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“Escape? Jiang Ni, you’re too loud!”

Immortal King Gu Shi jumped on his forehead and quickly gave the other Immortal Kings sound transmission: “You guys, we don’t have much time left. Let’s join hands to get 2 World’s Wondrous Fruit!”

This time he cost a lot of money and made three vows to Antique Taboo. If he didn’t get a little something, how could he leave so bleakly?

The other Immortal Kings looked at each other and reached an agreement, instead of shooting at the peerless talents, they went straight to the Wondrous Fruit Building Tree.

“what should we do?”

gray robe Cultivator’s fists clenched and shook slightly.

That’s it, they must not be able to kill Qin Nan.


The headed man gritted his teeth and shouted in a low voice.

Continue to stay, that is dead end.

However, just when they were about to leave, their bodies suddenly fell into disappointment, because the eyes of Jiang Ni, Lu Gufeng, and Meng Jinxian all looked towards them.


3 ancient immortal techniques, simultaneously played out, evolved into 3 completely different amazing natural phenomena, moved towards them and swallowed down.

“3 Soul Concealing Heaven!”

The headed gray robe Cultivator, loudly roared, played an ancient mystery, and turned into a strange rays of light, submerged into nothingness.

As for the others, all of them have been left by him.

Meng Jinxian, Lu Gufeng, and other peerless talents saw this. They moved in shape and moved towards Immortal King Gu Shi and the others attacked.

They will never allow these people to take away all World’s Wondrous Fruit!

“Jiang Ni, even if you are promoted to become Unparalleled Overlord, I will kill you!”

Zang Gu licked his lips, within the body murderous aura, soared layer after layer, as if he had transformed into an archaic killing immortal, hitting an extremely powerful killing move, and then attacked.

“Jiang Ni, if you don’t, then Immortal King Gu Shi, they will take away a few World’s Wondrous Fruit.”

Yin Yi said with a strange smile.

Jiang Ni glanced at him lightly, still standing still in front of Qin Nan.

Yin Yi’s face was a little gloomy at the moment.

He failed to kill Qin Nan just now. If Qin Nan is successfully promoted to Unparalleled Overlord, there is a great possibility that he will be liquidated.

“It’s a big loss this time!”

Yin Yin cursed, his body slowly receded, and he disappeared into the void.

Now it’s just hiding in the dark to see how the situation develops.

Not only him, Lu Qingyin’s thin eyebrows also wrinkled, and his mind flashed over one after another thought.

What can we do to stop Qin Nan’s promotion in the current situation?

At this time, a strong aura rose into the sky.

“Qin Nan is going to be promoted to Unparalleled Overlord!”

Countless line of sight, Qi brushed over.

Ming Wang, Xiu Shenliang, Wu Huisheng, Eight Luminaries Demon King, and Meng Jiugong in the distant city, Simultaneously relaxed, while the first 4 are more vigilant in case of mutation.

After all, under the watchful eye of Jiang Ni’s silhouette, Lu Qingyin and some others can only stop and watch.

I only saw Qin Nan’s blood hair dancing without wind.

In his within the body, the immortal strength of Melting Dao Immortal Flame was the first to undergo a major transformation, and it has soared exponentially, making him a momentum and climbing, which has brought a huge impact to many people present.


At this time, the invisible shackles shattered in response!

One after another Mysterious pure power, washed his whole body up and down, making him exude the coercion of Unparalleled Overlord, and shocked the four parties.

Apart from this, his War God fairy pupil, Scarlet-Gold Battle Armor, Breaking Heavens Blade, and white-blue flower in Sea of ​​Consciousness have all changed a lot.

In particular, the white-blue flower has 2 more petals, and each petal has a mysterious pattern, exuding a chaotic aura.


Immediately after, War God’s Spirit within the body changed for the first time.

The original illusive figure became a little bit solidified, one after another magnificent fighting intent, like a long river, injected into Qin Nan’s body, making him construct the trunk of Dao Magic Tree, Dazzling.

The War God mark given to him by War God was also the first response, as if called.

“Didn’t expect, it turns out that the War God’s Spirit of my body within the body, after step by step awakens, will bring me a huge blessing of the War Dao Immortal Manual of practice, which will make me a lot of battle strength.”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart.

Moreover, he also has a very strong feeling. After he stepped into Nine Heavens Supreme, the original appearance of War God’s Spirit will completely surface, and it will also bring him huge changes.

Very terrifying aura! ”

“It’s obviously just the Unparalleled Overlord initial-stage. The coercion emitted is much stronger than the Unparalleled Overlord big accomplishment. Ah!”

all around Cultivator, all marvel.

All Immortals Successor is too strong!

Qin Nan’s eyes also opened slowly at this time.

“I don’t owe your favor.”

With a flash of surprising look in Jiang Ni’s eyes, his figure disappeared into place, carrying a monstrous sword light and attacking Immortal King Gu Shi and the others.


Seeing this, Immortal King Gu Shi and the others changed their faces for a while, and after winning 2 World’s Wondrous Fruit, their bodies quickly retreated, turned into a stream of light, and flew to the sky in the distance.

They are not afraid of peerless talents such as Qin Nan and Jiang Ni, but now Qin Nan is successfully promoted, and if they continue to fight, they are likely to be dragged.

If the Unparalleled Overlords of the 5 clans within the realm come here, they are really hard to avoid calamity.

“All Immortals Successor, tsk tsk tsk, you really excite me, make me want to drink your blood Ah! However, this is not an opportunity yet, it is not an opportunity!”

“Qin Nan, next time, I won’t let you go!”

Zang Gu was full of excitement, Murderous aura skyrocketed, but he forcibly restrained, his body suddenly moved, and he came to the top of the severely injured Xunxun and Eleven.

His two arms immediately erupted into a terrifying aura, just like the claws of hell, moved towards two people, and forcibly penetrated the chests of these two peerless talents.

Then he licked his lips, took out a thing, and disappeared.

This time he was on the side of Antique Taboo, and when the 5th-generation Powerhouse arrives, he will certainly be liquidated together, so he must leave.

“Antique Taboo this time completely defeated Ah!”

The Cultivators at the foot of the mountain, thinking of the thrills at the beginning, and looking at the current situation, their expressions were all stunned and dreamy.

“Qin Nan, does your kid know how dangerous it was just now? If not for this King …”

“Well, if it wasn’t for this King, you are today …”

Ming Wang and Eight Luminaries Demon King spoke almost simultaneously.

Qin Nan waved his hand, motioned them to stop, his eyes looked towards the peerless talent, said differently: “Others, I will talk about it later, and now we are going to start liquidation!”

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