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“Seniors, I cannot release them for the time being, but—”

Qin Nan also didn’t want to make the 3 Unparalleled Overlord embarrassed.

You know, the 40 3 unparalleled talents he suppressed, in addition to Nine Palace Gold Immortal Sect and Mysterious Heavens Repelling Ancient Sect, the remaining 1 Supreme Dao Lineages are all among them.

It is not long before the repression, and he naturally has to delay time, and he will not let go until the Asking Dao Technique learned by major unparalleled talents emerges.

Moreover, Lin Qingpo, Xiu Shenliang and the others are now released, and these Supreme Dao Lineages will know that he has practiced 2 Asking Dao Techniques.

By that time, Extreme Life Sect and Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect will kill him.

“What? Can’t let them out for the time being?”

Heavenly Immortal and Snow Eyebrows Heavenly Immortal and other giants, before waiting for Qin Nan to finish, the anger on the chest rises suddenly, the immortal swings away, shaking the earth.

This Qin Nan has prevented their unparalleled talents from being ascending immortal. Now they even want to continue suppressing people. How can they control their anger?

“wanna die?”

Floating Life Immortal King, Earth Soul Immortal King, and Red Zither Immortal King pupil light were all cold at the same time.

Although Qin Nan’s actions were indeed a disaster, these two groups of people are too concerned about them.

“Since Qin Nan has said it, he will not let it go for a while, then let it go. If you leave me quickly, let your overlord of Sect come over!”

Floating Life Immortal King.

Now that they have just said, to help Qin Nan solve this problem, then it must be solved. The 2 Supreme Dao Lineage people are not enough to make them afraid, just a little tricky.

“Three seniors, we don’t want to be against you, but if you want to help Qin Nan, you will soon regret—”

There are no Heavenly Immortal and Snow Eyebrows Heavenly Immortal, pressing angry saying.

“courting death !”

Floating Life Immortal King’s eyes suddenly showed a little anger. These 2 Heavenly Immortal are really not to know the immensity of heaven and earth, and dare to challenge them again and again.

How can the majesty of the Unparalleled Overlord be violated?

“Qin Nan, thief, let me release Ci Renxian!”

Just at the crucial moment, a cold drink came from there.

A Buddha Sound Heavenly Immortal with green bamboo robes, beautiful eyes cold and pretty face with shame, led a crowd of Elders, all imposing, without cover.

But soon, she saw the situation on the scene, and expression faltered.

Not only her, Qiu Hong was 3 dumbfounded, and 3 Unparalleled Overlord dumbfounded.

Who is Heavenly Void Ancestor Sect?

Has their unparalleled talent been suppressed?

Floating Life Immortal King, Earth Soul Immortal King, and Red Zither Immortal King reacted, turned their heads and looked towards Qin Nan, and they were surprised.

Can this kid, go to Immortal Ancient, even by the strength of oneself, suppress the Direct Disciple of 3 Supreme Dao Lineage?

“Qin Nan! What kind of resentment do you have against us that makes such a thing happen?”

There was another anger, blasting from a distance, a 佝偻 old woman, leading a crowd of Elder, also full of anger, came out of nowhere.

“Ask Elder?”

Xu Xianzhi beautiful eyes are full of startled look.

“Three Clear Ancient Sect’s Direct Disciple also suppressed?”

The eyes of Floating Life Immortal King, Earth Soul Immortal King, and Red Zither Immortal King were suddenly shocked. The development of the situation now far exceeded their expectations.

Immediately, they could not help but have a headache.

These are 4 Supreme Dao Lineages, 2 of which are Supreme Dao Lineage of Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory. Even if they are 3 Unparalleled Overlord, they have to deal with this lineup a little.

even more how, still they don’t make sense.

“Qin Nan, if you don’t let people go, I will kill you!”

“Qin Nan, you are so brave!”

“Qin Nan-“

However, 3 Immortal Kings haven’t waited for the matter to be dealt with. Three ways of drinking like Heavenly Thunder explode, Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect, Bodhi Ancient Temple Sect, Ten Desires Sect, and 3 Heavenly Immortal Supreme Elders. It was led by a bit of Elder.

“There are 3 Supreme Dao Lineages?”

Qiu Hong, Xu Xianzhi, Blood Eyes Human God expression stunned.

The 3 Unparalleled Overlord were also a little stunned and couldn’t believe their eyes.

A total of 7 Supreme Dao Lineage, Qin Nan, how to do it?

“You kid, capability is not small, why don’t you suppress all Direct Disciple of Supreme Dao Lineage?”

Floating Life Immortal King, Earth Soul Immortal King, and Red Zither Immortal King are all unhappy looking towards Qin Nan.

No wonder this guy, knowing that they have three people behind them, and want to leave quickly, it turned out to be a big disaster.

“Cough … 3 Seniors … Although not all of Dao Lineage’s Direct Disciple have been suppressed, it should be almost the same …”

Qin Nan said weakly.

“Should it be almost?”

Floating Life Immortal King For a moment, a very bad hunch in the heart rose.

“Qin Nan, kill the old man!”

As if to confirm their speculation, with the four roars, the giants of Execution Dao Sect, Imaginary Immortal Dao Sect, Samsara Sect, Supporting Heaven Should Transform Sect, like 4 peerless fairy swords, Sky Piercing Slash.

Everyone was angry and full of baleful qi.


Rao is a 3-digit Unparalleled Overlord who has experienced countless wind and rain and has experienced countless major events. At this moment, it is also straightforward.

Throughout the ages, numerous ascending immortal tides have never appeared. In an Immortal Ancient, eleven Direct Disciples of Supreme Dao Lineage were suppressed by the same person.

What heaven-defying method did Qin Nan use?

However, they are Unparalleled Overlord after all, and soon came back to his senses.

Just seeing the Heavenly Immortal with an angry face in front of each and everyone, they couldn’t help but take a breath.

Knowing that this was the situation, their three people would quickly take away Qin Nan and the others without the slightest hesitation.

However, not only did they not leave at the beginning, they also ignored Qin Nan and Monster Beast’s words and took the initiative to settle the trouble for Qin Nan.

Seeing this, Qin Nan couldn’t help but cough a few times.

“Your boy gave us one” surprise “one after another.”

Floating Life Immortal King 3 people glared at Qin Nan, and immediately converged, completely absent from the previous domineering against Heavenly Immortal and Snow Eyebrows Heavenly Immortal, the tone eased: “You all–“

This is the end of the matter, and they have no other choice but to resolve this grievance. They can’t watch Qin Nan really being killed by this group of people.

However, without waiting for their three people to speak, a bigger surprise came!

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