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“Heaven and Earth 4-square, honor the South!”

Southern World Supreme loudly shouts, the great shore portal behind him immediately flashed a bright rays of light, breaking the Murderous intention that hiding the sky and covering the earth, forcibly shattered into pieces.

He moved forward with a magic seal, only to hear a bang, and the portal of Wei’an soared high, as if he had accumulated all the power between Heaven and Earth, and was on top of the three formations at an amazing speed.

For a while, all directions were all loud explosions.

That piece of formation mark is incapable of contending with the power of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, one after another.

But in the next moment, these formation marks reappeared and re-interwoven into formation.

“Can the formula be recovered autonomously? This time is a bit tricky.”

Southern World Supreme’s heart sank slightly, his left hand began to print, and the right hand took out a long spear densely covered with countless Fiendgod patterns and exhibited a peerless gun technique.

After a full number of hunted breaths, accompanied by a sharp voice, the figures of Southern World Supreme and Long Xuanling rushed out of those three formations.

Long Xuanling looked at the fine sweat of to arrange on the forehead of Southern World Supreme, and couldn’t help but be grateful for a while, secretly thought: “Fortunately, Qin Nan and Southern World Supreme are also enemies. Otherwise, by my means, Qin will not be killed today Nan! “

Southern World Supreme didn’t have any thoughts. In the moment he came out, his eyes were blooming with dazzling blue light, penetrated the front, the gun in his hand, and was ready to kill again.

At that moment, the crisp sound they had heard before rang again, with a hint of cold intention: “Hmm, it can break the first 2 levels, it is indeed a little capable, no wonder dare to say that we are going to kill us!”

“However, I’ll see if you can get through this third pass!”

With that said, the faces of Southern World Supreme and Long Xuanling changed slightly.

And third pass?

could it be that and formation?

I only saw that in that void, ten bright lights shone, countless road formation marks emerged, one after another, aura stronger than the previous four formations, swept out.

“5 Wufen virtual formation, jade emperor formation, dragon snake acting formation-“

Even Southern World Supreme can’t help but look at this moment.

Long Xuanling’s complexion turned pale.

One of the formations is enough to kill him into flying ash. Even more how or ten formations?

“Just ten formations that surprised you so much?”

Ling Lanlan’s voice sounded again.

The ten bright lights all around suddenly have a full 20 bright lights, and at the same time shine, especially two of them, like an ancient sunburst, are extremely eye-catching, illuminating 2 squares, far from other bright light ratio.


The face of dignified Southern World Supreme has completely changed.

He never thought that there was so much horror formation in the immortal Fortune Dao Land of Qin Nan!

Especially the two formations, he also felt the chill of bones!

As time passed slowly, Empress Fei Yue was still wearing various magic seals, and one after another incantation was read in his mouth, and all directions emerged with many completely different natural phenomena.

Reversing Yin-Yang, tampering with life and death, is a matter of transgression, and it will be difficult to solve at half-time.

As for Qin Nan, his eyes are fully integrated into the 2 beautiful silhouettes, the 2 old man and the scarecrow, and the Beginning Blade Supreme. They are attentive to feel the changes of the power of various laws.

In fact, they have long felt the entry of Southern World Supreme and Long Xuanling, but there are many formulations in front, and they are too lazy to bother.

After a while, outside Extraordinary Land.

Two silhouettes suddenly descended from the sky, and the incomparable coercion caused the earth in all directions to continue to shake. The Heavenly Immortal and Unparalleled Overlords of Two Great Influences, their faces simultaneously changed.

“See Supreme Elder!”

Everyone has been saluted.

These two figures are the Nine Heavens Supreme of Myriad Layers Immortal Building and All Kings Ancient Island!

Although the two giants of the big powers are fighting in the depths of the 2-in restricted area, considering the special nature of Qin Nan, they two people rushed over.

The robe was dyed in blood, and the temperamental Nine Heavens Supreme of All Kings Ancient Island took a look at all around, and immediately retorted, “You guys! How can you let them advance? They have been in for so long Before it comes out, I’m afraid Qin Nan has been taken away! “

The Heavenly Immortal and Unparalleled Overlord could only smile bitterly.

Of course, they know that with the cultivation level of Southern World Supreme, it takes less than 5 ten breaths to break down Qin Nan after breaking in. It hasn’t come out yet, and there must be a problem.

But what about them?

Another Nine Heavens Supreme frowned, said: “Okay, let’s not talk about this, everyone goes in!”

As soon as the words fell, two Nine Heavens Supreme flew in first. The remaining Unparalleled Overlords and Heavenly Immortal also flew in after one another.

“this is–“

Just came in, the two Nine Heavens Supreme were shocked.

The face of the Unparalleled Overlord and Heavenly Immortal changed dramatically.

I just saw that there are 20 different heavens-frightening natural phenomenon in front of them, which evolved in front of them, as if there were 20 Small Worlds unfolding each other.

In their hearts, the Southern World Supreme is like the Supreme deity. At this moment, under the sky’s Murderous intention, the survey propped up a weak rays of light, as if the next moment would be drowned by the wild waves, battered and exhausted.

If Southern World Supreme is aware of it, look back. After seeing this silhouette, the original pale face suddenly appeared a sense of surprise and shouted loudly: “2 fellow daoist, join hands to open a gap, otherwise If so, we all have to die here today! “

The 2 Nine Heavens Supreme reacted, and the complexion changes were extremely ugly. Where would they think that a Qin Nan, with such a heaven-defying ability, could arrange so many horrible killing formations.

Moreover, they now want to retreat, they are too late, they have been included in the formula, and they can only brace oneself and say, “Okay, join hands!”

Two Nine Heavens Supreme immediately broke out Heavenly Immortal Mang, guarded behind them Heavenly Immortal, Unparalleled Overlord, within the body Asking Dao Technique, with Dao Item took out in the hands, blasted to the 2th party.

Countless astral qi, surging.

A door dao technique, immortal technique, simultaneously laid down.

After this half-hourly battle, a small spot of light appeared in one after another natural phenomenon.

However, such a light spot has inspired the spirit of Southern World Supreme, the other two Supremes, and Long Xuanling and the others.

“Hurry up and escape!”

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