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Chapter 1700 98 Immortal Jade

Soon, the mark was formed, a ray of aura, like rain, sprinkled on the one piece of Ice Ice Soul Extreme Spirit and Six Bans Immortal Jade on the cave wall.

Suddenly, a shocking scene appeared.

Every one piece of Ice Soul Extreme Spirit and Six Bans Immortal Jade seems to have given birth to his own spiritual wisdom, which has erupted into an astonishing suction. From that deep, he sucks that invisible force crazy.

Throughout the cavern, astral wind was rolled up for it.

Qin Nan didn’t know what this scene represented, and he was still a little bit nervous.

However, after waiting for less than 1000 breaths, when he saw every one piece of Ice Soul Extreme Spirit and Six Bans Immortal Jade, they all buzzed, the rays of light color, instantly thickened dozens of times, emitted With will, when he increased 100 times, he immediately understood!

“It is indeed the Lord Spirit Seal, and it is truly extraordinary. Eleven of them need 5 days to cast the Holy Spirit Seal, and I can do it alone, but it takes less than 9 hundred breaths.”

Qin Nan was overjoyed.

What’s more important is that if you encounter semifinished products next time, you don’t need to worry at all.

Qin Nan calmed down quickly, cast the Lord Spirit Seal again, transfigured a spiritual energy hand, took it all out, and walked out of the cavern.

“Qin Nan, how is it?”

Eight Luminaries Demon King and the others asked hastily.

Qin Nan passed a spiritual thought to them, and the faces of several people immediately rejoiced.

The youth and the Cultivators were even more puzzled. What happened to make these gangsters so happy?

Qin Nan then asked this eleven Cultivator to send out Immortal Demon Dao Oath so that they could not reveal the slightest. Then they took away all the tokens that could transmit spiritual thoughts to them, and arranged several formations to trap them. Before turning away.

“Now we’re going to split the road. You go to the map of Meng Jiugong. I go to the position above this jade slip.”

There was a flash of rays of light in Qin Nan’s eyes.

There, but there is a vein!

One vein, to say less, there are more than 5000 Ice Soul Extreme Spirit and Six Bans Immortal Jade!

“Okay, let’s meet here again at noon tomorrow.”

Eight Luminaries Demon King and the others nodded, then flew forward, Qin Nan glanced at the map, and after a few breaths, he left the place.

The location of the mineral veins that the young man found was not particularly far away from the cavern. After spending 2 hours, Qin Nan arrived.

Now in front of Qin Nan, there is an ancient immortal mountain soaring into the clouds, with a magnificent atmosphere. An ancient tree shaped like an ancient jade grows on the mountain. Under the sun, there are countless Dao Crystals. Of gloss.

“Those guys are also cautious, and there are quite a few restrictions to arrange here.”

Qin Nan flew over the mountainside, glanced left and right, and the corners of his mouth evoked the curvature of the eyes. The flames in his eyes suddenly burst, and the invisible pupils burst out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

one after another sounded, one after another.

Dozens of formations were instantly transformed into crushes.

The one after another towering tree in front of Qin Nan disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by a caver with the width of the hunted zhang.

As soon as Qin Nan’s figure shook, he fell into the cavern. The sound of dripping water kept ringing in his ears. When he reached the depth of cavern, he felt a burst of astral wind from time to time.

“Monster Beast?”

After reaching the depths of the cavern completely, Qin Nan saw a huge monster with 5 heads and feet, lying on the ground and sleeping.

The astral wind in the cave just now is also caused by their breathing.

“No wonder those guys gave up here for the time being. The big demon with 4 Earth Immortal 9-layers and an Earth Immortal peak was guarded here …”

Qin Nan said to himself, looking up, at a glance, Rao was mentally prepared, and he couldn’t help showing a startled look in his eyes.

I can only see that the vast and wide mountain wall is covered with one after another ice crystal black jade, shining with rays of light, like a starry sky picture.

The Ice Soul Extreme Spirit and Six Bans Immortal Jade here are no less than 10000 yuan, which is 100 times more than that caver!

At this moment, the five big demon have been awakened, and a pair of copper bell-like demon pupils are all out of anger.

In front of this blood hair human, dare to treat them as non-existent?

Just as they were inside the body Monster Qi, when they were about to tear the blood hair human, they saw the blood hair human right arm suddenly burst into a blade, which was inserted directly into the ground.

The temperature in the cavern suddenly dropped sharply.

Seeing these 5 big demon, Hitomi were all fiercely shrinking, hesitating a little, he whimpered, and shadowless turned and ran.

They are not as stupid as the youth. They can acutely feel that this youth has the power of incomparable terror.

If they do, they will die.

“Lord Spirit Seal!”

Qin Nan, without any delay, quickly printed the seal and strung a ray of light into the mountain wall.

Countless astral winds flooded the entire caver instantly.

The time passed little by little, this time until about 2 hours passed, all Ice Soul Extreme Spirit and Six Bans Immortal Jade were fully mature, and all were included in the storage bag by Qin Nan.

“I don’t know if it will be more than 10000. Can I buy Supreme Heart Fruit? No wonder Meng Jiugong came at that time, otherwise I have to ask the solitary Immortal King. How many pieces will be enough …”

Qin Nan secretly thought, now I can only get Ice Soul Extreme Spirit and Six Bans Immortal Jade as much as possible.


Just as Qin Nan turned to leave, suddenly, in the light of his eyes, he glanced at an unusual strength.

Qin Nan’s figure flickered, and he immediately came to the corner of the left wall and looked closely.

I only saw that there were very shallow lines on the uneven mountain walls, and a form was drawn between the invisible.

The entire formulation did not emit any aura, and it was extremely hidden, if not by accident, Qin Nan had not really noticed.

“This formulation is a bit artificial to arrange. It should have been produced by World breeding …”

Qin Nan had a touch of interest, and his pupils moved to the extreme. He quickly penetrated the formation. After a few ten breaths, he saw the weakness of the formation and immediately hit an immortal strength.


The entire formation flickered repeatedly with rays of light, and then centered on the formation, all around the 30-foot mountain wall, cracked silently, revealing a large hole.

Strands of weird aura kept blowing out of this hole.

“En? There’s still something else behind this mountain wall?”

Qin Nan was surprised.

“Looking at the past.”

Qin Nan didn’t hesitate. He walked into the building without any hesitation. Anyway, there was still a lot of time before noon tomorrow, and it was no problem to look at it in the past.

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