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All the things between Heaven and Earth have come to peace. The big demon in all directions are relieved, and a sense of rebirth has been born in the heart.

“This kid is getting scarier Ah!”

Ming Wang barely came back to his senses, and couldn’t help but marvel.

However, one of its concerns was growing.

The formidable power of Dao Magic Tree is more horrible and more incredible. Once exposed between Heaven and Earth, the other Supreme Dao Lineages will react even more amazingly.

“Qin Nan, you have to be low-key in the future. Before you can achieve Nine Heavens Supreme and have the ability to protect yourself, it is best not to release Dao Magic Tree anymore-“

Ming Wang persuaded, Qin Nan instantly understood what it meant, nodded.

Just before listening to it, Qin Nan expression was suddenly surprised.

Because of the Ownerless Vault Chart that has been deposited in the deepest part of his Sea of ​​Consciousness, one after another’s brilliance has actually appeared. At that most middle place, one after another purple-gold color rays of light has emerged, condensed into one piece of broken purple-gold crystal.

Qin Nan is very familiar with this crystal. When he was first promoted to Human Immortal, he had one in his mind and was later taken away by the picture of the animal skin.

According to the picture of the animal skin, this is the memory of his previous life!

But, how did it reappear now?

When in doubt, Qin Nan quickly realized that this was different from the memory of his previous life. The last time was purple crystal, and this time there was more golden.

“According to Bronze Mirror, the picture of the animal skin has been misunderstood. There is actually another person in my previous life. Now the appearance of this purple-gold crystal is exactly proof of this …”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart, breathing in unconsciously, and he became quicker.

If this purple-gold crystal is really his true past life memory, can he awaken his past life by his spiritual thoughts now?

“Qin Nan, what’s wrong with your boy? Are you listening?”

Ming Wang yelled, but Qin Nan’s mind now all gathered on the purple-gold crystal, and he ignored it at all, making Ming Wang angry for a while, closing his eyes, and being lazy.

Qin Nan took a deep breath, and after calming down his mind, he found spiritual thought.


With a loud voice, Qin Nan encountered a sense of hindrance from an incomparable gigantic. No matter how he used spiritual thought, he could not break through.

“Strange, why can’t it be opened now that it has appeared?”

“Could it be that, it still belongs to a broken state, isn’t it a perfect Perfection? Or, is it necessary to open it, other conditions are needed?”

Qin Nan thought of each and everyone.

In the end, he shook the head.

There are so many possibilities now that he cannot be sure. But one thing, he is sure.

Since this purple-gold crystal comes out of the Ownerless Vault Chart, then at the end, the Ownerless Vault Chart will give him at least some hints and the like.

Therefore, he can only wait.

However, Qin Nan not only didn’t hear Ming Wang’s words, he hadn’t noticed that a ray of Mysterious Demon Qi, which should have disappeared, reappeared, made a circle in the heart, and then returned to nothingness.

“Overall, this time Dao Magic Tree brought a lot of surprises, the face of War God’s Spirit, something about previous lives …”

Qin Nan’s lips curled up, and Aura calmed down.

Until now, the Dao Magic Tree incident has finally come to an end.

“It’s also time to settle other things.”

Qin Nan said to himself, took out a piece of Token, and transmitted a spiritual thought: “Magnificent Headmaster’s Envoy, please tell me about those forces. After a while, I will return to Sect and let them come to Sect to get people. “

After speaking, he flickered and disappeared.

However, Qin Nan did not expect it at all. After his remarks reached the Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect, it first caused a storm, and after Magnificent Headmaster’s Envoy passed, it caused a bigger storm.

“Damn Qin Nan, finally let me go!”

“What the hell are you doing, now go to Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect right now!”

“What Qin Nan has done has greatly lost my face, and now quickly contacting other forces, even in the Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect, will not make him better!”

The giants of many major forces have anger in their eyes, and there are also some giants of power. There is a flash of rays of light in their eyes, and they bow their heads to contemplate and wonder what they are thinking.

apart from this, inside Heavenly Void Ancestor Sect.

A young man with a fair complexion and jade-like eyes slowly opened his eyes and said, “Master, Qin Nan suppressed Lu Gufeng, Tang Tianjun and the others in one fell swoop, and I wanted to fight him.”

Not far from the youth, an old man fishing, put down his fishing rod, said differentially: “You have just become an Unparalleled Overlord. Soon, Dao Boundary Perfection has not been achieved. The physique is just a big accomplishment. The probability of defeat is 80. %, Are you sure you want to fight him? “

“To be honest, don’t think too much.”

The youth was bitterly laughed and said, “But, Master, next time you want me to do it, can you just say, can you take out the ruler? Also, I’m all Unparalleled Overlord, can you please leave me thick Ah ! “

The old man glanced at him for a while, and then after a while, he said leisurely: “There is a giant under the stick, this is what you Ancestor Master taught me! Okay, pack up and get on the road, don’t forget our rules! “

Speaking of sect rules, the corner of the young man’s mouth was jerking again.

When he first started, he was given a rule. Once he was defeated by his opponent, he would have to wait for 3 hours after returning …

At the same time, in Three Clean Ancient Sect.

Among the blooming white lotus, a beautiful woman, sitting cross-legged, had a quiet face, giving a sense of dust.

“Li’er, how can you steal Ancestor Master’s clothes!”

“Li’er, you’re getting too much, you steal even my beads!”

However, the presence of two Unparalleled Overlord peaks by the pool was full of anger.

“Well, stop talking about her.”

A majestic voice rang from a distance, and a silhouette floated down.

“Headmaster, you are too indulgent with her. If she continues to let go, she will probably steal into Shanghai too …”

2 Unparalleled Overlord complained.

“Cough, 2 Senior Sisters, rest assured, I’m not that kind of person.”

A beautiful woman called Li’er, eyes opened, serious: “At least until I become Nine Heavens Supreme, I will never go.”

The Headmaster of Three Clean Ancient Sect gave her a glance, said differently: “Qin Nan is back, there is a lot of noise, there should be a lot of things happen, you will leave tomorrow, and go to Vault Universe Highest Desolate with your master Sect take a look. “

Li’er beautiful eyes suddenly flashed and said: “many thanks Headmaster!”

As he spoke, he waved his fist.


What about All Immortals Successor …

Tang Qingshan, Tang Qingshan, this Miss is definitely better than your Junior Brother!

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