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“War Dao Vault Universe Blade Arts!”

Qin Nan within the body gushed out countless Melting Dao Immortal Flames, wrapped around Breaking Heavens Blade, condensed the will of the 2 major Asking Dao Techniques, and turned it into a Supreme Blade light, which directly cut the side of Zhu Yan.

“Qin Nan, I already expected that you want to use the power of flame restraint and want to break through from their side of Zhu Yan! But it doesn’t make sense!”

Lu Qingyin’s beautiful eyes, as if through all.

I only saw that an immense amount of world’s strength, like a river, poured onto the bodies of Zhu Yan and the others, making them aura, soaring and rising.

“Burning flame!”

Zhu Yan’s eyes were absolutely determined, and he used taboos to force himself to achieve the Bloodline level, reaching the peak level, which led to the first flame of Aura he summoned, which instantly increased by no less than 5 times.

Although it is still not comparable to Melting Dao Immortal Flame, at least it will never be crushed!

Qin Nan’s blade light was directly blocked by force!

The peerless killing move led by the major peerless talents is about to fall on him!

However, at this crucial moment, Qin Nan’s momentum suddenly soared to an extremely magnificent level.

“Person and tree unites, Myriad Laws is broken!”

Qin Nan screamed, his body suddenly changed, and a tree of terror released by him within the body, as if integrated into one, regardless of you and me, broke out at an incredible speed, straight to Lu Qingyin, etc. Cultivator Men.

The knife just now was just a shot!

His goal is the Unparalleled Overlords of Lu Qingyin and Immortal Spirit Clan!

“this is–“

The Unparalleled Overlords of Lu Qingyin and Immortal Spirit Clan, Hitomi simultaneously shrank, and felt an immense amount of pressure.

However, they have no time to do anything else, especially when they gave Zhu Yan and Gu Xiaoyao the side, blessing a huge world’s strength.

Hong long!

A heavens-frightening bang sounded, and many of the Cultivators who flew into the next life were shocked.

Later, I saw Lu Qingyin and Immortal Spirit Clan Unparalleled Overlord, and the Killing Formation that was released was directly destroyed into countless light spots.

Not only that, but the huge force of the shock, like an ancient giant mountain, hit them, making them simultaneously groaned, flying out, hitting the palace in the distance, pale, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Qin Nan’s body, like a sleepy dragon rising to the sky, rushed out of the many killings.

“How can this be!”

Xiang Yuansheng, Meng Shanyue, and other peerless talents and Unparalleled Overlords were shocked fiercely.

You know, on the side of Lu Qingyin, they teamed up with a total of ten Unparalleled Overlord to arrange a formation Ah!

Today, Qin Nan’s cultivation level is just Unparalleled Overlord big accomplishment. How did this break through forcibly?

could it be that the big tree just released is also a Supreme Supreme Treasure?

“Siege him!”

Xiang Yuansheng, Meng Shanyue, etc. and the others reacted suddenly, and the formation and natural phenomenon they formed formed in the air, showing the superb power and locked Qin Nan again.

“Qin Nan, even if you break through my side, but with your battle strength, you can’t carry them at all!”

Lu Qingyin look pale, clutching his chest.

“Lu Qingyin, you can do that in one fell swoop, you really admire me … Unfortunately, you count 1000 as 10000, I have a trick, but you did not count!”

Qin Nan stared at her, azure-red color with long hair flying, and a fatly smiled.

His body suddenly disappeared.

Cross the Heavens Strikes!

Seeing this, Lu Qingyin’s face changed immediately.

She once played against Qin Nan and knew that the formidable power of this move also managed to break this move, but, in order to deal with the white-blue flower, she tried everything and ignored it.

“Not good !”

Xiang Yuansheng, Meng Shanyue, Black and Red Shuangxian, and other peerless talents, their faces also changed greatly. They immediately ran the pump technique and glanced forward. After seeing Qin Nan’s body shape, he quickly turned the killing move and struck out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

terrifying’s astral qi, rushing to the 4th party.

Some Cultivators not far from here are trembling.

Soon, peerless talents, Unparalleled Overlord, Xiang Yuansheng, Meng Shanyue, Hei Hongshuangxian, and so on, all met. The silhouette of Qin Nan stood calmly under the countless astral qi.

In front of him, a flower the size of a palm is immortal.

Cross the Heavens Strikes, not only allowed Qin Nan to arrive at the next place instantly, avoiding a wave of murderous intention, but also allowed Qin Nan to arrive not far from the white-blue flower, and quickly broke the Small World creation technique To retrieve it.


At this moment, the great illusory shadow called by Gu Xiaoyao was shattered into a shatter, making Gu Xiaoyao’s complexion slightly whiter.

With so many peerless talents and Unparalleled Overlord peak in the Powerhouse, he had to pay a small price to suppress all their spiritual thoughts in one go!


The faces of Xiang Yuansheng, Meng Shanyue, Hei Hongshuangxian, and the others were overcast.

Lu Qingyin’s lips clenched, and even Yin Yin, who had not been involved in it, could not help cursed.

The opportunity just now is really extremely rare!

I just failed to defeat Qin Nan. If I want to continue to deal with Qin Nan, the price paid is not huge.

“Qin Nan.”

Lu Qingyin took a gentle breath and adjusted his emotions, saying: “It is indeed an accident that I failed to defeat you this time, but you are destined to lose today!”

Qin Nan faintly smiled. In the face of this extremely large lineup, he pointed at his sword and fighting intent magnificently: “Then let go!”

Although he successfully obtained the first drop of blood, he did not intend to leave immediately.

There are too many secrets hidden in the next life. He should take this opportunity to understand them clearly.

At the same time, those Hundred Venerable Monster Immortal Walls have a lot to do with his previous life, and he wants to take them all away!

Just now, it was just that’s all.

“Enough! Don’t think it’s big enough? Hurry up and get me out of 7th World’s Sacred Area!”

At this time, a rather unpleasant voice sounded in Qin Nan’s mind.

Qin Nan for a while, who gave him sound transmission?

“It doesn’t matter who I am, you have already got that blood, you don’t have to stay there! All the important things in this afterlife will be taken by someone at that time, nothing to do with you!”

The unpleasant voice continued to sound: “You have no more meaning to stay!”

Before Qin Nan asked, under his feet, there was one after another formation mark spreading, and then a majestic force forcibly passed him from the place.

Lu Qingyin, Xiang Yuansheng, Meng Shanyue, and other peerless talents, Unparalleled Overlords, each and everyone were on the spot, and I didn’t know how to describe it.

Didn’t you say …

Shouldn’t we continue the war?

Why did you run away?

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