Qin Nan.

Of the remaining 30 disciples, they thought that the 4 geniuses were more than enough to deal with Qin Nan, but didn’t expect Qin Nan to be so powerful. After a little hesitation, they rushed out and joined the battlefield.

Throughout the forest, the sound of killing suddenly became trembling, and the four sides trembled.

Dong Yuehao, not far from the battlefield, looked at this battle, and a look of confusion appeared in his eyes.

Why is this Qin Nan so powerful?

Why does this Qin Nan blame Dong Changxu for his affairs?






Qin Nan’s blood was boiling and burning.

Before that, facing the four geniuses, he couldn’t let him do his best. Now, more than 4 young people have joined in, and finally he felt a bit of oppression in life and death.

It was this oppression that made him all excited!

He is going to fight, itself, to fight this group of heroes!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Boom Rumbling!

The sound of continuous collisions exploded densely packed.

I saw countless yellow lights flashing in this huge scuffle, a strange Martial Spirit, constantly rising, showing mysterious, each might ability that broke out, even if it was not heavens-frightening, but together, it was powerful. Incomparable power.

Only Qin Nan, holding a double-knife, like a wild tiger, making thunder step by step, knife after knife, like a torrential rain and turbulent bloom!

Disciples, one after another, fell down one after another under his sword.

The same attack, even Qin Nan, could not be avoided all the time, he could only forcibly withstand it, causing itself to become more and more serious.

However, Qin Nan did not take a step back, full of energy, the more fights the more brave is.

“what happened?”

“Did you couldn’t eat it? Could it be that I didn’t have the energy? Couldn’t I even beat myself?”

“This move is too bad, this move formidable power too weak, you guys are so lucky to be called Four Great Clans? Because of your battle strength, it can only be called the 4 largest families!”


With the continuous roar, the injuries on Qin Nan gradually increased, and True Qi inside the body was quickly consumed, but in his a pair of eyes, a great sense of accomplishment was revealed.


This battle is really cool!

Like the last time with Ancient Ice Beetle, in this war, taste life and death, taste the crisis, and make him happy physically and mentally.

Contrary to him, the young geniuses of Four Great Clans, with the fighting, the fear in their eyes continued to rise and their legs became weak.

What kind of monster is this guy?

In the face of their intensive and turbulent attacks, do not retreat, even the more fights the more brave is, and even dislike their battle strength is not strong enough?

Is this Qin Nan still a human?

“How can you continue to be arrogant!”

With a loud roar, finally at this time, a silhouette leaped high, and it was Nan Chen. I saw Nan Chen behind, 9 yellow lights flashing, a dark stone with a height of one person, covering the ancient meaning, Rising up.

This is Nan Chen’s Martial Spirit, a piece of inky stone, with an ancient origin, in which there is a great might ability.

“Antique Primal Stone, kill me!”

Nan Chen’s eyes were red, and she tried her best to spur Martial Spirit, so that the ancient Old Shi’s head screamed in an instant, like a meteorite falling, and an astonishing power broke out.

In this blow, he was completely crazy and bet on everything!

Although he had long regretted offending Qin Nan, he was very clear. If he could not continue to suppress Qin Nan’s arrogance, they would be defeated.

“Good to come!”

A bloody Qin Nan, seeing this blow, his eyes flickered with a dazzling divine light. At the moment, there was a thunder and a punch.

This fist, in addition to the meaning of fine and detailed, even exploded his endless fighting intent!

His fighting intent is superimposed with the fighting, and now it erupts like a torrent, diving down from the top of the mountain, and passing by, the sound is soaring.


Everyone in the audience only felt the hum of the eardrum.

Nan Chen’s Martial Spirit cobblestone was hit by Qin Nan in one fell swoop. The entire cobblestone was hit on the spot and turned into countless debris.


Nan Chen spit out a mouthful of blood in Yang Tian, ​​her face was pale, she was paralyzed, and there was no battle strength.

His Martial Spirit is now broken, and although it can slowly recover in the future, it will take a huge price and time.

Dong Changxu and Xi Fengxiao looked at this scene, only feeling one after another chill in their hearts, and the eyes of looked towards Qin Nan finally revealed the color of great fear.

The two of them are afraid now, completely afraid!

If their two people Martial Spirit is also blown up, how miserable their two people will be?

The disciple in the audience was even more frightened. Everyone had no fighting intent, and retreated back and forth to escape.


Unexpectedly, Qin Nan took a sigh of air-conditioning, and the entire five senses seemed painful and excited.

Although he just smashed Martial Spirit cobblestone with one punch just now, his fist was also severely damaged. The skeleton was smashed, and even the knife handle could no longer be held.

Being hit so hard, Qin Nan would naturally feel pain, but he was more excited.

With his one punch, when the Martial Spirit cobblestone was crushed, the power that burst out, the feeling of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, made his entire fighting intent continue to climb!

war! war! war!

War God’s Spirit, Fight the Heavens fight the Earth, fight everything!

I’m afraid Qin Nan hasn’t realized that when War God’s Spirit was promoted to Xuan level, the invisible fighting intent has a more severe impact, changing his itself, making him almost a real person. War madman!

“it is good!”

At this moment, an applause sounded suddenly.

I saw Bei Rou in this war, with a figure of grace and graceful, stepping out, a charming smile on his exquisite face, saying: “hehe, it is indeed a man I admire, and it is extraordinary, in our 4 With the siege of so many people and so many people, they were able to fight to the end, and the more they fought! The better, the better! I love you more and more!

Everyone was shocked. What was the meaning of these words?

Only what Dong Changxu, Nan Chen, Xi Fengxiao thought, expression changed slightly.

Only Qin Nan, with a jerk in his eyes, thundered: “No bullshit, fight or not!”

“No battle, of course not!”

Bei Rou pretended to be shy and covered his mouth with a smile, and said, “Although I have always beaten you, but because of your strength, I can’t take you down as a majesty. Now that you have experienced this war, you are exhausted and my chance Here! From now on, you Qin Nan will become my servant and my puppet, just obey my orders and help me sweep all enemies, okay? You say okay? Hahahaha! “

Bei Rou seemed to see the future, laughing at each minding their own business, until the end, the laughter became extremely sharp.

“We’ve all been taken advantage of by her! Dammit, damn it! That legend is true!”

The faces of Xi Fengxiao and Nan Chen two people changed fiercely.

Dong Changxu was also suddenly awakened. He had long felt that Bei Rou was not right. Now I know that she turned her eyes on Qin Nan!

The disciple’s complexion in the audience changed suddenly, and a rumor suddenly came to mind.

In the rumors, Bei Rou awakened an incomparable Mysterious Martial Spirit. Her Martial Spirit possesses a kind of horror ability. This ability can only be performed once in a lifetime. It has charm power. If successful, it can make the other party lose. Spiritual wisdom, 100% loyalty to her, completely used by her.

They originally thought the rumor was false, but when they saw the situation of Bei Rou, they thought of what happened to Bei Rou, and they understood it completely!

Bei Rou, as Bei Family heaven’s proud daughter, has rarely appeared, and is rarely seen.

Bei Rou has not yet used Martial Spirit.

“If Qin Nan is subdued …”

Everyone subconsciously thought of this problem and could not help but tremble.

If Bei Rou conquers Qin Nan, relying on Qin Nan’s aptitude and potential, the future Bei Family will definitely rise!

“Qin Nan, look at your Master’s Martial Spirit!”

Bei Rou yelled excitedly. Behind her lovable body, 9 yellow lights shone, and a tall woman illusory shadow with black hair rose up slowly.

All of a sudden, the whole forest seemed to have a cloudy wind, and everyone shivered.

“This is my Martial Spirit, Ghost Demon!”

Bei Rou’s face was flushed with excitement, and his hands were jealous: “The sky above 9 litres is the sky, the sky below 9 ruins is the earth, the sky is 4 square mysteries, the black squares are vast and clear, the status is 4 square poles, extremely deep and quiet. Ghost Charm. I changed my life for 3 lives and 3 lives. The awakening of the dimness, the awakening of the dimness, the dark curse turned into darkness, the ghost in the dark, the ghost seeks, the magic power locks its soul, restrains its heart, and seals its bones. … “

As Bei Rou continued to chanting, the black hair woman Martial Spirit behind her suddenly shuddered, emitting a mysterious and mysterious wave.

The whole woods is like darkness descending, reaching out with five fingers, and there are endless ghosts roar in the ear.

Finally, Bei Rou’s voice was suddenly soaring: “The demon Ji appears, the magic falls, All Heavens is always a beast!”


The black hair woman behind her uttered a scream of screaming. From that mouth, there was boundless black light, which condensed into one after another’s ancient chain, hiding the sky and covering the earth, like an infinite poisonous snake. Come, the shape of moved towards Qin Nan, covered.

The audience was disciple, their brains simultaneously exploded, and they just felt boundlessly dark to drown their brains.

There was also a smudge on Qin Nan’s face.

In the midst of it, he seemed to see a clever smiley woman, curvaceous, full of infinite charm. This woman stretched out Qianqian jade hand, caught his soul, moved towards the endless abyss, and fell.

This attack was actually Soul Attack!

Seeing his state, Bei Rou expressed ecstasy at the moment, “hahaha, Qin Nan, my servant …”

Qin Nan, who had not yet spoken the word “person”, saw her face full of face, suddenly picking her eyelids, murderous aura, and spit out a thunderbolt roar.


Along with this roar, Qin Nan’s hair danced instantly. Behind him, a tall silhouette of azure color stood in the air, as if intentionally or unintentionally, glanced at the black hair woman Martial Spirit, and then flickered away!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

like a disaster is coming, this chain of sky is broken in an instant, the darkness of all around is like being swept by the wind, there is nothing left, and the light is instant.

I saw that Bei Rou seemed to have been hit hard. The Martial Spirit behind collapsed on his own, and his face was pale and pale. There was no prestige just now, but he opened his eyes with fear and shivered, “You … you … you …”

“What are you?”

Qin Nan coldly glanced at her, he was wearing War God’s Spirit, this Bei Rou, even wishing to lock his soul?

Seeing her fainting, she did n’t know anything, he lost interest directly, and now she looked away, looking towards the crowd, fighting intent was burning, ancient blade swept away, “Who else? Continue to fight with me!”

With a questioning, the entire room was silent silence.

(First change on October 10)

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