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“You quickly take people to the 7th World’s Sacred Area. No matter what the price is, you must kill Qin Nan. Remember to guard the Tomb Sect and Cuts Cang Sect. If necessary, you can join with Murdering Dao Clan. ! “

“On the side of Antique Taboo, there must be a big move. You must grab Qin Nan before them. Remember, you must not let him die!”

“All Immortals Successor, Interesting, then check it out.”

Suddenly, the great powers acted.

Similarly, some Mysterious Existence interested in Qin Nan, and many peerless talents who have heard of Qin Nan’s reputation.

When the other Cultivators saw this, they couldn’t help but feel a little surprised.

Of the top ten peerless talents judged by Nine Palace Gold Immortal Sect, only Qin Nan is just a news of appearance and can stir turmoil.

Compared with the influence of the other 9 peerless talents, the large section is completely inferior.

As for Qin Nan, after entering the World’s Sacred Area, he didn’t care if his news leaked out.

Now he was completely attracted by the sight in front of him.

As Secret Heavenly Beast rushed across the grey misty sky, the scene in front of her changed completely. Each and everyone had 9 patterns of clouds, clustered together, forming a sea of ​​clouds.

The clouds are illusory, there is no substance, Qin Nan can’t touch it at all, only the 4 hoof of Secret Heavenly Beast can step on it steadily, quite mysterious.

Not only that, but this sea of ​​clouds will change every time it passes. If you take Secret Heavenly Beast to Supreme Blood Platform once, it will still be useless with the previously remembered route.

“En? There are many murderous intentions hidden in this sea of ​​clouds?”

Qin Nan saw the formation in the dark, raised his eyebrows slightly, shots a finger, and coated Secret Heavenly Beast with a layer of immortal light and will.

These Murderous intention formidable power is not too strong, and the Unparalleled Overlord initial-stage can calmly deal with it.

A few moments later, there were a few silhouettes of the cloudless sea, including Unparalleled Overlord initial-stage and Unparalleled Overlord peak, all riding Secret Heavenly Beast.

They glanced at Qin Nan, then glanced back.

“It’s not yet known how long it will take to arrive.”

Qin Nan shook the head, he closed his eyes and calmed down.

Time passed little by little, after an hour.

The Secret Heavenly Beast above the sea of ​​clouds has more than 70 heads, each carrying one or even two Cultivators. From a distance, it looks like a small army.

Different from the previous one, the sea of ​​clouds on the left and right sides are no longer vast and boundless, but there are gradually appearing mountains, forests, palaces, and so on that rise into the clouds. The divine light flashes from time to time.

After seeing some Cultivator during this period, hesitated a little, finally turned the direction and entered into it.

This can be considered A special feature of the 7th World’s Sacred Area. On the way to the Supreme Blood Platform, there will be many fortuitous encounters and inheritance land.

However, once inside, Secret Heavenly Beast will die, and Cultivator will have to return to the sky and continue to search for Secret Heavenly Beast before he can go to the Supreme Blood Platform.

Two more hours passed, Qin Nan and Cultivators all around, opened their eyes at the same time.

I only saw that the sea of ​​clouds in front seemed to be red with blood.

In the void, there is a hint of Supreme meaning, which makes people nervous.

Gu gu gu !

Finally, all Secret Heavenly Beasts stopped at the same time and made a call after one another.

All the Cultivators present were very clear and felt that, not far from it, there was a very scary thing, which has existed since ancient times.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

Qin Nan and other Cultivators suddenly burst into a ray of light on their bodies, turned into one after another Changhong, and flew forward.

“So … is Supreme Blood Platform?”

After counting ten breaths, Qin Nan’s figure stopped.

I can only see that among the vast blood clouds, there is an island with a length of 100,000 zhang. There are no flowers and trees growing on it, and there are no tall stones. The surface is very smooth, like a natural training field.

At this moment, there were more than 30 silhouettes on the island, and astonishing immortal light erupted, they clashed with each other, dao technique hit, and one after another made a loud noise. The intensity was very moving.

In front of this island, there is a full 9000 Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth stalk, 2 1000 Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth stalks, showing dark red throughout, densely covered with numerous Platform-involved Platform.

This is the Supreme Platform!

On it, there are more than 20 Cultivators sitting cross-legged and feeling.

And it exudes a wisp of ancient courage, immersed in all directions, Rao is Qin Nan, and his mind was slightly agitated.

Other Cultivators have suffered a lot.

The coercion of the Platform is too terrifying. Even a Nine Heavens Supreme cannot do this.

“Hahaha, Supreme Blood Platform, uncle I finally found it! That Asking Dao Technique, finally I can understand!”

Not far from Qin Nan, a back of a tiger and waist of a bear, a majestic middle aged big man, took the lead to make a big laugh, and his body moved towards Supreme Blood Platform.

“If you don’t follow the rules, don’t blame me together to destroy you!”

A frosty voice sounded, and more than 30 Cultivators in the confrontation glanced at him simultaneously coldly.

Rao is this middle aged big man, with a cultivation level of Unparalleled Overlord big accomplishment, the body is also suddenly tight, and his forehead is cold and sweaty, and he is afraid to go any further.

Seeing this, Qin Nan’s eyes moved towards the island, and he found that in the lower left corner, there were rows of vigorous and magnificent engravings, and the words of each and everyone’s bloody hand seal.

“I met Supreme Blood Platform for the first time, and I knew it well. It was meaningless to fight each other and fight for position. It ’s meaningless. You may ascend to the island, and a blood rune will condense on your waist. Platform, do n’t block. “

“If anyone wants to break into it, others should jointly stop it, stubborn, cut it.”

“After the Supreme Blood Platform has 60 people, you cannot enter.”

“This is a gentleman’s covenant. You don’t need to take an oath. I only hope that you will abide by it, so as not to cause blood flowing into a river.”

Qin Nan thought so.

If there is no rule and unscrupulous contention continues, it will be a tragedy in the end.

Qin Nan and all around a lot of Cultivator immediately entered the island.

In that line of Ancient [Ancient] Character, one after another blood light burst out, and a blood sign hanging upside down on their waist.

“And get 2 more!”

The white fire in Qin Nan’s pupils ignited, sweeping towards all around Cultivator.

“Boy, you’re out of luck!”

A shout rang, a white clothed man holding a sword pointing at Qin Nan, but the sword light had just been cut out, his face was fiercely, and he blurted out: “Qin Nan?”

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