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At the same time, Fei Yue Immortal Bridge, at the end of the bridge.

“What should we do now?”

The flames burned in Zhu Gang Immortal King’s eyes, and his face was a bit ugly.

With so many spiritual thoughts of Cultivator, they dignified ten Unparalleled Overlords and four Perfection-level Unparalleled Overlords. They failed to win a few Earth Immortals, which is a bit shameful.

“Now chasing them now, only 30% of them can be grasped. Moreover, the big mutation started within these 2 days. Those Nine Heavens Supremes, I am afraid, will not allow us to enter them first, so as not to cause unknown changes.”

Jiang Jue Immortal King thought a little, and then said, the meaning was already very obvious.

“Then wait for the big mutation to come, we are shooting Qin Nan. Just this 2 days, we have to bother All Kings Ancient Island and Myriad Layers Immortal Building, and keep an eye on the chaotic Immortal Territory. If there is the Powerhouse of Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect Come, let us know immediately. “

Gu Qing Immortal King said.

Now that Qin Nan has reshaped the Dao Foundation, it must have an incomparable position in the Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect. If you know that Qin Nan is in danger, the Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect will never sit idly by.

The other Immortal Kings nodded, and flew back into Ancient City.

“We are also leaving.”

Long Xuanling saw this, his eyes flickered, and he conveyed the spiritual thought to the other black robed man.

Also at this time, the 6-in exclusion zone, most surrounding.

As soon as the Qin Nan 5 set foot on this land full of countless top secrets, they felt that in the midst of the underworld, a vast and invisible force was lowered, and they were suppressed layer by layer.

Their cultivation level has been lowered by 5-layer, and their Spiritual Consciousness has been tied to 99 feet, including the War God fairy pupil of Qin Nan, and the blood pupil of Blood Eyes, which can only penetrate the front. Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth.

The Qin Nan 5 people are not surprised and happy. In this way, after Jiang Jue Immortal King and the others chase in, they also have a lot of confidence to avoid it.


Qin Nan eyebrows slightly frowned.

The white-blue flower under the Ownerless Vault Chart in his Sea of ​​Consciousness is now blooming with rays of light.

You know, this mysterious white-blue flower was silent when it affected the restricted areas and the Immortal Fortune Dao Land.

Now how come the rays of light proactively appear?

Could it be that because this Six Directions Restricted Area is extraordinary?

“that’s all.”

Qin Nan shook the head, no longer thinking about it, facing Eight Luminaries Demon King and the others, “I just got one piece of jade slip from Meng Jiugong containing the location of Ice Soul Extreme Spirit and Six Bans Immortal Jade. “

As soon as this word came out, the original resentment in Eight Luminaries Demon King’s heart disappeared in an instant, his eyes glowed.

It is indeed the Successor Ah of the 5th person of All Immortals!

It was really good to follow him.

Qin Nan spiritual thought immediately plunged into jade slip. Among jade slip was a map portrayed by immortal strength, marked with East, South, West, and North, and also drawing the location of Fei Yue Immortal Bridge So that people can judge where they are.

Qin Nan took a closer look and realized that this map is an area of ​​the entire 6-forbidden area, and the corresponding is also on the periphery. It is not too far away from them, and a total of 3 locations are marked on it.

“Come with me.”

Qin Nan flickered and flew forward, the others followed closely from behind.

In this prestigious Immortal Territory, the 6-in exclusion zone where even Nine Heavens Supreme can fall, even in the most surrounding areas, Qin Nan did not dare to care, and did not use all their strength to fly.

After about half an hour passed, Qin Nan and the others’ pace slowed down.

They are very close to where the first location is!

The original excitement in the eyes of Eight Luminaries Demon King faded away, and a little more dignified.

Because on the way just now, they saw a lot of bones.

Among them, there are ten 5 Heavenly Immortal bones!

You know, this is only the most surrounding area in the 6-inhibit zone, and in principle, it should be the safest place.

However, even Heavenly Immortal will fall, enough to see the danger and terrifying here.


Qin Nan stopped.

I only saw in front of them, one after another up to several ten zhang, towering ancient trees of various shapes, thriving and lush foliage.

“Nothing here?”

Xiu Shenliang glanced around, confused.

Not to mention Ice Soul Extreme Spirit and Six Bans Immortal Jade, he didn’t even see a heavenly material treasure.

Qin Nan and Eight Luminaries Demon King, and Yuan Ji ignored him, but looked at each other, nodded, and shots a finger at the same time, hit a will, and fell into an ancient tree.

Suddenly, above the trunk of the ancient tree, one after another wave-like ripples appeared, an entrance with a width of 6 zhang high and two zhang slowly emerged.

This place is shrouded in an invisible formation, and in general, even if Heavenly Immortal Cultivator passes by, it will not be noticed.

If it weren’t for the place on the map, even Qin Nan might have ignored it.

“This place is not ordinary dangerous, this King will take the lead!”

Eight Luminaries Demon King laughed, his body turned into a magic smoke, and he first floated into it, Qin Nan and the others followed closely from behind.

As soon as Qin Nan and the others settled down, the sound of Eight Luminaries Demon King screamed in his ears.

“Fuck! Isn’t this the pit king? This King is trembling in fear all the way, now give this King these things–“

Qin Nan was dizzy, and he looked at it quickly, and saw them now, and came to a cavern depth more than 30 feet high and 8 feet wide.

On the mountain wall at the end, next to one piece of a block of half a slap, the shape of 1000 strange and 100 strange ice crystals, contains the extremely amazing will.

On the other side, it is close to the size of a one piece of thumb, the body is black, and the Six Roads Mysterious lines are densely distributed, and the black jade of one after another strange aura is constantly emitted.

This ice crystal black jade is probably Ice Soul Extreme Spirit and Six Bans Immortal Jade.

However, even the Blood Eyes Earth Immortal can see that these Ice Soul Extreme Spirit and Six Bans Immortal Jade still draw a mysterious force from the meditation.

In other words, these Ice Soul Extreme Spirit and Six Bans Immortal Jade have not yet been fully bred, and are currently only a semifinished product.

After removing it, it makes no sense, no wonder Eight Luminaries Demon King will yell.

Qin Nan’s face also became a little unsightly.

There are only 3 positions marked on the jade slip. Now the first place is the semifinished product. What if the remaining 2 places are also semifinished products?

“Willn’t this be Meng Jiugong, intentionally pitting people?”

Qin Nan reached out and rubbed his brows.

What should we do now?

“Haha, look, this Young Master is right, there is definitely a heavenly material treasure here, but it is hidden by the formation … Hmm? Who are you?”

At this time, a sound sounded.

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