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“Big Dragon Across the Skies!”

Qin Nan was so imposing that he was ready to head to head to see how powerful this Poisonous Insect was, but the next moment, his pupils shrank slightly.

Because of his immortal strength within the body, and that vast dao intent, he was pulled by an invisible suction and flew into the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl of Poisonous Insect.

“Hahaha, Qin Nan, in front of my uncle, all means are futile! Show the big tree you just made, I will destroy it first!”

Immortal King Gu Shi gave a harsh laugh.

This move is his strongest means. After the show, he will be subjected to a huge backlash, but if Qin Nan can be removed, it is all worth it.

“Really? Gu Devouring, you don’t know yet, under Nine Heavens Supreme, I can call it invincible!”

Qin Nan eyebrow raised, the momentum soared, and there was no concealment at all, and the white-blue flower was sacrificed directly. Under the suction of hiding the sky and covering the earth, weak rays of light bloomed.

“Invincible? Just this flower? It’s the biggest joke in the world! What about All Immortals Successor, this King is still today–“

Immortal King Gu Shi was disdainful. In his eyes, after a few ten breaths, Qin Nan would die.

However, before he finished speaking, an extremely shocking scene happened.

When this white-blue flower was ‘sucked’ in front of the so-called ‘蛊 zu’, the petals bloomed slightly, and a terror of invisible power burst out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Countless densely packed explosions rang out, and that one “蛊 祖”, as well as the large and small Poisonous Insects in the cave, all screamed one after another, and then turned into a blood mist.

Suction, disappeared.

The entire scene is restored as before.

This is the formidable power of the Eternal Flower. It has existed forever. It is immortal. Where it is, Myriad Laws does not stand!

“how is this possible–“

Immortal King Gu Shi, as well as Nian Wang and two other Immortal Kings, seemed to be hacked by a 2 Heavenly Immortal thunder, and couldn’t believe their eyes at all.

That trick just now is a peerless killing move Ah that can kill ordinary Unparalleled Overlord peak!

Qin Nan just took out a flower and destroyed it with no difficulty?

“Vault Universe Shaking Dao Blade Arts!”

Qin Nan’s figure flashed, within the body 2 Asking Dao Techniques were urged to the extreme, and the 2 wills, all gathered at the blade, were moved towards Immortal King Gu Shi.

“Not good !”

Immortal King Gu Shi’s face changed drastically, but at this time, the methods he hit were all suppressed by War God’s Spirit and Myriad Generations Lord Arrival.

His a pair of eyes, he could only watch this blade and cut it on him.

“Do not–“

Immortal King Gu Shi made a scream, but it didn’t finish. It stopped abruptly, and the body was completely torn by blade light, and turned into a sky-blooded insect, and sprinkled in all directions.

“Gu Devouring, I won’t give you any chance!”

Qin Nan coldly said that once again, Melting Dao Immortal Flame hiding the sky and covering the earth was gushing out, all these blood insects were caught in it, and they were incinerated violently.

zi zi’s voice rang immediately.

Even though these blood insects are extraordinary, they can’t resist the formidable power of Melting Dao Immortal Flame, and they are burned into a mass of darkness without any vitality.

“Dead… dead?”

Year King and 2 other Unparalleled Overlords are suck in a cold breath of air.

This is Immortal King Gu Shi Ah who has always been turmoil!


Soon, their three people reacted, and the terrifying sense of death inspired their survival instincts.

They didn’t hesitate at all, and they forged each and everyone forbidden magic seal, burned their lives, and even Soul Strength, to escape from this place.

“Want to escape in front of this King?”

Ming Wang shouted like a thunder, and among the huge monster body, the immense monster Qi immediately emerged, sketching out an invisible Monster Realm, which locked all three people’s figures in it.

Although its current strength is not enough to kill the three Unparalleled Overlord big accomplishment, but trapping them for a while, it is more than enough.

“Dao Magic Tree, off!”

Qin Nan, like a peerless Divine King, came out of the air, and with his drinking, the terrifying towering tree, reappears in the eyes of three Immortal Kings.


3 people look pale, the last resort.


However, their means, under this big tree, were too small, and they were instantly wiped out into nothingness.

The existence of 3 Unparalleled Overlord big accomplishment, fallen!

“Ah, unfortunately, the cultivation level is still close, otherwise you can catch their three people and ask for something.”

Ming Wang sighed, killing an Unparalleled Overlord big accomplishment directly, and capturing the latter, the difficulty is completely different.

“Still need to train Dao Magic Tree to big accomplishment as soon as possible!”

Qin Nan aura calmed down, secretly said in one’s heart.

The unparalleled Overlord of the peerless talent level like Immortal King Gu Shi is too deep. If he doesn’t have a white-blue flower, it will be time-consuming.

Even put yourself in danger.

“Huh? And Storage Ring?”

Suddenly, Ming Wang the eyes shines, Qin Nan immediately came to see, and in the pile of burnt black Poisonous Insect, there was a pale black ring flashing with weak rays of light.

“There should be good things in it.”

Qin Nan was so happy, he quickly took the ring and forcibly unlocked the prohibition of each and everyone.

Generally speaking, after the Boundary above the Great Emperor, it is difficult to leave the Storage Bag and Storage Ring in the process of fighting.

Because of the confrontation with each other, formidable power is really terrible. General Storage Bags and so on cannot be blocked at all.

“en? This is…”

After exploring Qin Nan spiritual thought, I first saw Talisman, Magic Item, and Heavenly Material Treasure of each and everyone, and then saw 3 statues with a height of about 8 feet, an ancient, lifelike human statue.

“Qin Nan, what is it?”

Ming Wang quickly came together.

“This should be the image of the ancestors.”

Qin Nan took the three statues and placed them on the ground.

“Tsk tsk, Immortal King Gu Shi has such a good thing Ah! In this way, we will have 5 ancestral statues.”

Ming Wang was surprised and said, “If we collect more seats, we may be comprehend from the statue.”

Qin Nan nodded, continuing to glance at the Storage Ring.

Immortal King Gu Shi worked so hard on this ring, there must be more than ancestral statues …

“en? What is this?”

Sure enough, after counting the last breaths, Qin Nan’s gaze was locked on one piece of very strange roll sleeves.

This sleeve is only the size of a palm, exuding pale-gold rays of light, made of some ancient tree.

Most importantly, Qin Nan felt a touch of familiar and unfamiliar aura on it.

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