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Each seat, tall zhang high and ten 30 feet wide, seems real and imaginary, exuding an imposing overbearing momentum, as if each of them can suppress a piece of Heaven and Earth.

“what happened?”

“How come this?”

All Cultivators on the island, including the more than 30 Cultivators who are retreating from the Practice on the Supreme Blood Platform, were all shocked and stunned.

For the past 1000 years, they have never heard anyone say that from the Supreme Blood Platform, there will be ten or six blood seats.

Qin Nan looked up, flashing one after another thought in his heart.

“Go up and see!”

He took back the Eternal Flower, turned into an azure glow, and rushed straight to the first blood seat on the right, since ancient times, with respect to the right.

“We are also gone!”

Other Cultivators reacted, and simultaneously came up with a magic seal that turned into various rays of light.

The Supreme Blood Platform has undergone an unprecedented mutation, and it is likely to be a big opportunity!

Of course, it is also likely to be a big killing.

However, this is totally worth letting go. If it is really a chance, then the benefits that can be obtained will be extremely amazing, and even heaven-defying changes the fate will be skyrocketing.

Qin Nan took the lead on the first blood seat, and at the moment he fell, his heart suddenly felt a wonderful feeling, just like he is now a peerless king, everything between Heaven and Earth Cultivator is not his opponent.

“Fellow Daoist Qin Nan, I have been admiring for a long time, please enlighten me!”

A peerless talent from an Ancient Clan killed Qin Nan in front of him, holding an ancient gun in his hand. The gunman was extremely sharp, as if he could pierce everything.

However, before Qin Nan took the shot, he heard a popping sound, and the gun stabbed at the ten zhang in front of the blood seat, as if stabbed on a Great Mountain.

“After entering, no one can break in!”

Other Cultivators noticed this, their eyes became fiercer, and the confrontation between them became more intense, one after another deafening explosion sounded.

You know, although there are rules that have been circulating on the Supreme Blood Platform for thousands of years, the rules are false after all. If they are assassinated by enemies while they are feeling, it is not a general danger.

This blood seat is completely different now.

The gunless peerless talent, corner of the mouth twitched, was a little depressed, and Qin Nan smiled and said, “Anyway, it’s a long time later.”

Peerless talent nodded, arched his hand, and turned to leave.

No other Cultivator is staring at Qin Nan.

“It’s convenient now.”

Qin Nan secretly thought, and began to look closely at the blood seat.

From his up to now, the blood seat has been very quiet, no other changes, and some of the lines on it seem to be a pattern that records something.

After looking for a while, I didn’t see any profound mystery. Qin Nan thought about it, and tried to sit cross-legged, closed his eyes, and his mind fell apart.


In his Sea of ​​Consciousness, a bronze bell sounded.

In his Sea of ​​Consciousness, a picture directly appeared. In the boundless blood, a huge ancient city that was unimaginable, hovering quietly and immortal.

It’s just that all of this is so unreal, it seems to be covered with a veil, which cannot be seen at all.

“Ten 6 Blood King’s Seat, ten 6 inheritance! Now you have 2 paths in total, 6 levels. Which way do you choose? Entering different paths represents different results, everything is the original law …”

An old, loud voice came to Qin Nan’s mind.

Qin Nan frowned, it turns out that there are only ten or six inheritances in Supreme Blood Platform?


Just then, the silent Ownerless Vault Chart in Qin Nan Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly awakens, bursting out a chaotic rays of light, through the picture, straight into the blood city.

Suddenly, Space-Time seemed to freeze.

Everything in that picture gradually became clearer, and Qin Nan’s eyes gradually showed a shock.

Soaring into the clouds, on the huge city wall, there are monster beast statues of dragons, phoenixes, etc., no less than 100, each of them is extremely huge, exuding destroying heaven extinguishing earth, the terrifying momentum of the world.

This is not carved from big stones, but is made by living Monster Beast refining, and their cultivation level during their lifetime must have reached Nine Heavens Supreme!

Hundreds of Nine Heavens Supreme monsters are used to make a city wall. What a terrible trick?


Qin Nan’s mind suddenly waved like water ripples.

A complex mood of long absence, kindness, familiarity, and so on, rose in his mind.

At the same time, he also felt that in this extremely scary city, there was something that belonged to him!

“Is that drop of blood in this?”

Qin Nan reacted and took a soft breath.

I don’t know why, his mood is a bit indescribable now, just like when he first encountered War God left pupil.

“My Lord … use … with all your will … go … stare at the city in the middle of the city … on the plaque … will … call this city … from the Supreme Blood Platform … … “

The intermittent sound of Chart’s Spirit is produced from the Ownerless Vault Chart, and the Ownerless Vault Chart continues to shine with brilliance, immersed in the illusory picture.

“Stare at the city plaque?”

Qin Nan quickly calmed down his mind, gathered all the will and all together and looked at it intently.

Sure enough, the city middle has one piece of city plaque.

On it were written three vigorous and powerful characters.


“Eternal life? Are you referring to me? Could it be that when this blood was left in previous lives, did you expect this?

Qin Nan’s thoughts flashed in his heart. He didn’t think about it, but concentrated on it. Concentrate attention was completely integrated into the city plaque.

His whole man immediately entered a mysterious and mysterious state.

It was as if he had reached a ladder and walked upwards until he reached the end, and all the restraints and seals were completely gone.


In Void Zero Heaven, Empress Fei Yue stopped and passed through the Three Lives Red Rope to feel the status of Qin Nan.

Since Qin Nan came to the Supreme Blood Platform, she has not been quietly following her Lord Realm Powerhouse behind the tube, but has been watching carefully.

Empress Fei Yue will notice this, Qin Nan understands it, but Qin Nan doesn’t know at all. In his heart, a ray of Mysterious Demon Qi floats again.

Unlike the previous few times, it turned into a snake-like figure, arched up, a pair of vain eyes, and seemed to be integrated with the mind of Qin Nan. You can see the big city of horror and the characters of the next life.

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