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Here, Qin Nan did not want to participate.

It’s just that Xiao He, who continues to make trouble like this, will surely implicate him. Qin Nan is very displeased with the practices of Xiao He.

Xiao He, Lin Rongyuan, and two other Deputy Sect Masters suddenly stopped.

“What did you say?”

Xiao He seemed a little skeptical if he heard it wrong: “You let this Young Master get out?”

In Eight Sun City, although there are Six Great Influences, until now, their Monster Heart Sect is far stronger than other big forces, even some Unparalleled Overlord, they dare not offend at all.

He’s the Monster Heart Sect Young Sect Master, and this is the first time someone has let him go.

“Sir, what’s happening here has nothing to do with you, you should leave now, otherwise this Xiao He will certainly not let you go-“

Lin Rongyuan quickly spread spiritual thoughts to Qin Nan.

Qin Nan speaks for him, he is grateful, but he does not want to implicate others.

“Same thing, I don’t want to repeat the second time.”

Qin Nan turned a deaf ear, still differently said.

Xiao He Tongren shrank slightly, an anger, like a flame, rolling up in the chest, Yin said with a smile: “Very good, really good! This Young Master has never known you, and hasn’t bothered you That’s all, you dare– “

Qin Nan was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, and slap in the direction.

Xiao He was only at the cultivation level of Earth Immortal peak. He couldn’t resist and avoid it. He only heard a snap, Xiao He groaned, his body flew out of the box immediately, and smashed on the wall in the distance.

Lin Rongyuan and two other Deputy Sect Masters were stunned when they saw this scene.

They absolutely didn’t expect that the Mysterious young man in front of him actually started to strike his face.

“what happened?”

“Who hurt the Young Sect Master?”

The Monster Heart Sect Powerhouse, who was fighting the Eight Sun Pavilion Powerhouse, immediately discovered this scene, and their faces changed.

The rest of the Cultivators also had a startled look on their faces, never thinking that someone would be so bold.


The Negative Sword Youth and the red dressed woman reacted, revealing a murderous intention in their eyes, a simultaneously flashing figure, 2 powerful killing techniques, and directly bombarded Qin Nan.

Their mission is to protect Xiao He’s safety. If the latter is harmed in any way, they will be punished.

“Big Dragon Across the Skies!”

Qin Nan’s face remained the same, countless Melting Dao Immortal Flame, gushing simultaneously, covering his body, sketching out a giant dragon illusory shadow, photographed with two claws.

“Very powerful flame!”

The negative sword youth and the red dressed woman trembled, feeling a huge crisis, quickly changing their body shape, and quickly backing away.

The killings they had originally performed were burned into nothingness.

“You… you dare to hit me!”

At this time, Xiao He had already reacted, covering his already swollen face, his eyes were completely filled with anger, and hissing roared: “Everyone gave me an order and killed me. No matter what the price, I will he died!”

He was so big that even his father never beat him.


In an instant, dozens of powerful murderous intentions, simultaneously locked out of Qin Nan from nothingness, one after another powerful immortal technique, moved towards Qin Nan.

Among them, there were 3 Unparalleled Overlord initial-stage shots.

“Your beware!”

Lin Rongyuan complexion changed, and shouted quickly.

Qin Nan stood in place, looking at all this, with 2 strands of fairy fire beating in his eyes.

Horrible fighting intent, in his within the body constantly awakens.

“Virtuous nephew, what happened here?”

At this time, a full voice sounded.

All I saw was a middle-aged man wearing a three-color robe, stepping in the air, surrounded by a man and a woman. When he saw Xiao He’s swollen face, his eyes sank slightly.

“Elder of Ten Desires Sect?”

Lin Rongyuan and the Powerhouse of Eight Sun Pavilion saw the people coming down and their hearts sank to the bottom.

There have been rumors that the relationship between Monster Heart Sect and Ten Desires Sect is very deep, and they have never believed it. Now it seems that this is true.

The people of Nianzong and Upper Nine Sect suddenly stood behind Monster Heart Sect, probably because of this layer.

“Uncle Huang?”

Xiao He saw the people happy, and stared at Qin Nan immediately, saying: “Uncle Huang, you are here just right, this person just let me roll and slapped me!”

Called Uncle Huang’s middle-aged man, his eyes fell on Qin Nan, and the corners of his mouth sneered, saying, “Sir, no matter who you are, Xiao He has been watched by our Sect Supreme Elder and will soon Received disciple! “

“This time you hit him, you’re against us Ten Desires Sect-“

The Cultivators at Eight Sun Pavilion are all startled look. Didn’t expect Xiao He was fancy by Ten Desires Sect Supreme Elder.

Then they saw a more shocking scene.

This Mysterious Cultivator struck him directly on the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was at a cultivation level, but it was just Heavenly Immortal. Where can he resist it, he immediately screamed, was kicked out of the hunted zhang, and broke a wall.

“You… you turned out to be…”

Xiao He, 2 deputy Sect Masters, as well as Lin Rongyuan and all the Cultivators present were all shocked, and they couldn’t believe it.

You know, this middle-aged man is Elder of Ten Desires Sect.

Shooting at him is no doubt provoking Ten Desires Sect!

“This time … Ah!”

Lin Rongyuan took a breather.

He just wanted Qin Nan to leave by chaos, but now, he can’t intervene at all.

Because once he stepped in, he represented them Eight Sun Pavilion on the side of Qin Nan, and then provoked Ten Desires Sect together!

“What are you still doing? Give me a shot and quickly kill this thief!”

Xiao He shouted loudly, the Powerhouse members reacted immediately and imposingly, locking Qin Nan together.

There were only a dozen of them just now, but now there are more than 30.

Seeing this, Qin Nan’s face remained unchanged.

At the moment he spoke, he had expected it.

It’s just that he will have to do it quickly when it will be shot to avoid revealing his identity.

“Well, this Sir has just arrived in Eight Sun City less than half an hour ago, didn’t expect someone to dare to attack us Ten Desires Sect Elder, this Sir should see, who are you in the end!”

Just at this time, a thunderbolt-like drinking blasted in the void, a slightly unreal black hair old man, and a middle-aged man with a sullen face, from in the sky simultaneously Get out.

This black hair old man is exactly a will from a Supreme Elder of Ten Desires Sect. The middle-aged man next to it is the Sect Master of Monster Heart Sect today, a giant of the Unparalleled Overlord peak Boundary.

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