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Chapter 1600 99 peerless talent

“War Dao Dragon Immortal, heavenly technique!”

On Qin Nan’s body, countless dragon’s scales condensed from the meaning of Swire Dragon Immortal, War Dao Immortal Manual, and Dao Boundary big accomplishment emerged, forming a domineering posture of a peerless dragon.

That extremely curious dragon claw, as if gathering all the trends between Heaven and Earth, was photographed on this illusionary door, and one after another made a loud noise.

Even if the illusory gate has extraordinary magic, nowadays, it is impossible to move forward in the slightest, not to bend Qin Nan’s backbone.

As we all know, practice Asking Dao Technique, unless it is practice to big accomplishment Boundary, can understand the dao technique or show the corresponding dao technique.

If there is no practice to big accomplishment, but only the general outline of practice, or the first chapter and middle chapter, then only the doctrine will will be incorporated into the immortal technique, so that the formidable power will be transformed.

Dao Boundary, too.

If there is no practice to Dao Boundary Perfection and Dao Crystal is condensed, it will not show the formidable power.

Just stepping into the threshold of Dao Boundary, or a small accomplishment, I can only integrate dao light into the immortal technique to greatly increase the formidable power and other mysterious powers.

However, Qin Nan is Dao Boundary big accomplishment. The dao light he has far exceeds Dao Boundary small accomplishment. Once integrated into various immortal techniques, the transformation will be extremely amazing.

For example, this illusory gate is enough to suppress an ordinary Earth Immortal 1-layer, but now Qin Nan can only completely block it with one move.

“This… this is…”

“Dao Boundary big accomplishment? Could it be that was Dao Boundary big accomplishment?”

“How is it possible that Qin Nan actually stepped into Dao Boundary big accomplishment?”

At this moment, all the Cultivators, all the unparalleled talents present, or the great big shots, the major Unparalleled Overlords, there was a thick shocking look in their eyes.

Many Cultivators with a low level of cultivation and less knowledge, stood up and stood up, their bodies were shaking slightly, and they couldn’t believe their eyes.

As the saying goes, before becoming Human Immortal, mastering the martial arts Four Extreme can be called unparalleled talent.

Before becoming Unparalleled Overlord, stepping into Dao Boundary big accomplishment can be called peerless talent.

Peerless talent, what level is that?

Looking at the entire 9 Heavenly Immortal domain, only the Core Disciple of the Supreme Dao Lineage, the Successor of the major Nine Heavens Supreme, or the number one genius of the ancient clan can be reached.

There are so few, as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns!

To put it simply, the so-called unparalleled talent refers to having a worldly appearance and being able to become an Unparalleled Overlord in the future.

However, the peerless talent is 10000 years old, as long as you can grow up in the future, you will definitely be able to achieve Nine Heavens Supreme!

“Just promoted to Human Immortal and stepped into Dao Boundary big accomplishment?”

Magnificent Headmaster’s Envoy, Mild King Headmaster’s Envoy, Moon Absolute Headmaster’s Envoy, and Meng Jiugong. Even if the four of them are experienced and knowledgeable, they have experienced countless winds and waves and are shocked.

Looking at the entire 9 Heavenly Immortal domain, even those who are entangled in the terrifying forces in the 3 Small Immortal Territory are able to do this step.

“No wonder…”

Magnificent Headmaster’s Envoy came back to his senses, revealing a surprising look, and a little doubt in his heart was quietly unlocked.

He has pursued that peerless woman for more than 1000 years and knows her personality best.

Originally, when she came to tell him to take good care of Qin Nan, he still had no idea at all. Although Qin Nan and she are from the same place, she would not take the initiative to ask for help?

Now he understands that this child is not only from the same place as her, but also has the friendship of the same world. This child is also the same as her back then, with a unique appearance of 10000 years.

“Hey, although you asked me for help, you also gave me a great gift.”

Magnificent Headmaster’s Envoy missed this, and his eyes gradually became hot.

When she was named First Immortal, she failed to step into Dao Boundary big accomplishment.

Now Qin Nan does it. As long as Qin Nan wins next, it must be the First Immortal of not just in name only, but also in reality, shaking Nine Heavens.

That sentence Empress came out 5000 years ago, there is no First Immortal in the world, and it will inevitably become a past, disappeared.

The most important thing is that Qin Nan no Sect, no Faction, as long as they are pulled into their Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect, that is a great thing.

Maybe, Headmaster Senior Brother made an exception to this sound transmission and increased the reward. He also fancy Qin Nan.

“Wu Huisheng, did you dare to fight it?”

At this moment, above the training field, Qin Nan’s eyes suddenly opened, his voice was thunderbolt.

Wu Huisheng, Zhao Kuo, Huangfu Hou, Yan Qingyan, and Sima Xunbei, who were in shock, came back to his senses intensely.

“Haha, Qin Nan, in today’s battle, I have no regrets!”

Wu Huisheng laughed loudly, his chest seemed ten thousand zhang, and his loyalty rose, making him cold-blooded and boiling to an unprecedented level.

Unparalleled talents like Zhao Kuo, Huangfu Hou, Yan Qingyan, Sima Xunbei, etc., too, overwhelmed by emotions.


Ten nine silhouettes, rolled up again, many immortal techniques, rising up in the air.

Although ten or nine of them have different personalities, the reasons for coming to Qin Nan are completely different, but they are all unparalleled talents!

Now Qin Nan’s strong cultivation level is like a mountain that has never seen Tianwai Xianxian, standing in front of them, making them feel the gap and the smallness of itself.

However, it also inspired unprecedented fighting spirit.

In this battle, they must not retreat, and even if they will eventually defeat, they will have to see the scenery on this immortal mountain.

Strive for another day in the coming year, the same as the heavens and mountains.


Qin Nan within the body, the War Core vibrates, will climb to the peak.

Although he now shows more power than every unparalleled talent present, he is now alone, facing only 40 unparalleled talents, and is still under tremendous pressure.

But, the more so, the happier he was.

“Battle Desolation destruction blade technique!”

Qin Nan cut it out.

Hong long!

The deafening explosion sounded, and countless astral qi storms were born in that sky, raging on the 8 sides.

On the training field of Nuoda, a large area of ​​ground began to collapse.

I can only see that Qin Nan’s figure is under the countless line of sight, and the left side blocks Wu Huisheng and other unparalleled talents, and the upper right side carries the unreal door called by a one unparalleled talent, without stepping back.

That brandish a blade is invincible!

At this moment, Space-Time was suddenly silent.

In Qin Nan’s dantian, in that immortal strength, a dazzling ray of divine power, towering like a dragon danced, and a mysterious and mysterious change took place.

Above the ancient and majestic Vault Universe Immortal Mountain, countless dark clouds surged in an instant, making the few hundred thousand thousand li in that circle turn into a darkness.

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