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Various mutations are still happening in Source Blood World.

Most of the Cultivators started to react, turned into a light glow, and flew to the depth of Source Blood World.

Cultivator who can reach Heavenly Immortal Boundary has experienced countless winds and rains and has a certain experience.

Right now Source Blood World will become like this, although they don’t know the specific reason, there must be a heaven-defying thing in the depths.

They are now rushing into the depths. Even if they don’t get this heaven-defying thing, the inheritance opportunities in the depths, etc., are much stronger than the outer areas and middle areas.

At this moment, at the edge of the deep place, Ming Wang calmed down, quite speechless saying: “We only need to find 2 3 peerless treasures, that’s enough. Now that we have made such a big movement, it will definitely attract Of most of Cultivator. “

Qin Nan stood up, shrugged, and said, “I have no control over this.”

Ming Wang didn’t answer, but thought for a while, and said, “The 5 rounds of purple moon on the sky should be some kind of ancient formation, corresponding to 6 treasures with great opportunities on the ground.”

“I don’t see the founder mystery now, but if you go southeast, you should be able to gain a lot.”

Qin Nan nodded, flickered, moved towards the southeast.

Due to the depths of the Source Blood World, not at all, ancient vestige inheritance opportunities, etc., so there are very few Cultivators in this depth.

This saves a lot of trouble for Qin Nan.

“This place is definitely an antiquity inheritance. It doesn’t look good. It won’t do anything for the Wondrous Fruit Building Tree.”

“Don’t move on. According to this King’s years of experience, there must be a peerless killing area ahead, dedicated to killing Cultivator.”

“The immortal intent in this place is still a shortfall. We continue to look for it.”

a man and a beast, flew over the land of each and everyone immortal light natural phenomenon, during which many powerful inheritance opportunities were in front of them, and they did not take them.

Ming Wang’s requirements for this treasure are very high.

With a pure immortal intent, must not be weaker than an Immortal Fortune Dao Land.

As time goes by, unconsciously, Qin Nan and Ming Wang have gone deep.

After arriving here, Qin Nan’s speed has slowed down quite a bit, and it is not as easy as it was at first, because some of the Murderous intentions and forbidable power in the prohibition here make it difficult for him to resist.

“That is……”

After a long time, Qin Nan’s footsteps were abrupt.

Because he saw a golden ancient gate towering among one after another towering ancient trees, but it looked a bit vague, as if it would dissipate at any time.

Qin Nan didn’t fly into it immediately, but tried to spread out the War God fairy pupil and looked at it. Sure enough, there was nothing under the towering ancient trees, and there was no golden gate at all.

“It looks pretty extraordinary here!”

There was a flash of rays of light in Qin Nan’s eyes, a little toes, and he was not getting started.

After counting his interest, his body surfaced in a Mysterious Canyon.

“So rich immortal intent.”

Qin Nan’s heart moved, and after a careful understanding, he shook the head, still a little worse.

“Qin Nan, look in the mist in front.”

Ming Wang was suspicious, said.

Qin Nan then looked towards this canyon.

The gorge is not big, the walls around all the mountains have fallen into the sky, and it is shrouded in a force of Mysterious. Obviously, there is no way to get out of the place except the golden gate.

In front of this gorge, there is a vast white mist, which is mixed with the power of one after another mysterious, so that his War God fairy pupil can only penetrate through several ten zhang.

Qin Nan took a hint of interest and walked slowly.

In the valley, there was silence, and Qin Nan could hear his breathing clearly.

After entering the fog, there was no abnormality. Qin Nan’s eyes glanced at all around. When he saw that each and everyone in the mountain wall on the two sides was extremely huge and dark, he raised his eyebrows and continued to move forward.

Soon, he reached the end of the white mist.

I just saw that the flat ground was flat, and one piece of tall zhang was added, showing a meniscus-shaped blue color ancient stone with chaotic rays of light inside, flashing and extinguishing .

“Fuck !, could it be that was fairy moon pass?”

Ming Wang’s eyes widened and he seemed a little unbelievable.

“Immortal Pass? What is it?”

Qin Nan immediately asking, with his eyesight, also saw the extraordinaryness of this stone, but it was only extraordinary.

“Tsk tsk, it seems your kid really has Great Destiny. I didn’t start by saying that the 5 rounds of purple moon in the sky correspond to 6 peerless treasures? This fairy moon pass is one of them!”

Ming Wang expression was a little excited, and said, “Your boy will try immortal strength in it.”

After hearing this, Qin Nan also came to the spirit, without any delay, shots a finger, and put a ray of immortal strength into it.


The entire blue color boulder seems to be awakes from a deep sleep, swinging an invisible force, making the whole Mysterious Canyon also set off one after another astral wind.

I just saw that the blue sky and white clouds that originally enveloped the canyon suddenly disappeared, replaced by a strange round of purple moons.

It is strange that the rays of light emitted by this round of purple moon did not fall into any place, but all fell on this blue color stone.


In an instant, a vast immortal intent erupted from the rock, just like a tsunami. This momentum alone is extremely magnificent.

“This immortal intent—”

Rao is the mind of Qin Nan and can’t help but fiercely startled.

Such an immortal intent completely surpasses an Immortal Fortune Dao Land, and each strand of immortal intent is mixed with other will, which is of great benefit to Cultivator.

“Hahaha, the immortal intent of this fairy moon pass alone should be enough to support the species of Wondrous Fruit Building Tree to grow up completely, and even flower and bear fruit!”

Ming Wang laughed heartily, quite excited.

However, at this moment, the full 2 ​​Eighteen was extremely amazing, suddenly burst out from the dark cave of each and everyone in the mountain wall, rolling Monster Qi, swinging to the 4 sides.

“Bold man, are these Paradise, can you break through and kill me!”

Drinking like thunder, blasted from inside each and everyone cavern, followed by a huge head, thick scales, blood red eyes, Ominous Beast with icy fangs, one after another, one after another murderous aura, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Most of these Ominous Beasts are the presence of Heavenly Immortal 8 9-layer, and 5 of them have reached Heavenly Immortal peak.

“Huh, this King is here, and you dare to make trouble–“

Ming Wang is disdainful and wants to shoot.

“Let me come.”

Qin Nan stopped it, alone. Faced with more than 20 hill-like Ominous Beasts, the corners of his mouth slowly evoked a smile, saying, “I’m about to do a major event here, you stay and help me guard. Here, I won’t kill you, how? “

The 20 or more heads of Ominous Beast were stunned, apparently did not expect that this Cultivator, who was about to be shredded and shattered by his face, wanted to surrender them.

“Bold man, courting death!”

Ominous Beasts were all angry, the beast claws shot, the blood opened, one after the other, the ancient demon art, one after another, and blasted to Qin Nan.

Qin Nan shook the head, a pair of eyes, suddenly became extremely sharp.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

An amazing battle unfolded in the gorge. After a few hunted breaths, one man one blade defeated all of the more than 20 Ominous Beasts in a nearly crushing posture.

Originally these more than 20 heads were full of anger, Murderous aura, the towering Ominous Beasts, at this time each and everyone was stunned to the ground, making the sound of wu wu wu.

They are also the devil of proud and arrogant, but the strength of the blood hair youth in front of them is too horrible, leaving them with no temper.

“You send Immortal Demon Dao Oath first, and then leave from this golden gate. Once you find out that Cultivator sees the golden gate wanting to come in, stop them and kill them if necessary.”

Qin Nan exhorted him, after they had done it honestly, he retracted his gaze and looked towards the blue color stone.

The first treasure land has been found, so now start to cultivate the Wondrous Fruit Building Tree!

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