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You know, this is the body of the Lord Realm giant.

If they are used to resurrect Princess Miaomiao and Jiang Bilan, then the cultivation level, aptitude, potential, etc. of Princess Miaomiao and Jiang Bilan will be a very scary degree.

“I almost forgot, according to Yin-Yang Great Inversion Technique, that only bodies that have fallen for less than 7 days can be effective.”

Qin Nan reacted quickly, shook the head.

The ten Lord Realm corpses in front of them do not know how long they have fallen.

“Lord Realm body is a body of Taoism, far from being comparable to Unparalleled Overlord and Nine Heavens Supreme. You can use them to resurrect Princess Miaomiao and Jiang Bilan.”

At this time, Empress Fei Yue indifferent’s voice sounded: “It’s only 2 points. First, they probably won’t wake up immediately. They need to digest the dao intent. Even if it has been resurrected, it will take some time. awakens. “

“Second, with their effect, less than 2% of Lord Realm’s corpse within 7 days of falling.”

Qin Nan eyes immediately lit.

It is a good thing to be able to digest the dao intent. Ah!

What about less than 0.1%?

Regardless, Lord Realm is, after all, Lord Realm, definitely more than the benefits of Nine Heavens Supreme’s corpse.

“Mengyao, I want to take these bodies.”

Qin Nan quickly made a decision, he said.

Beginning Blade Supreme froze for a moment, then smiled slightly nodded, and said nothing.

When the two old man and the scarecrow heard this sentence, they stumbled for a moment, and suddenly came over, complexion greatly changed.

Thin man with thin hair shouted sharply: “Boy, do n’t mess around. Although there are no restrictions on this, the ten Lord Realm bones are likely to be intentionally placed here, if you dare to move—”

Qin Nan turned a deaf ear, grabbed his hands, and ten immortal lights hung down, and immediately put the ten coffins into the Storage Bag.

The idea of ​​the old man with thinning hair, he also understands, but the Mysterious All Immortals here should not hit him.

Moreover, as long as Princess Miaomiao and Jiang Bilan can be improved in various aspects after the resurrection, even if there is a certain risk, he must do it.

The whole great hall was silent.

2 old man and scarecrow stared wide-eyed.

For a while, Qin Nan and Beginning Blade Supreme did not move forward, but looked forward.

After a few ten breaths, there was still silence and nothing happened.

Qin Nan and Beginning Blade Supreme are relaxed at the same time, so it seems that, as he expected, there is no danger.


Both the old man and the scarecrow couldn’t help cursed, their eyes were jealous.

That’s the body of ten Lord Realm giants. It was actually gotten by the kid whose cultivation level is less than Heavenly Immortal Boundary, so with no difficulty!

It’s not logical yet!

Qin Nan was too lazy to care about these three guys, calmed down, and continued to move forward with Beginning Blade Supreme.

After taking a few hundred steps, Qin Nan finally found the Demon Intent in this cemetery.

This Demon Intent is extremely ancient, condensing and not dispersing. It does not flutter around the four sides, but is quietly suspended in every inch of space.

Beginning Blade Supreme beautiful eyes become more dignified, within the body’s immortal strength, constantly running.

Qin Nan refining Demon Qi, she did not feel these Demon Qi deeply, but she can clearly feel that under this Demon Intent, everything Supreme will be like a trivial ant.

It is no exaggeration to say that if these Demon Intents are full of offensiveness, I am afraid it will be difficult for her to move forward.

“en? This is-“

Qin Nan two people walked at the same time.

Only to see, not far from them, a stone chamber appeared on the dark wall.

In the stone chamber, there are an ancient blade carved with numerous ripples, 2 Ancient Swords with light blue and purple colors, and a rusty great spear with a length of 30 feet.

The corners of all around are covered with strange grasses like dragon-form, and the ground is covered with one after another light azure color stones of different shapes. At the middle, there is a small stone. Pier.

Above it, there is a palm-sized hand seal.

“Is these could it be that Supreme Treasure?”

Qin Nan and Beginning Blade Supreme two people had a thought in their minds at the same time.

“Fuck!! Instant Blade, Radiant Double Sword, Burst All Immortals?”

The two old man and scarecrow’s shocked voices rang again.

Although these three treasures are not even Dao Item, they are different from other Dao Items. They have a complete set of inheritance in them.

Instant blade technique, Yinhui sword technique, Destruction of the Gun!

Each of these was used by the prestigious Lord Realm giant. It has an incredible formidable power and can be regarded as 3 independent dao techniques.

The so-called dao technique, generally speaking, is a complete Asking Dao Technique, you can practice the dao technique related to this Asking Dao Technique, or have a feeling, combined with it, self-created belongs to your own dao technique .

The other is this independent dao technique.

They do not depend on the existence of any Asking Dao Technique. They are the Lord Realm giants who came to realize by chance.

Often these independent dao techniques are stronger than the general dao technique.

Because of this, the independent dao technique is very precious, and each door is of great value, completely surpassing an Immortal Fortune level heavenly material treasure, and there is no price.

“Instant Blade Art? Independent dao technique? Tsk tsk, didn’t expect, there is such a good thing in this place! Qin Nan, hurry up and hold this knife and comprehend it by then.”

Beginning Blade Supreme As Blade Cultivator, she knows the value of Instant Blade Art.

Even if she wants to learn a little, she would rather let her little husband learn.

“The luck of these two guys is also very good! From entering to now, the benefits have been kept, and no danger has been encountered, just like they are ready …”

The eyes of the two old man and the scarecrow were now red with jealousy.

But when they thought of it, they were surprised.

They never knew how many restricted areas and treasure lands they had entered, and they also met the inheritance of All Immortals, but there has never been a place like this today.

Where can there be so many unexplained benefits in this world?

“This kid…”

The eyes of the two old man and the scarecrow gathered on Qin Nan, looking thoughtful.

In the beginning, they thought Qin Nan was just a lucky guy, but now they don’t have that idea.

Qin Nan didn’t think about it, he just waved his hand: “Mengyao, I will resurrect Princess Miaomiao and Jiang Bilan at that time, you can first realize, then teach …”

With that said, Qin Nan suddenly thought of something, and his face turned red.

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