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“How can this be!”

Ao Cangtian’s mind was hit hard.

You know, even Lord Dragon God is impossibly unscathed after taking his blow without any means.

“He’s so powerful …”

Xiao Ling’er, Chang Le, and Chang Qing were all stunned.

They originally thought that Qin Nan was just a great Emperor.

“Ao Cangtian, let us help you!”

At this moment, Powerhouse, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord, Skeleton Martial God, War Clan patriarch, Heavens Secret Clan, and the owner of Lost Herb Garden, were all shocked.

Just at a glance, his complexion was startled lightly.

Why is this young man so familiar?

“Didn’t expect, Powerhouse at your level and so on, actually visited our Cang Lan Continent. I just don’t know if you are here, what is it about?”

A warm voice resounded through the whole Heaven and Earth. It is the owner of the Nine Characters Ancient Sea today, and resounded through Gong Yang of the entire Inferior Lower Realm.

However, when Gong Yang saw Qin Nan, his body suddenly trembled, and his heart couldn’t help raising a feeling of hard to describe.

“you are……”

Gong Yang was shocked.

This young man is very similar to that person, but the differences are also great.

Could it be that, that person actually had a child before entering the 9 Heavenly Immortal domain?

So why did Uncle never mention it?


At this moment, a loud explosion sounded.

Countless thunderbolts in the sky have converged and turned into a sword of unparalleled, bursting into a rainbow-like sword aura, which were slashed on the worm.

Little bug roar towards the sky, purple light flickers, fighting intent, and fight against it.

However, this unparalleled sword, the formidable power is really too powerful. Within a short period of time, it was covered with scales and was unrolled one after another. Dragon Blood spilled out and looked embarrassed.

“Not good, Mutation happened in the Great Tribulation!”

Gong Yang, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord, and other Powerhouses suddenly changed their faces and did not care about Qin Nan at all. Each and everyone within the body burst into magnificent divide light, and the magic seal came out.

The worm instantly gained great blessing, rising steadily, and began to break a sword of Wushuang to gain the upper hand.

Gong Yang, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord, and many other Powerhouses are just relaxed.

“Now, you can’t get into Nine Heavens.”

A faint voice sounded, and Qin Nan’s fingers curled slightly.

“He’s … bad!”

Gong Yang, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord, and other Powerhouses, their faces first startedled, and then suddenly thought of something, their faces changed dramatically.

However, they were too late, Qin Nan’s finger had popped out.

Hong long!

Gong Yang and other Powerhouses, as well as many Powerhouses and geniuses on the three training fields, only felt that one force could destroy all the power, just like the ancient Hong Tao, impacted in the many unparalleled swords and vast clouds .

Everything was silent immediately.

Everything above the worm was instantly destroyed, and the void of the number of thousand thousand li turned into a chaos. Even all the rules of martial arts did not exist in it.


The worm’s body was suddenly hit by an invisible strand, and a Dragon Blood was spit out in his mouth, and his momentum weakened to the extreme.

“Fly … Soaring Great Tribulation … Destroyed?”

Every Cultivator present was dead.

As everyone knows, in the process of Transcending Tribulation, if the robbery number is forcibly destroyed by others, the cultivation level of the crossing tribulation will be greatly reduced, like a heavy hit.

Especially ascension tribulation, if it is forcibly destroyed, the crossing tribulation will be very likely in the future, and this tribulation can no longer be attracted.

In other words, Lord Dragon God, miss Nine Heavens!

“You … you dare to do such things, die for me!”

Ao Cangtian reacted, raging into anger, directly transforming the body, the rays of light on each scale shone to the extreme, and the ancient technique of a door poured down like a pouring rain, attacking Qin Nan.

Qin Nan was motionless, expression was indifferent.

“This man …”

More and more Powerhouse reacted, and they looked full of anger in the eyes of looking towards Qin Nan.

“How could this be… how could this be…”

Xiao Ling’er, Chang Le, and Chang Qing were all confused.

They never thought that a Cultivator they had made by accident, they regarded him as a friend, and this Cultivator turned out to be against Dragon God!

“This God fights with you!”

Nothing is more angry than the bug, loudly roared. Regardless of the whole body’s injuries, an explosive speed broke out, and moved towards Qin Nan fiercely rushed.

“Not good !”

Gong Yang, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord and many other Powerhouses reacted.

This Mysterious Cultivator can smash the Great Tribulation of the worm in just one hit, which is not what ordinary people can do.

The worm is now seriously injured and rushes forward, no doubt about bringing about one’s own destruction.

When Qin Nan saw this, he shot back a few steps, and ill-humored saying, “How many years haven’t I met? I’ll fight with you as soon as I meet?”

The worm became even more angry: “I care who you are, you …”

Qin Nan shook the head, his right arm shattered and turned into Breaking Heavens Blade, suspended in the void quietly.

“This knife…”

Ao Cangtian in anger, and Powerhouses like Gong Yang, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord, War Clan patriarch, and so on, their figures were shaking simultaneously.

This is the knife that was unstoppable that year, making countless Great Emperor and Martial God in awe!

“You … you are … you are …”

All the anger of the worm was directly disappeared, and it seemed that he had seen a ghost expression.

All Cultivators on the three training fields are foggy.

Why did the major Powerhouses suddenly stop after seeing the knife?

“This knife…”

The beaten Lei Huan carefully gazed for a while, then suddenly thought of something, and stunned: “Master once showed me the painting, this is the Legendary Breaking Heavens Blade, the first Supreme Treasure of Cang Lan Continent!”

As soon as this word came out, all Cultivator were shocked.

The first Supreme Treasure Breaking Heavens Blade appeared?

But isn’t Breaking Heavens Blade the Senior’s knife?

How could it appear in the hands of this youth?

could it be that ……

Qin Nan looked towards the worm, saying, “I just broke your ascension tribulation because it was so easy to reunite together. You don’t have to rush away.”

“But rest assured, I will help you restore the cultivation level again, and then let the original rules of Heaven and Earth of Cang Lan Continent, and prepare you a special Great Tribulation.”

The little worms had big eyes like bronze cauldron, looking at the strange yet familiar young man in front of them.

It feels all this a bit unreal. Cannot bear ask: “You … really …”

There was a smile on Qin Nan’s indifferent face.

“Yes, I am back.”

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