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“Curious Transformation Technique.”

There was a strange light in Qin Nan’s eyes.

If he can master this technique, it will be a great thing for him.

“Qin donor, this technique is only in our Bodhi Ancient Temple Sect, and only Yuan Ji Junior Brother can perform it, because he is born Bodhi Physique, one of the Antiquity Ten Big Physique.”

Yuan Jue seemed to see what he was thinking and said.

“Fuck !, your kid turned out to be Bodhi Physique? When we were in danger, why didn’t you show it?”

Ming Wang’s eyes widened.

“What do you know? My name is Yin Renbu, and it can be used to reverse the situation when it is used when it is critical.”

Yuan Ji blushed and heartbeat, righteousness.

“It seems that there are many secrets hidden in Yuan Ji …”

Qin Nan looking thoughtful, but he felt nothing in his heart.

Does his oneself also hide a lot of secrets?

“There is still a lot of dragon’s meat, and we finished it in the past.”

Yuan Ji sat down and took a few bottles of fine wine from the Storage Bag.

After half an hour, the figure of 3 people went to the Transmission Formation of Asking Buddha City and reached the place of Washing Heart Zen Temple.

“Very powerful temple.”

Qin Nan looked up, his eyes beating.

In front of them is a towering Great Mountain, stones on the mountain, etc., which seem to be affected by the Buddha Intent all year round. They are a little golden, emitting a faint wave.

At the foot of this Great Mountain, there is an ancient stone staircase that leads directly to the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain are three very huge stones, like giants, and the Washing Heart Zen Temple stands on this stone, exuding a vast Buddha, reflecting the void in all directions.

Apart from this, there is a majestic invisible force gathered in the temple, Rao is the War God fairy pupil of Qin Nan, and it is impossible to spy at all.

As Yuan Ji walked, he said, “In our Bodhi Ancient Temple Sect, there is a special secret technique. By constructing various temples and Buddhist cities, and then accepting disciple, we collect incense willingness to raise the cultivation level. “

“This Washing Heart Zen Temple inheritance has been going on for 1000 years. The incense wish has been extremely strong, and will be very terrifying. Now the 6 precepts have become the host, and then you have to beware of him borrowing the will of the temple.

Qin Nan nodded.

Unconsciously, several people have reached the top of the mountain and entered the temple.

Countless incense aura, and various chanting and speaking voices immediately envelop Qin Nan.

It is strange that this is not confusing.

“Yuan Ji, Yuan Jue?”

“Why are they 2 here?”

“Come on, go to report Big Senior Brother!”

The disciples in some temples, after seeing Yuan Jue and Yuan Ji, seemed to have encountered an enemy, each and everyone complexion greatly changed, and quickly passed on one after another spiritual thought.

Many Cultivators who came here all looked surprised.

“No big, no small, I didn’t know to come to Saluted when I saw Senior Brother. These 6 precepts are really wrong!”

Yuan Ji snorted.

“Amitabha, I don’t know how two Senior Brothers came from afar, what’s the matter?”

When the three of them were about to go to the main hall, a silhouette flashed, blocking them in front of them, their hands crossed.

Qin Nan glanced, raising his eyebrows slightly.

This person’s cultivation level is Heavenly Immortal peak, mastering Dao Boundary small accomplishment.

“Huiyi, I’m here to host you. There’s nothing for you here, let’s go.”

Yuan Ji was indifferently said, his face was expressionless and quite a bit of majesty.

“Amitabha, 2 Senior Brothers, I’m really sorry, the host is meeting 3 VIPs in it, the other Elders are in there, and can’t host outsiders—”

Keiichi Motionless As Mountains directly went to the Expulsion Order.

“I haven’t seen you for a few months. Your wings are hard. Then let Senior Brother let me see. You have practiced the Dharma.

Yuan Ji sneered, full of momentum, burst out, patted with his hands, countless words of Buddha chanting, resounded in all directions.

“He turned it on?”

Many Cultivator and some new disciple are shocked.

Each Buddha city and temple under the Bodhi Ancient Temple Sect has strict regulations. Unless the two sides agree to fight, they must not use force, otherwise they will be regarded as provocations and the latter can be suppressed.


Hui Yi’s eyes were furious, didn’t expect this guy, still so Heavenless.

“Amitabha, are you trying to make a joke? Huiyi, just step back and let Yuan Ji and Yuan Jue come in.”

A majestic voice quickly spread from the main hall.

“Yes, Elder.”

Hui Yiqiang resisted the anger and stepped back.

Yuan Ji snorted, and took Yuan Jue and Qin Nan together into the main hall.

“this is–“

As soon as he entered, Qin Nan froze.

The main hall is very large, with several 100,000 zhangs, with solemn appearances standing behind it, and a golden Buddha Image with strong buddhas. At the end of its 2 sides, there is a futon for each and everyone.

One person, Monk, and many Cultivators, all sit on futons.

In this middle place, there is a circular pattern made of light azure color slate with a size of more than 30000 feet.

In the pattern, a white eyebrow bald young man, sitting cross-legged, suspended in the air, holding a purple-gold color rosary in his left hand, holding a white jade mallet in his right hand, beating wooden fish, mutter incantations in his mouth.

Behind him, there is an amazing Buddha Intent that keeps erupting, under the coercion of Unparalleled Overlord, sweeping all directions.

The number of thousand zhang in front of Monk is 2 men and a woman, with immortal light shining on them, within the body Asking Dao Technique, 3 completely different wills, just like 3 peerless fairy swords, straight to the Buddha Intent.

Although the circular pattern under their feet isolated most of Will, Qin Nan could still feel the great danger and fluctuations.

“Yuan Ji, this poor monk has to warn you that the 6 precepts are now fighting with others. If you dare to disturb, even your Master can’t protect you.” A monk with a calm face who has Unparalleled Overlord peak cultivation level warns Road.

He glanced at Qin Nan, and then turned away.

“Rest assured, Grand Elder, sneak attack, this kind of thing can only be done by 6 precepts, I am not that kind of person.”

Yuan Ji laughed.

That Grand Elder, as well as the other Elders and Cultivator hearing this, are all shook the head, but they know the grievances between the two people, and it is hard to say anything.

“Qin donor, it seems that we are not very lucky. Didn’t expect these 6 precepts to compete with the peerless talent Qing Liu of 3 Highest Evolution Lifeless Sect. We may have to wait for a while …”

Yuan Jue said to Qin Nan sound transmission.

“Why not … wait, you just said, peerless talent for Highest Evolution Lifeless Sect?”

Qin Nan waved his hand and suddenly reacted, his eyes fluttered.

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