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Huan Shen Supreme couldn’t help swearing.

He originally thought that Qin Nan would use Eternal Flower to resolve it directly.

Even if you don’t use Eternal Flower, you must use other powerful methods.

However, he absolutely did not expect that Qin Nan was able to defeat the dao technique of 3 peerless talents with no difficulty!

“Ten people of All Immortals in ancient times, the first 4 has already entered one other Boundary with one foot, and the fifth person of All Immortals, as Nine Heavens First Lord, is the most special! Is this … what is special about him?”

Huan Shen Supreme came back to his senses, eyes narrowed.

Other Nine Heavens Supremes have came back to his senses. Looking back at the scene just now, the doubts on their faces are puzzled, even the Dignified Long Clouds Supreme and the brows tightly frowns.

“What the hell did you do, kid? Well, just ask him then.”

Long Clouds Supreme frowned, and a grin floated from the corner of his mouth.

Qin Nan is now showing such power, then it seems that the 1000-match competition can finally be spent safely.

At this moment, in the light curtain.

Among the audience, the impact on Lei Daoming, Mu Zhengze, and Zhao Li’er was undoubtedly the biggest, and the feelings in their hearts were also the clearest.

At that moment, they exhibited 100 to 1000 times, defeating a powerful dao technique of an enemy, as if there was no formidable power, like a cloud of smoke, it flickered.

“Melting Dao Immortal Flame Dragon!”

Qin Nan shot again, and all the Melting Dao Immortal Flames gathered on him, sketching out a 狰狞 dragon-form.

One of his dragon claws was shot at Lei Daoming 3 peerless talents, and the other dragon claw was shot at the top of the Thunder Dragon.

Lei Daoming 3 The crisis in people’s mind suddenly occurred, and they had to retreat.

“The formidable power of this child’s flame is not only comparable to the first flame of my clan, but this child seems to have learned the very clever fire control technique Ah!”

Flame Manipulation Clan’s Zhu Ling Supreme has a surprising look and has an idea at the same time.

In any case, after returning from this trip, he must warn people in the clan that if the cultivation level is not enough for Nine Heavens Supreme and those who have not mastered the first flame, they must not take action on Qin Nan.

Of course, Zhu Ling Supreme didn’t know that Qin Nan was because Dao Magic Tree could not be integrated into other Asking Dao Techniques. Once they practiced their Asking Dao Techniques in Flame Manipulation Clan.

Then the ancient prophecy circulated in their clan will surely come true.

As time passes, the battle continues in the light curtain.

Qin Nan, one by one, has broken through the Thunder King Dragon Prison and Kunwushu, and has defended against the offense, hitting a killing skill against 3 peerless talents.

Qin Nan easily broke the situation of their dao technique and staged it again, making these 3 peerless talents defeated.

Zhao Li’er originally used only 50% of the force, but now pouting and using 80% of the force, he also took out 2 ancient Dao Items.

Lei Daoming and Mu Zhengze are not much better, and they are beginning to look out of the ancient Dao Item.

They are now completely at a disadvantage!

“It’s been eight hundred breaths!”

“Lei Daoming their three people, hasn’t broken the weird way of Qin Nan!”

“Let ’s go on like this, after these 1000 breaths have passed, Qin Nan will not only be injured, but he will always have the upper hand Ah!”

The Unparalleled Overlord and peerless talents present were simultaneously starting to move.

Suddenly they remembered what Huan Shen Supreme had said before.

Could it be that now Qin Nan, really has reached the invincible under Nine Heavens Supreme, is the Boundary of the first overlord?

Seeing this, Long Clouds Supreme was in a good mood, and from time to time she picked up the fairy tea in front of her and took a small drink.

Canglang Supreme and others such as Nine Heavens Supreme, their faces became gloomy, and even Nine Heavens Supreme crushed the armrests of the seats.

Qin Nan in Source Blood World has made these big powers lose face. They have not thought about removing Qin Nan now, they just want to fiercely punish Qin Nan.

Can’t even do that now?

“Warriors Thunder Pupil, the technique of annihilation!”

Suddenly, among the pupils of Lei Daoming, a bright thunder light erupted, forming a thunderbolt, and moved towards Qin Nan fiercely.

What he performed was not an dao technique, but an immortal technique formed by combining his unparalleled Thunder Pupil with formidable power close to the dao technique.

Qin Nan immediately exhibited Shaking Dao Blade Arts and shattered the big hand.

Lei Daoming’s eyes were light flashed and shouted: “Stop using the dao technique, use the immortal technique!”

Mu Zhengze and Zhao Li’er instantly realized that the magic seal in their hands changed.

Qin Nan still cut out the sky blade light, sweeping the trend, but Lei Daoming 3 people felt very clear. The immortal technique they hit did not have the ability to with stand a single blow like the dao technique.

“Using the immortal technique?”

Everyone present also found this clue.

However, the face of Canglang Supreme and the others is still not very good-looking.

Lei Daoming 3 people found it a bit late. From the start of the war to now, more than 900 full time has passed, and the remaining time is running out.

Moreover, the formidable power of the immortal technique is far inferior to that of the dao technique. Even though they have 3 people in Lei Daoming, they are now comparable to each other.

“I didn’t promise Long Clouds Supreme if I knew it!”

Canglang Supreme, etc. Supreme secretly said in one’s heart.

If it is 2 1000 interest time, then Lei Daoming 3 people can still reverse the situation and use the means already prepared to take Qin Nan in one fell swoop.

In the light curtain, the battle continued, and one after another Bang! Bang! Bang! Sounded.

Qin Nan and Lei Daoming 3 people are fighting together. With a powerful immortal technique hitting, the Lei Daoming 3 people have a tendency to prevail.

“It’s only the last ten breaths!”

An Unparalleled Overlord couldn’t help coming out.

The giants of Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect, simultaneously relaxed, and the smile on Long Clouds Supreme’s face became more and more intense.

“hmph! ”

Canglang Supreme and so on Nine Heavens Supreme, face complex engine.

Last time, there is no surgery!

This war goes on, and the two sides are on equal footing.

This time, they not only did not hurt Qin Nan to a certain extent, but this time they competed, and after passing it out, they would add a lot of Qin Nan’s Legendary!

However, from the war to the present, his face has not changed at all, and Dragon River Supreme, who has not said anything, has passed a light glow under his eyes.

“3 people, many thanks means—”

Qin Nan cut off with one stroke, all the trends, gathered together, shocked the immortal technique of that door into nothingness, and shocked three people back to several hundred zhang, and then spoke lightly.

Only the last two are left, so we can finish the competition.

“Qin Nan, it’s not over yet, pick me this move!”

However, before Qin Nan’s words landed, Lei Daoming issued a long howl, countless black gas, accumulated on the palm of his palm, and formed a weird mark, which was shot towards Qin Nan.

“This aura … bad!”

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