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Qin Nan’s eyes looked towards Long Xuanling and the others.

After learning that he has a relationship with Drought Demon Heavenly God, he has spent all his means to hunt him down, and even chased this 4th Small Immortal Territory from Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory.

Such an enemy of life and death, he must not let go, even if he cannot get the inheritance opportunity here this time.

“Oh, Qin Nan, the account between us should be calculated.”

Long Xuanling sneered, looked towards Eight Luminaries Demon King, Yuan Ji and the others, and a gentle smile immediately appeared on his face, saying: “Several lords, we don’t actually have any grudges between us. And, we shot against Qin Nan It’s not my personal meaning, but also Three Clear Ancient Sect and Southern World Supreme. “

“So, I hope that some of you will be able to give a little face in the next time, so don’t take part in this matter, go to the inheritance opportunity here.”

As far as he knows, Qin Nan has not been together with these people for a long time, and their relationship is based on the interests of the first, not Life and Death Friends.

As long as these people can be left, the remaining Qin Nan and Blood Eyes are completely unsurprising.

“Take less Southern World Supreme and Three Clean Ancient Sect to crush this King! As for your face? Do you have face? Death for this King!”

Eight Luminaries Demon King looked disdainful, and in the hands of a pair of magic hammers, he directly waved out 10000 hammer shadows, moving towards Long Xuanling, hiding in the shadow of hiding the sky and covering the earth.

He and Qin Nan are indeed not Life and Death Friends. At best, they can only be regarded as his friends, but he is a generation of devil!

The devil acts, friends first, interests behind, and help the relatives!

“Several daoist psychologists are unscrupulous. Today we must make you convert to Buddha Gate.”

Yuan Ji folded his hands, ten illusory shadows of the great Buddha emerged from behind, dazzling buddha light, shining in four directions, countless sounds of Buddha’s groan, sounded from nothingness in the eight directions.

“That’s nothing to say!”

Long Xuanling complexion changes are ugly, the magic seal on both hands is knotted, 36 handles of Golden Ancient Sword fly out of his Sea of ​​Consciousness one after another, and form a far Ancient Sword formation.

Several other Heavenly Immortal, well-prepared, within the body immortal strength, all worked, hitting an immortal technique.

“Give me the town!”

Qin Nan also took the shot, and the two major Asking Dao Techniques were all run to the extreme. The meaning of the monstrous fighting intent and Vault Universe Highest Desolate were interwoven with Heaven Mending Cauldron, giving it the Supreme power.

Ming Wang of Ding Nei, coldly snorted, majestic and powerful, exudes.

Ling Lanlan, Blood Eyes, and Xiu Shenliang knew they were unable to participate in this battle. The former continued to exert their pure power to restore the cultivation level of the Qin Nan people.

Blood Eyes and Xiu Shenliang are performing some strange immortal techniques to interfere with these Heavenly Immortal.


Majestic astral qi, stirred up.

Even if the Long Xuanling 6 were Heavenly Immortal 5-layers, they were in a disadvantage for a while.

“3 Monster King Tips!”

Ming Wang seized a wonderful moment, and the giant demon claw shot forward, in an instant, the tremor of the void, and Heaven and Earth of several tens of thousands of li, all turned into a billowing demon domain, 3 heads are extremely huge. silhouette, evolved, sulking.

“4 places are shining!”

Long Xuanling was shocked, and the magic seal in his hand changed quickly.

I only saw the Heavenly Immortal awn spreading from his eyebrows, a handle as high as ten to eighty feet, covered with countless lines, showing the shape of a flame, and a large umbrella that repeated dao intent was immediately opened and protected. Their stature.

“Nice baby! This King wants it.”

Eight Luminaries Demon King’s eyes glowed and he quickly removed a hand bone from the Storage Bag.

This amputated hand is different from that of the leg, and the moment it appeared, it set off an extremely scary murderous aura, a patch of bloody pupils condensed on the ground, like Demon God in endless hell, Watching everything coldly.

“Qin Nan, wait for me!”

Long Xuanling didn’t panic at all, instead he was gloomy, took out a piece of Talisman, one after another invisible power, and instantly wrapped him and several bodies of Heavenly Immortal, and he disappeared in situ.

“Want to escape? Fights the Heavens Immortal Pupil, kill!”

Qin Nan’s blood hair, fluttering in the wind, the white flames in the pupils violently burned, and a void of vast pupil power came between Heaven and Earth, and several people were to be hunted down.

“Fuck! Qin Nan, don’t waste your energy!”

Eight Luminaries Demon King had a toothache for a while. “These goods are ready to escape when we start, and we will definitely not catch up no matter how we chase them.”

Xiu Shenliang regretted his face and said, “They are quite smart. If they are one step behind, Benxian will really make a shot and let them all fall here.”

Qin Nan and Blood Eyes are both tightly knit.

It was a good time this time, and Long Xuanling and the others could not be eliminated. I don’t know what time to wait.

“Many, thanks a lot.”

Qin Nan calmed down quickly, and arched to Eight Luminaries Demon King and the others.

This time, it is still a lot of gains. After all, after this incident, the relationship between them is no longer a simple joint relationship.

They are friends.

“What are you polite to this King? You will get into this inheritance opportunity, and what you get is just 30% of me!”

“Eight Luminaries, you are really shameless! This path is only 20%.”

“Uh, Benxian won’t argue, 1% is enough.”

Ling Lanlan tilted her head and thought about it, probes asking: “Well … can I get 40%?”

Qin Nan’s mouth twitched.

After all, it felt a little sensational, and now it is destroyed!

“Well, let’s go in quickly, we have already delayed a lot of time just now.”

Eight Luminaries Demon King urged.

In these inheritance opportunities, time is very important, and sometimes it takes a while to slow down, I am afraid that nothing will be gained.


Yuan Ji suddenly said, “Xiu Shenliang, go and brag about this Unparalleled Overlord.”

The Qin Nan people were a little surprised, what did Yuan Ji do?

“Bald donkey, do you think you praise me and I will let you go? When the time comes, I will tear you up!”

Swallowing the Moon Nine Head Dog 9 eyes, coldly looking at everyone.

Xiu Shenliang reacted, and despite his doubts, he said truthfully: “Mixed blood dog! What are you barking about here? If you anger Benxian, Benxian will stew you-“

Talking about his complexion greatly changed.

He originally thought that when he spoke, Yuan Ji would use strange abilities to make his taunting words into praise words.

But now, Yuan Ji pitted him!

“What did you say? I’m going to tear you, tear you!”

Swallowing the Moon Nine Head Dog raged, and the sound of roar rang through the entire sky pit.

However, it yelled at Xiu Shenliang, no matter how faint in his heart, Xiu Shenliang turned into a disdainful sarcasm: “What is barking? Looks ugly, cultivation level is low, and wants to tear others? I tell You, Benxian doesn’t care about you— “

Swallowing the Moon Nine Head Dog, thunderous, thinking it was a Dignified Unparalleled Overlord, when was it treated like this by an earth immortal?

At this moment, Yuan Ji suddenly smiled and said, “Master Monster King, you certainly won’t tell me how to get the best inheritance and opportunity here, right?”

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