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Not long after, a valley deep in the Northern Territory.

The Qin Nan 5 fell from the void and quickly walked into the Extraordinary Land.

“Qin Nan, are you back?”

Ling Lanlan first noticed that her figure flew in immediately, and her pretty face was full of surprise.

For the past few days, she has always been feel ill at ease, and she is afraid that Qin Nan will fall in that tomb.

After all, she told Qin Nan about the location of the tomb. If Qin Nan is dead, she has some responsibility.

“These are…”

Ling Lanlan’s beautiful eyes revealed a suspicion.

“Yo, Innate Dao Spirit, didn’t expect your kid to get this kind of thing!”

Hair thinning old man the eyes shines.

“Lanlan, I’ll introduce you later. Take these things, arrange them, and be careful not to trigger them.”

Qin Nan took out all the formation plates.

Extraordinary Land has Innate Dao Spirit and can move on its own. He is ready to build and later use it as his basis.

“this is–“

Ling Lanlan beautiful eyes shrunk slightly, a pretty face suddenly turned red, and turned into an extremely pleasant surprise, saying: “Qin Nan, you are awesome!”

She immediately took away all the formation plates and flew into the distance.

Although she can’t see the origin of these formation plates, as a Dao Spirit, she has a natural perception of this powerful formation of formidable power, and can know that these formations have shocking power.

Qin Nan smiled and moved towards the island.

In that largest courtyard, Eight Luminaries Demon King, Yuan Ji, and Xiu Shenliang are all feeling, and they are unaware of all around.

Blood Eyes also recovered from his injuries, and after learning about his condition, he was not discouraged, but communicated several pieces of Nine Heavens Supreme’s natal Dao Item.

He knows that it is difficult for him to make further progress along the cultivation road, but now he just wants to improve his cultivation level. Even if he goes to a small place and leads a leisurely life, he will try not to give Qin Nan trouble.

“Paints of life and death? Tombstones without a master? 8 Ancient Temple? 4 Evil statues? And … 2 ancestral statues?”

The unruly old man saw the pieces of Supreme Treasure, his eyes widened, and he couldn’t help but swear: “fuck! Are you guys robbing a Supreme Treasure Cave?”

The thinning hair of the old man and the scarecrow’s mouth are also twitched.

They really don’t understand now, just because of the cultivation level of these guys, how to get so many Supreme Treasure.

“Qin Nan, come on.”

Just then, an indifferent sound rang from above.

This is Empress Fei Yue. As early as at first, she told Qin Nan that at that time, she would drop a will and shoot it herself.

Beginning Blade Supreme beautiful eyes.

She can feel that the other party is a woman with a very strong cultivation level!

Qin Nan took a soft breath and flew up, and the two old men and the scarecrow quickly followed.

Soon, an altar appeared in their sight, floating in midair.

“This altar …”

Both the old man and the scarecrow were a little surprised.

When they fell into the altar, they first saw a variety of heavenly material treasures flashing with various auras, and then at that edge, a peerless woman stood quietly, without the slightest expression on her face.

Two old men and scarecrows, as well as Beginning Blade Supreme, suddenly showed a stunning color.

I have to say that this woman is really beautiful, especially her temperament, like Nine Heavens, but super holy, snow and Leisureless, as if not in this person’s world.

“You could it be that was … Empress Fei Yue?”

Hair thinning old man tried Asking Dao.

In the eyes of the unruly old man and the scarecrow, there was immediately a hint of alertness and fear.

I have to say that after their Boundary, it can be said that there is no Nine Heavens Supreme that allows them to treat like this, but this Empress Fei Yue is not ordinary.

“Empress Fei Yue?”

A hint of surprising look flashed in Beginning Blade Supreme beautiful eyes.

In this time, she has already heard all kinds of news from Empress Fei Yue.

But isn’t she unable to enter the 4th Small Immortal Territory?

How do you make an exception today …

Thinking of this, she understood that the relationship between her ‘little husband’ and Empress Fei Yue was not normal.

“Bronze Mirror, everything will work for you!”

Qin Nan expression changes solemnly came down, took out the other heavenly material treasures in hand, and the coffin of ten Lord Realm giants, and the bodies of ten Nine Heavens Supreme, one after another.

His spiritual thought, while ticking the Ownerless Vault Chart, also released the crystal.

“En? Curious 2 Soul aura? How did this happen? Wait, what are you doing with ten Lord Realm corpses?”

With thinning hair, the old man reacted quickly, with anxious expression on his face: “The value of these ten bones is not something you can imagine, and it must not–“

Before he finished speaking, Empress Fei Yue gave him an indifferent glance: “Your cultivation level is depleted, it is not as good as before, if you dare to talk nonsense, let you fall here today.”

After speaking, she retracted her eyes and ignored these three people. A pair of white jade hands, forming each and everyone magic seal, countless immortal lights poured into the altar.

The old man with thin hair, the old man with no manners, and the scarecrow were all angry, but soon became a look of bitter smile, with a little embarrassment.

They have no doubt that Empress Fei Yue does have this ability now!

But, isn’t this overbearing?

What’s the matter, they can also be considered Seniors, at least give face Ah!

“No, must stop him, these ten Lord Realm corpses can’t let them be wasted–“

The old man with thin hair and the old man with two unconsciousness thought at the same time.

However, at this moment, they saw these countless heavenly material treasures, the explosion of Bang! Bang! Bang! Shattered into various kinds of auras, and flowed into the lacquer black liquid crystal, There are ten coffins.

The entire altar was also fully operational at this time.

A mysterious and mysterious, hard to describe life and death aura, permeated.

“This … this … this could it be that is the legendary Yin-Yang Great Inversion Technique?”

Scarecrow rarely lost self-control. After taking two steps back, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

“Really Yin-Yang Great Inversion Technique?”

The same is true of the two old men, which are extremely shocking.

Others don’t know, but they know best that Yin-Yang Great Inversion Technique is the one created by No. 4 among the top ten All Immortals in ancient times!

Moreover, all ten ancient Immortals in ancient times are still alive. They have heard more or less in the past few years.

Only the 4th All Immortals, but no news at all!

How did these people get them?

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