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After half an hour, the wedding was officially held.

The Great North Sect ’s Sovereignless Divine Mountain and Lordless Divine Mountain burst into a huge divine light, sweeping several tens of thousands of li, and attracted countless Cultivators.

Apart from this, the drums sounded in unison, the fairy music played in unison, and the large and small roads were covered with red carpets. The atmosphere was warm and cheerful.

At this moment, in the main hall.

Yu Feng Saint Emperor sits first on the left, and on the right is the Sect Master of the Great North Sect, Bright Heart Saint Emperor.

Below the two people, there are many Powerhouses of Two Great Influences, as well as the powerful forces on Saint Emperor Continent today, or the loose cultivator with a well-known name.

This wedding banquet can be said to be a grand occasion for Saint Emperor Continent. The Human God Powerhouse at the scene alone has already had no less than 25 people.

“Mark Ancient Sect congratulates Ming Chen Young Master and Yu Xiaoyu for congratulating each other and sending a pair of 100 Shengdujiang pictures!”

“Lin Dong’s Human God sends a wish!”

each and everyone Powerhouses, Powerhouse, have started giving gifts.

Then, according to the custom of Saint Emperor Continent, a tedious set of etiquette was performed.

“Now, the bride and groom are invited!”

The emcee shouted loudly.

The sound of drums and music suddenly became louder.

Yu Feng Saint Emperor, Bright Heart Saint Emperor, and other Powerhouses all looked with smiles.

I saw only a young man wearing a golden dragon marks robe and a handsome young man, and a woman with fair complexion and delicate skin wearing a red phoenix, came out hand in hand.

Although the mouth of the young man was smiling, the woman’s face did not have the slightest expression, just like ice cubes.

If you look closely, you can see her eyes full of pain.

“This Yu Feng Saint Emperor is really cruel. He even gave himself a daughter to Binding Soul Incantation!”

“Tsk tsk, even if Yu Xiaoyu is unwilling, he can’t resist at all, he can only manipulate it!”

“So it seems that these Two Great Influences must have been planned in secret!”

In the eyes of many Powerhouses in the great hall, there was a slight disdain, and there were also many people who stared at each other with one after another in their heads.

Tai’e Heavenly Palace and Great North Sect will not be a good thing for these forces if they win a copy of Source Strength.

“Thank Dao of Heaven and Earth!”

Ming Chen Young Master and Yu Xiaoyu kneel at the same time, and flail 3 times.

“Thank Saint Emperor Continent!”

“husband and wife bow each other !”

“Knot Heart Seal!”

each and everyone ceremony, proceeding in an orderly manner.

“Last tribute to the Father, and the Father wishes it.”

Ming Chen Young Master and Yu Xiaoyu each picked up a cup of fairy tea and walked in front of Bright Heart Saint Emperor and Yu Feng Saint Emperor.

Bright Heart Saint Emperor quickly picked up, said 3 good words in a row, and laughed.

However, Yu Xiaoyu’s within both eyes had a fierce struggle, and her white fingers even tightly pinched Xiancha, holding on to the power in the deep, so that she did not take the initiative to go out.

“Hahaha, this child, now also knows shyness.”

Yu Feng Saint Emperor laughed loudly, took the initiative to pick up Xiancha, put a sip on his mouth, took Yu Xiaoyu’s right hand, put it on Ming Chen Young Master’s hand, and said earnestly: “Ming Chen , Yu’er will entrust it to you in the future, and from today on, you are the true Tao— “

Yu Xiaoyu’s pump light is completely dimmed, without any color.

However, at this crucial moment, there was a torrent of weather outside the great hall, which suddenly burst into the sky.

The sound of one after another dragon’s roar, blasted away, overshadowing all the drums.


A large sword that seemed to be captured from endless hell, breaking through the void at an amazing speed, piercing Yu Feng Saint Emperor.


Yu Feng Saint Emperor slammed it, and shot it with a single palm. The row of mountains and the sea power shattered the sword directly.

“Old Guy, your daughter, it’s mine!”

A sound sounded, only to see the Dragon Tiger stepping out from in the sky, wearing a dyed in blood armor, with long hair dancing to the wind, all over his body, exuding an invisible domineering.

“It’s Dragon Tiger Human God!”

“He actually killed him!”

“This guy’s courage is really big Ah!”

Many Powerhouses in the great hall were surprised by this scene.

In addition to the two Great Influences alliance, this wedding banquet also revealed a conspiracy against Dragon Tiger Human God.

It turned out that Dragon Tiger Human God also actively killed.

“Dragon Tiger, you are here!”

Yu Feng Saint Emperor stood up and baleful qi ascended: “You have committed a great crime in our Tai’e Heavenly Palace. Today, this Grandmaster will kill you personally!”

As soon as the voice fell, a dazzling divine light burst into his body. The momentum of the whole person became magnificent, and he punched directly into Dragon Tiger.

Bright Heart Saint Emperor’s face was gloomy, and he said, “This person is breaking into my Great North Sect, and everyone Elder will obey, and quickly kill this person here!”

All of a sudden, in the palaces of the Great North Sect, there are a lot of in the sky, there are countless formation marks, and they spread instantly, emitting terrifying aura.

They have already arranged inescapable net!

However, just then, a heavens-frightening mutation occurred.

I only saw that the Sovereignless Divine Mountain towering between Heaven and Earth, and the King Divine Mountain, as if stimulated by some invisible force, made a bang sound of hong long long.

Subsequently, the power of Two Big Divine Mountain erupted completely. Countless large stones, like falling from the endless sky, rushed towards the entire Great North Sect at an amazing speed.

Most of them rushed to the main hall.

“Not good! They even controlled 2 Divine Mountain!”

Bright Heart Saint Emperor’s face changed immediately, and his figure turned into a peerless rainbow, breaking through the void, and rushing into Divine Mountain.


The sound of explosions sounded again and again.

The formation of the Great North Sect and Tai’e Heavenly Palace was very powerful, but under the impact of the two Divine Mountains, they were shattered one after another, causing a lot of astral winds.

Seeing this, many Powerhouses in the main hall broke out and resisted.

A ‘beautiful’ wedding banquet suddenly became extremely chaotic.

“Dragon Tiger, you really have the ability, but you can only stop there!”

Yu Feng Saint Emperor ignored all this, like a Supreme Heavenly God, locked the Dragon Tiger’s figure and lowered his ruthless verdict.

“Oh, old guy, see you later!”

Dragon Tiger grinned, and the magic seal came to an end, and he and Yu Xiaoyu both had a ripple like water ripples at the same time.

Yu Feng Saint Emperor shrank, but he didn’t have time to shoot. He could only watch the figures of Dragon Tiger and Yu Xiaoyu and disappeared.

“It’s already been arranged in advance!”

Yu Feng Saint Emperor pupil light Icy, shouted: “They didn’t run too far, everyone chased after me!”

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