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Tianshu City is an ancient Dao Item, which was later remodeled by a Nine Heavens Supreme himself. The city wall depicts each and everyone Antique Killing Formation, and also interacts with Great Mountain, grassland, and forest in all directions. Urge an invisible trend.

Even if the City Lord’s Mansion of Tianshu City, there is only a person Unparalleled Overlord big accomplishment, there are dozens of Heavenly Immortal, but even if a few Unparalleled Overlord peaks come together to attack it, it will not be able to shake the city in the slightest, and may even fall into Danger.

Qin Nan glanced down the street. Most of the Cultivator in the city was mainly Heavenly Immortal. The existence of Unparalleled Overlord accounted for only a few.

Qin Nan asked Zhang Yuanrong to buy a rough map of the edge, and passed a spiritual thought to him via Long Clouds Supreme. After leaving a spiritual thought, he left alone and strolled on the street.

“Ling Lanlan has been in the 4th Small Immortal Territory for some time. You can let her come to this marginal area and find a wasteland to take root. But to go to the Saint Venerable Sea Territory, the trouble is not small, you must let Eight Luminaries Demon King Go and help her … “

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart.

Next, he will go to the left and right realm of Huazun. These two places do not have any powerful sect place, but they gather the silhouette of all the forces in the 2 Heavenly Immortal domain. The Powerhouse is like a cloud, which is extremely complicated.

When he was looking for the chance to go to Nine Heavens Supreme, he would inevitably encounter all kinds of dangers. In order to prevent 10000, he needed a place where he could rest assured.

Ling Lanlan’s Extraordinary Land is the best fit.

With the power of prohibition in Extraordinary Land, even some Nine Heavens Supreme can break into it easily.

After waiting for a while, Token responded and Qin Nan spiritual thought swept away.

“Qin Nan Junior Brother, a division of our Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect, built in Melting Venerable Left Territory, you can follow the map.”

Qin Nan glanced at the map, remembered in the heart, took the teleportation method in the city, came to the next city, turned into a streak of light, and flew into the void.

Driving from the edge to Melting Venerable Left Territory or the right is very troublesome. You need to come to one of the 29 big cities, go to some more remote cities, and go through a few ancient vestige to arrive.

Just like Qin Nan now, after a multi-hour flight, there is a continuous Pang Great Mountain pulse in front of him, unable to see the end, exuding a sense of recklessness.

This is a reckless place. After crossing, you can enter the Melting Venerable Left Territory.

“Someone fighting?”

Suddenly, Qin Nan felt a slight wave of motion, paused slightly, and continued to fly forward.

As he approached, a look of astonishment gradually appeared in his eyes.

The scale of the fight was far beyond his imagination!

I can only see that there are hundreds of immortal lights in the mountain range, simultaneously soaring into the sky, one after another Dao Item, suspended in the air, releasing all kinds of divine power.

One door’s immortal technique, and one door’s dao technique, were shot one after the other and collided together to produce the astral qi, which swayed the mountain range, the earthquake shook, and the void cracked countless cracks.

These opponents not only have Heavenly Immortal, but also a lot of Unparalleled Overlord.

Qin Nan reacted and turned to War God.

“This is the discipline of Returning Immortal Sect and Myriad Demons Sect?”

Qin Nan froze.

Two great forces are actually fighting here?


Just then, Qin Nan suddenly felt, looked up and moved towards the void.

At first glance, his face changed slightly.

The extent to which these two major forces are at war, once again exceeded his expectations, and even Nine Heavens Supreme has arrived!

“Demon Dao, I am here to intercept and kill my disciple, and I will die for this Sir!”

A thunderous thunderous sound exploded in the sky. An old man with a wrinkled face and cold eyes, wearing a moire robe, emerged and photographed with one palm.


The emptiness of ten thousand zhang was filmed into pieces.

In addition, these smashed fragments also condensed into a long sword, bursting into an astonishing void sword intent, moved towards the Unparalleled Overlord and disciplines of Myriad Demons Sect, chopped off and imposing.

“Great Feather Supreme, my Myriad Demons Sect, can you kill if you want to kill?”

A sarcastic voice came from a distance. A young man with a magical face and a middle-aged man with dyed in blood armor and scarlet eyes were coming out at the same time.

The mighty Nine Heavens Supreme coercion, like the wind, sweeps Heaven and Earth all around.

The scarlet middle-aged man with long eyes halted in the sky, and the numerous long swords of emptiness were instantly encased by flames of fire and burned into nothingness.

“Returning Immortal Sword Formation!”

Great Feather Supreme has no fear, his body is dazzling, countless sword shadows appear between Heaven and Earth, countless azure color sword light, and Heaven and Earth are reflected into an azure color.

A more amazing battle broke out instantly.

Seeing this, Qin Nan retracted the pump technique and was ready to turn around and leave.

“Hidden there, do you want a sneak attack?”

Unexpectedly, as soon as he was in shape, the young Supreme of Myriad Demons Sect, flashing countless magic lines, crossed the void, locked on Qin Nan, and pointed out.

Oh la la !

In the midst of an underworld, a majestic and magnificent trend condensed in an instant, like a mad sea, moving towards Qin Nan at an incredible speed.

One of Myriad Demons Sect dao technique, Heavenly Demon Finger!


Qin Nan cursed, he was so far away, why did he become sneaky and want a sneak attack?

However, the formidable power of this finger is very scary. Even Qin Nan’s current cultivation level has felt a great danger.

Immediately, the immortal strength of Qin Nan within the body was urged to the extreme.

“Shaking Dao Blade Arts!”

His right arm shattered and turned into Breaking Heavens Blade, which cut out countless blade shadows, Melting Dao Immortal Flame inside the body, also condensed into a squiggly Fire Dragon and rushed forward.

“Cross the Heavens Strikes!”

Qin Nan’s body suddenly disappeared into place and came to a forest.

There were 3 Nine Heavens Supreme present, and he could not use many of his methods.


However, Qin Nan’s footsteps just dropped, and a roar sounded loudly in his ears. A demon with an unreal figure and a height of hunted zhang appeared outside his thousand zhang, waving a blood light large blade, moved towards him fiercely beheaded.

The youth Supreme just hit Heavenly Demon Finger, there are 2 Murderous intentions!

In the eyes of Qin Nan, the flames burned, his hair fluttered, and he faced the majestic sword, without any panic, ready to use Dao Magic Tree to crush it.

But at this moment, his heart instantly turned into black, and it throbbed fiercely.

An ancient aura, like the awakens emanating from deep sleep.

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