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At the same time, deep inside Blue Sect, in a cabin.

Blue Sect Sect Master raised a glass of wine, said with a smile: “Qin Nan little friend, Supreme Elder of Shangyue Mountain specifically ordered me, no matter what your needs, we will try our best to meet.”

“Little friend may not know yet, although our Blue Sect is not very big, we have everything we need in the intelligence, assassination, etc. involved in Eight Sun Pavilion.”

Qin Nan nodded, there is a rough guess on all this.

When he came to the 23rd Small Immortal Territory, Lord Shang Yuetian was probably aware of his existence through the Token, but only saw that Qin Nan had no sound transmission, Lord Shang Yuetian understood that Qin Nan did not want to disturb him.

However, Lord Shang Yuetian still issued an order to make Shangyue Mountain pay attention to his movements at all times. If he encounters any problems, he will resolve them to save unnecessary trouble.

“If you have time, you still have to visit Lord Shang Yuetian.”

Qin Nan secretly thought, and then said resolutely: “Then I won’t be polite with Sect Master. I went to Eight Sun Pavilion this time to know the whereabouts of Ten Desires Sect peerless talent.”

The Blue Sect Sect Master was shocked, but he quickly responded, and thought back carefully: “Ten Desires Sect has 4 peerless talents, and was named the” Su “of the” First “. He has gone to other Small Immortal Territory to seek breakthrough Unparalleled Overlord. “

“As for the remaining three, they should all be closed in Sect.”

Qin Nan frowned immediately.

Now how to do?

could it be that specifically to pursue Su Nu?

Or is it for those who were once peerless talent and now have reached the presence of Unparalleled Overlord?

This last idea is definitely the least reliable, because such people rarely stay in the 23rd Small Immortal Territory, and most of them go to the first Small Immortal Territory.

For example, Qin Nan himself, if he is not looking for Asking Dao Technique, he is likely to go to the first Small Immortal Territory now.

“Is there any way to get these peerless talents out?”

Qin Nan continues Asking Dao.

If he could, he didn’t want to pursue Su Nu all the way.

“This one……”

Blue Sect Sect Master smiled bitterly on his face and said, “This way, there really isn’t. However, about the past few days, the Silver Moon Heavenly Bridge will evolve a natural phenomenon. Many Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, and even Unparalleled Overlord will pass. “

“Xia Huanhuan, one of the Ten Desires Sect peerless talents, is also likely to show up there, specifically to select a male pet and perform Dual Cultivation with her.”

Qin Nan’s expression suddenly became weird.

Pick a male pet?

Would anyone like this?

Blue Sect Sect Master gave a low cough, seeming to see Qin Nan’s doubts, and said, “In the rumors, this Xia Huanhuan looks very beautiful, and performing Dual Cultivation with her will not only get a lot of benefits, but also improve cultivation level. “

“It is for this reason that many Cultivators went to the Silver Moon Heavenly Bridge in the past, and they were directed at her.”


Blue Sect Sect Master paused again, “It is said that Xia Huanhuan’s eyes are very high and very picky. It is difficult for ordinary people to get into her eyes. If she doesn’t encounter what she wants, she won’t show up from beginning to end.

“Of course, if Qin Nan little friend shows the cultivation level and is in the limelight, Xia Huanhuan will definitely be attracted if he goes.”

Qin Nan twitched.

This method sounds a bit like a lure?

Qin Nan was silent for a long time before he slowly said, “Then Sect Master give me a map to Silver Moon Heavenly Bridge.”

Blue Sect Sect Master immediately handed in a jade slip.

“Sect Master, then I will leave first.” Qin Nan turned to leave, suddenly thought of something, turned his head, his face was solemn: “In addition, this matter also hopes that Sect Master will keep it secret, and even the people of Shangyue Mountain cannot say. “

After speaking, he fluttered and disappeared.

The Blue Sect Sect Master froze for a moment, then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This Qin Nan is quite interesting, didn’t expect to care about it. But think about it, dignified First Immortal, specifically to ‘seduction’, if this is passed into within the realm, then …

The Silver Moon Heavenly Bridge is one of the more famous restricted areas of the 23rd Small Immortal Territory. It traverses a sea, like a long dragon. According to ancient rumors, it was a Nine Heavens Supreme after the fall of the bones.

In the normal period, the Silver Moon Heavenly Bridge will not be any special, but every year, it will have one or two days to bloom silver awns and evolve many ancient Palaces.

Among these Palaces, there are many ancient inheritances and opportunities that have attracted countless Cultivators.

Eight Sun City wasn’t too far from the Silver Moon Heavenly Bridge. Qin Nan arrived at the bridgehead after flying for a day.

Looking around, all around has temporarily set up each and everyone palace temples, and many Cultivators flew from a distance to talk to each other and seemed very lively.

Nine Palace Gold Immortal Sect once again showed its strength, many disciples shuttled among them, opened markets, and attracted many people.

In order to avoid exposure, Qin Nan did not pass, but flew to the bottom of the sea in front, sat cross-legged, and waited quietly.

As time passed, another day later, the Cultivator gathered here had no less than 300 people.

During this period, Qin Nan also felt a lot of powerful aura, which made him unable to help running the War God fairy pupil.

Some Unparalleled Overlord have also come here, 2 of them have reached the Boundary of Unparalleled Overlord big accomplishment.

“En? Curious power, it seems mutation is coming …”

Qin Nan looked up and looked towards the bridge above.

I only saw that in the original dark sky, a bright full moon floated out suddenly, the moonlight splashed on the earth, and the whole bridge and the whole sea were shrouded in it.


The bridge, which had been silent, shook suddenly and violently.

Immediately after that, on the long bridge surface, the strange ancient map of each and everyone emerged, and each pattern was shining with a light blue color of rays of light.

A Mysterious and huge aura, continually converging in the sky.

When Aura converges on Perfection, it only listens to a loud noise. The ten immortal light of Six Roads rises from the bridge, sinks into the depth of the sky, and finally bursts into fiercely, turning into a spot of diffused light.

One, two, three … Ten and five Palaces of different sizes, flashing different rays of light, slowly emerged, swinging one after another incomparably huge aura, forming a storm of each and everyone.

“Palace is here!”

“There were a total of fifteen this year!”

“Ten or five Ah have not appeared in at least 100 years!”

“Hahaha, it seems this time is right, fellow daoist, let’s rush together!”

The Cultivator at the bridge head saw this, and made various sounds, and his body turned into one after another eye-catching rainbow.

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