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“What is this dao technique?”

Gong Wuhua has a shocking look on his face.

Yun Zhongyue’s Taishanghuaqing has the formidable power he knows best, but even if he uses all his power, he can’t break it at all.

“Shaking Dao Blade Arts!”

Qin Nan did not give them the opportunity to observe the Dao Magic Tree, and immediately withdrew within the body. At the same time, the War Dao Immortal Manual and Vault Universe Highest Desolate Scripture 2 doors Asking Dao Technique were fully operational and dao intent blessing.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

In an instant, the blade light was in the sky.

“Vault Universe Highest Desolate Scripture? People at Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect?”

Gong Wuhua and Yun Zhongyue instantly saw the origin of one of the Asking Dao Techniques. As they passed one after another silhouette in their minds, the momentum exploded again, and they cooperated with each other.

A series of explosions sounded one after another.

The terrifying astral wind, the constant turbulence, the mysterious extraordinary breathless heaven and earth, had to bloom a brilliant brilliance.

“Gong Wuhua, I took you one move and one sword. Now your two people come to pick me up. Destruction War Dao Highest Desolate Blade!”

Qin Nan soared into the sky, like an ancient King-like, overlooking 2 people, the sword in his hands, the Blade Dao trend, War Dao Intent, Vault Universe Highest Desolate, and Destruction’s Intent, all fuse into it.


A blade glow, as if running through the long river of Space-Time, was moved towards 2 people.

“Supreme Three Clear World!”

“Chi Ming, Yu Xu, 3 Sword Formations!”

Yun Zhongyue and Gong Wuhua Hitomi shrank and shot quickly.

The former jade hand patted, countless 3 dao intent, radiated out, outlines the world of nothingness, the latter sword tactics stunned, 2 handles Ancient Sword, Tong Fei void, his flesh body, also turned into the third handle sword, Hook into formation.

The two collided, and several completely different wills clashed against each other.

Although Qin Nan’s sword, formidable power has reached a very terrifying level, after all, he is facing 2 peerless talents who are also Heavenly Immortal peak.

Yun Zhongyue’s Supreme Three Clear World and Gong Wuhua’s 3 Sword Formation, only consumed more than half, and carried it forcibly.

“Sir, your battle strength is indeed very strong. If you fight alone, I must not be your opponent, but with 2 to 1 you will undoubtedly lose today!”

Gong Wuhua’s eyes are sharp and will will keep rising. It seems that Qin Nan in front of him has become his biggest enemy in his life. He exhausted everything and cut it.

“Is that? The knife just now wasn’t my strongest hit, now it is!”

Qin Nan blood hair flew, robes hunted, and behind him, Dao Magic Tree once again floated out in an invincible posture.

“It’s that tree–“

The faces of Gong Wuhua and Yun Zhongyue changed dramatically.

Before Qin Nan broke through Tai Shanghua and cleared the tree, they recovered this tree. They are some kind of Qin Nan’s hole cards and can only be cast once at a critical moment.

“Zhu Dao Intent Chi, Town!”

With a wave of Qin Nan’s palm, the roots, trunks, and branches of Dao Magic Tree all shone with brilliance, especially the roots. The rays of light showed a fantastic 9 colors.


Dashu Town is down, and the monstrous momentum is like having a Supreme Divine King, led by 2 Supreme Divine Generals, and killed by 1 Supreme Divine Weapon, it can hold everything in Human World.

Gong Wuhua and Yun Zhongyue exploded with chills in their hearts. The former did not hesitate to release 2 ancient Dao Items, and a rusty Mysterious Ancient Sword, running up the bar.

However, the moment they collided with Dao Magic Tree, they were crushed into pieces, only to make the speed of Dao Magic Tree a little slower.

“Not good !”

Gong Wuhua covered her hair stands on end and felt the great crisis.

“Fellow daoist, that’s it, don’t blame us for using other means!”

Yun Zhongyue lovable body was tight. At the moment when Dao Magic Tree was about to be depressed, she immediately took out a Talisman and inserted an immortal intent into it.


All directions, suddenly turned into a dark, an intimidating coercion, released, an imaginary old man slowly emerged.

The moment the old man appeared, Rao was a dignified Dao Magic Tree, and it was like being cast the Body Locking Technique, and he couldn’t move forward in the slightest.

“What does Supreme mean?”

Qin Nan was surprised.

He has begun acting Supreme three times and is most familiar with it.

The illusive old man looked up slightly, and a pair of deep eyes stared at Qin Nan’s body, which made Qin Nan’s soul tremble.

Immediately afterwards, this illusive old man shot, and did not perform any immortal technique or dao technique, but just an ordinary hand.

However, in Qin Nan’s mind, an incomparable gigantic sense of crisis arose.

“Dao Magic Tree, Heaven Mending Cauldron!”

At this moment, Qin Nan no longer cares about others, loudly roared, re-inviting Dao Magic Tree and Heaven Mending Cauldron, blocking him in front of him, within the body immortal strength is working extremely, and he is covered with Melting Dao Immortal Flame.

Hong long!

It seems that there is a Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, blasting in the void.

Dao Magic Tree, as well as Heaven Mending Cauldron, was completely unstoppable and was instantly snapped into Qin Nan’s within the body.

Qin Nan’s Melting Dao Immortal Flame was also completely extinguished.

The formidable power of this palm is therefore a little consumed, but the remaining power is still terrifying.


Qin Nan’s heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and that’s it, he had to use War God’s Spirit to resist!

However, at this crucial moment, there was a buzzing sound in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the Ownerless Vault Chart suddenly rushed out, showing an incredible power and dissolving the remaining palm force.

Qin Nan expression couldn’t help but hesitate.


Gong Wuhua and Yun Zhongyue’s faces changed again.

They have known for a long time that the Supreme will not be able to kill the opponent. After all, the birth of each peerless talent is extremely difficult, and the inside of the body must have a variety of hole cards to save lives.

However, they absolutely did not expect that this would not be able to seriously damage each other!

Qin Nan reacted quickly, exhibiting Cross the Heavens Strikes, suddenly descended on the heads of two people, Breaking Heavens Blade in his hand, and broke out again the peerless blade intent.

“Can’t continue the fight, you go first, I’ll come off!”

Yun Zhongyue passed a spiritual thought, and before waiting for Gong Wuhua to say anything, he took a piece of Talisman directly and turned it into a huge invisible force, covering Gong Wuhua’s body, making the latter disappear.

“Forbidden magic, 3 is nothing!”

Her pair of jade hands also quickly concluded an ancient magic seal, a ray of 3 clear air emerged from the soles of her feet, and entangled quickly.


With a wave of Breaking Heavens Blade in Qin Nan’s hand, the 3 clear breaths were chopped into pieces, and then Big Dragon Across the Skies was shot, and a claw was shot on her, making the latter groaned, and the momentum began to fall for the first time.


Qin Nan, in case of change, immediately seized this opportunity and hooked the Ownerless Vault Chart to cover the latter’s figure.

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