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Noah’s island fell into silence.

Every Cultivator’s mind has been shocked.

“Being able to stand at the heart of the storm of Eroding Soul, the skinny Scholar in front of him must have been a great powerless peerless talent Ah!”

An Unparalleled Overlord reacted and couldn’t help sighing.

Only the Unparalleled Overlord big accomplishment giant at the level of peerless talent can do this!

“Peerless talent?”

Island Lord shivered fiercely.

The general Unparalleled Overlord big accomplishment, he may be afraid, but he will not be afraid, because he has some relations in Spirit Ruins.

However, an Unparalleled Overlord big accomplishment of peerless talent level is simply not something he can offend!

Thinking of what he had just said, he was sweating on his forehead.


At this moment, a heavens-frightening growl blasted loudly above the core.

I just saw that countless grey wind blades, driven by a force in the midst, actually gathered together, and soon outlined a gray giant dragon with a full length of 100,000 zhang!

Giant dragon looks emaciated, his pupils are blood red, coldly is watching Qin Nan, within the body exudes a vast expanse of destruction aura, even the people on the island, feel extremely innocent.


Qin Nan was surprised.

How did this dragon appear?

“Dragon of Eroding Soul! There is a dragon of Eroding Soul!”

An Unparalleled Overlord on the island couldn’t help but start talking.

In the Saint Venerable Sea Territory, there are countless Eroding Soul storms every day. Among them, there will be one or two storms. Due to the sudden change of power, the Eroding Soul Destroyer Dragon will be born.

In addition, each Eroding Soul Demon Dragon has a cultivation level of Unparalleled Overlord peak, especially among countless gray wind blades. There will be a certain amount of blessing. The general Unparalleled Overlord peak is difficult to counteract.

Roar! roar! roar!

Suddenly, three heavens-frightening growls loudly.

Above the core, countless gray wind blades gather again to form 3 gray giant dragons!

At this moment, four grey giant dragons are floating above the core, and the dragon’s pupil is icy, ruinous aura, as if in a grand storm, forming another storm.

“4 …… 4 heads?”

The Island Lord and the Cultivators present were extremely shocked, and their bodies were shaking slightly.

Even those Unparalleled Overlord’s faces were slightly pale.

“Four heads of the Eroding Soul Destruction Dragon, unless they are peerless talents at the level of Unparalleled Overlord peak, or the presence of Nine Heavens Supreme!”

“This person … is dangerous!”

The presence of an Unparalleled Overlord couldn’t help but take a breath.

“Good, good, good!”

The Island Lord reacted, his face was overjoyed, and three good words were spoken in his heart.

He absolutely didn’t expect that this man’s luck was so bad that he encountered 4 Eroding Soul Destroyer Dragons that are rare to see once a year!

In this way, even if this person is a peerless talent and has extremely powerful means, he will eventually escape!

Even if you are lucky enough to survive, it will be badly hit and dying!

“Maybe this is my chance!”

Island Lord suddenly thought of something, and a light glow passed over his eyes.

A peerless talent must have a lot of good things. If he finds a chance for a sneak attack after the other party is hit hard, then …


Qin Nan’s face didn’t have any fear, but he turned a corner.

The quietly suspended Dao Magic Tree, countless branches and leaves, suddenly danced without a wind, a majestic and invisible force, released.

4 grey giant dragons, screaming in the sky, dragon claw.


The terrifying astral qi stirred up the four parties, shattering countless gray wind blades into a shatter.

No matter how powerful the four grey giant dragons are, they are very powerful, but in the face of the power of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood in Dao Magic Tree, the gap is still very large. Within five short breaths, their dragon’s head is shattered into shatters.

Nuo’s dragon’s body has become dilapidated and has numerous wounds.

However, in the next instant, countless gray wind blades surged again, making their bodies instantly return to their original shape, and the pump light became colder.

“This Eroding Soul storm can provide them with power all the time. Then forget about it, it’s not interesting to fight like this.”

Seeing this, Qin Nan took back the Dao Magic Tree, and inspired the spiritual thought to release the white-blue flower, and moved towards the front.

These four grey giant dragons, although there is no real spiritual wisdom, but spirituality is also good. Seeing that this is not as good as the flowers of a large scale, the dragon’s pupil has a contemptuous color.


A dragon claw of a gray giant dragon, photographed at will.

The other three grey giant dragons sway the dragon tail and prepare to split into 3 directions, pinching Qin Nan.

The cultivation level of this person is still very powerful!

At this moment, an amazing scene happened, the invisible aura swinging open on the Eternal Flower, and the body of the four grey giant dragon suddenly became rigid.

In their dragon’s pupil, there was a look of astonishment, and before they understood what was happening, their dragon’s body began to shatter every inch and return to nothingness.

Moreover, the invisible forces from the storm of Eroding Soul never blessed again, nor did they recover.

Not only that, but the huge Eringing Soul storm started to become unstable.

Qin Nan immediately included the Eternal Flower into the body. The power of this flower is really overbearing. If it continues to stand in the void, I am afraid that the entire Erroding Soul storm will be wiped out into nothingness.

If so, it would be too shocking.

After all, even a Nine Heavens Supreme initial-stage giant must do his best to achieve this.

“No … nothing?”

Several Unparalleled Overlords, as well as the Island Lord and the Cultivators, their eyes were simultaneously widened, and their soul seemed to be smashed by a thunder.

This is the 4 dragons of Eringing Soul Ah!

In front of this thin Scholar, was Unparalleled Overlord big accomplishment Boundary able to be defeated?

What’s more important is that this whole process took less than 5 ten breaths, which is completely as easy as blowing off dust!

The island fell into silence again.

The storm hiding the sky and covering the earth continues to rag forward.

After the time for hunted breaths passed, the storm swept across the island and continued to move forward. Qin Nan also successfully resisted the storm and walked into the island step by step under the eyes of everyone.

“Island Lord, is it time to keep the promise?”

Qin Nan is calm all over, aura said differently.

“Excuse Supreme, forgive me, just now I was small with no eyes, no eyes!”

Island Lord turned pale and quickly bowed to apologize.

The eyes of other Cultivators looked towards Qin Nan were also full of awe.

Obviously, they regard Qin Nan as a Nine Heavens Supreme!

Only in order to keep a low profile, Qin Nan showed Unparalleled Overlord big accomplishment cultivation level that’s all.

“You haven’t offended me yet, how can you forgive me?”

Qin Nan frowned, waved his hand, and said, “Forget it, that 1,000,000 Immortal Stone, I don’t want you either, you tell me, what kind of power is the Spirit Ruins you mentioned earlier?”

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