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Qin Nan looked at him and was fascinated.

It was only after half a moment that Mo Xiaoli waved his hand and dispersed the 2 dao light curtain, saying, “After they recovered, they did n’t know why. The cultivation level had risen far beyond our imagination. It may take a long time to impact Unparalleled Overlord, you little baby don’t have to worry about it. “

“In addition, I hurried the last time and forgot to give you the Token. Now you take these 3 pieces with you. When they go to the first Small Immortal Territory, I’m giving you sound transmission.”

After speaking, Mo Xiaoli’s figure turned into a void, and three strange tokens formed by rays of light fell into Qin Nan’s hands.

Until then, Qin Nan came back to his senses, a smile on his face.

The best thing in the world is this. The person you care about is still alive and well.


Qin Nan closed his mind and said to himself, “It’s time to go to Ten Desires Sect.”

After collecting 3 bizarre tokens, his spiritual thought went into Every Phenomenon Immortal Token and searched for news about Ten Desires Sect.

Ten Desires Sect’s reputation is among the worst among the top 4 Dao Lineages today, because Ten Desires Sect practice is the Desire, and many of its disciplines have done a lot of evil to quickly raise the cultivation level.

Many Cultivators regard Ten Desires Sect as a Demon Dao force.

“Ten Desires Sect is on 23rd Small Immortal Territory? Isn’t that where Lord Shang Yuetian is?”

Qin Nan eyebrow raised.

Lord Shang Yuetian, who was the original scarecrow, once told Qin Nan when he left in the 6th restricted area. As long as Qin Nan has nowhere to go, or if he wants to cultivate formation, he can go to him.

Ming Wang in Heaven Mending Cauldron, listened to that, and was slightly relaxed.

Bodhi Ancient Temple Sect frightened it many times this time. Now that this 23 Small Immortal Territory has an acquaintance, or a terrifying existence that has reached Lord Realm, there should be no danger.


After Qin Nan knew about it, after changing aura and appearance, he flew out of caver.

During this period, Qin Nan also found an uninhabited place. After letting out the 6 Rings and 3 Qing Liu people, he dived into a Buddhist city and took a cross-domain fairy boat.

Time passed, and 3 days later, Qin Nan arrived at the 23rd Small Immortal Territory.

“Want to find Lord Shang Yuetian?”

Qin Nan thought about it, and then he dispelled it.

The friendship between him and Lord Shang Yuetian is not very deep, and the other party is a Lord Realm-level horror giant. If he disturbs the other party for this kind of thing, the other party is likely to be unhappy.

However, Qin Nan not at all found that one of the three strange tokens in his Storage Bag had a trace of rays of light flashes and passed away.

“Go get some information first.”

Qin Nan fluttered and flew into a nearby city.

This time he did not ask where the sect place of Ten Desires Sect was, but asked where in the 23rd Small Immortal Territory there were more powerful Cultivators.

Because as long as there are enough powerful Cultivators, he must be able to inquire about the information he wants.

Moreover, after this Bodhi Ancient Temple Sect and his party, Qin Nan learned a lot of experience, and if it is not necessary, he should not enter the sphere of influence of these Supreme Dao Lineage.

If there is no Nantai old Buddha in Bodhi Ancient Temple Sect, in the end, it will definitely not be able to avoid encountering a big hunt. If the luck is relatively bad, and you encounter Nine Heavens Supreme, then you are finished.

“Eight Sun City, there are many powers, fish and dragons mixed in together, there are no rules at all? Isn’t this a bit like the 4th Immortal Territory? Go here.”

Qin Nan quickly determined the place and hurried again, and after 2 days he came to Eight Sun City.

This city is very huge and covers a vast area. Its city wall, etc. are not cast from ore, but are naturally nurtured by Heaven and Earth, showing a reddish color, with a lot of fire dao intent Chi.

It used to be a very extraordinary Cave Heaven Paradise, and later occupied its power. After being destroyed by people, many powerful loose cultivators entered it. Over time, people coming, people going, formed what it is today.

As soon as Qin Nan entered the city, countless voices came.

“Great Dual Cultivation furnace cauldron, now on sale for cheap!”

“Ancient Dao Item residual picture, definitely not to miss Ah!”

“Heavenly Immortal bones, well-preserved, very rare, come here!”

Next to the street, each and everyone street vendors are screaming hard.

Qin Nan glanced at it, there was no interest, but there was a bit of disgust, because in addition to a lot of things related to Demon Dao, many people are selling female cultivator.

Most of these female cultivators used to be disciples among some big forces, but after the forces broke down, they have now been arrested and sold specifically as furniture cauldron.

“En? Restaurant? Go in and see.”

After Qin Nan walked 2 streets, he saw 3 big words “Drunk Fairy Square” above a palace, and stepped into it.

Zuixianfang has 3 floors. The 3rd-layer is a box room with various restrictions. It is impossible to pry with spiritual thought and pump technique. Both the first floor and the 2-Layer belong to the hall. There are several hundred tables. More than half full.

Qin Nan ordered a jug of wine at random, sat down, and listened quietly.

“Hey, the day before yesterday was really bad luck. I almost succeeded. I ended up with one of the 5 evils of Ten Desires Sect and almost lost my life.”

“I heard that the True Master of Ten Desires Sect has already traveled to Deadwood Cliffs and said it was going to impact Nine Heavens Supreme.”

“Did you know? Immortal King Gu Shi, who had a big fight at Source Blood World a while ago, is said to have come to us.”

When I heard Immortal King Gu Shi, Qin Nan’s drinking motion was slightly paused.

However, it is not surprising that this Immortal King Gu Shi can already be regarded as a Demon Dao. The 23rd Small Immortal Territory is more suitable for him.

“He shit! The Eight Sun Pavilion was almost dead this time, and the information given to me didn’t say that there was a Supreme bone in there.”

Not far from Qin Nan, a bald guy with a scar on his face and a baleful qi twitching. After gulu lu took a sip of wine, he yelled, completely afraid of people around him.

As soon as Qin Nan’s heart moved, a flash of light came to the table of this bald man, arching Asking Dao: “fellow daoist, I have just arrived, I don’t know the situation here, and pretended to ask, Eight Sun Pavilion is a place for selling intelligence?”

The bald-headed man stunned for a moment, then smiled brightly: “Are you asking me?”

Qin Nan nodded, the face turned cold of the bald man, took a straight shot.

He is Heavenly Immortal 5-layer cultivation level, and he has amazing power in one hand.

“Still don’t get too hot.”

Qin Nan indifferently said, did not avoid, nor did he take any action, but in his eyes, 2 white flames bounced.

The bald headed Han suddenly as if was struck by lightening, a slight blush of complexion changes, quickly withdrew his palm, and a smile on his face: “Junior has eyes and no beads, Senior, don’t blame, don’t blame.”

“This Eight Sun Pavilion is one of the Six Great Influences in the city. It specializes in selling all kinds of information. It also assassinates various Cultivators, as long as it pays enough.”

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