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At this moment, at least 30% of the entire Sunset Sect’s Disciple and Elder have arrived.

Qin Nan’s all directions have nowhere to go. Murderous aura.

And there are still disciple, Elder, coming in continuously.

But in such a scene, Qin Nan was not surprised at all. The moment he made his decision, he knew that he was facing the clan by the strength of oneself.

“The Steps Treads all Under the Heavens!”

Soon, Qin Nan shot again, avoiding 3 unparalleled talents and more than 20 immortal techniques, one after another.

However, there are too many Cultivators attacking him. Even if he is extraordinary in speed and has a War God golden pupil, he still has more than 30 immortal techniques that are about to hit him.

“Cross the Heavens Strikes!”

Between electric light and flint, Qin Nan’s body suddenly disappeared in place and appeared on the top of the mountain. The Breaking Heavens Blade in his hand suddenly cut off at a dozen Elders.

“Not good -“

These dozens of Elder’s face changed greatly, but all this happened too quickly. Before they could react, they were chopped by blade aura, screamed, and fell on the spot.

“It’s a weird immortal technique that it can reach another place in an instant and unexpectedly kill someone.”

Yu Mingfu and 2 other unparalleled talents, and there is a person in Elder and disciplines, his face simultaneously froze.

“Destruction Domain, Heavens Desolation Blade Technique!”

Qin Nan continued to shoot, and a killing move of the door kept hitting him.

Suddenly, one after another screams rang out, and countless drops of blood were sprayed on the 4 sides.

However, the horrible battle strength he showed only made some people tremble, but did not stop them.

Because most of Cultivator of Sunset Sect has been killed.

From a distance, both the mountain top, the mountainside, and the foot of the mountain are filled with densely packed divide light. Even if dozens of Cultivators have fallen, only a drop of water splashed on the surface of the pool.

“Can’t let this person continue to perform the same technique, otherwise Nuo Daxiaxianxianshan, he will hold on for an hour and will no longer talk!”

A middle-aged big man with short hair in a blue color holy costume immediately passed on one after another spiritual thought: “This person has a good cultivation level, and together he will seduce the power of Xianshan to trap him!”

This short-haired middle aged big man is one of 2 Sect Masters in Sunset Sect.

“As you bid!”

The Elder and the Supreme Elder instantly formed a magic seal, which caused the entire immortal mountain to immediately burst into one after another vast immortal light and fell into them within the body.

The momentum of each person suddenly skyrocketed, the magic seal changed, and an immortal technique was played at the same time.


A pair of Gundam Hundred Zhang, a giant beast up to Thousand Zhang, condensed in the sky and started to move under Qin Nan’s figure.

This is one of the Sunset Sect sect protecting techniques called Immortal Beast Controlling Spirit Arts.

Once covered by a giant beast, no matter how weird Qin Nan’s technique is, he can no longer teleport to another place and is completely blocked.

“Big Dragon Across the Skies!”

At this moment, Qin Nan’s body shape was suddenly changed into an ancient dragon, and the giant beast was immediately torn into a sky of light and sprinkled to the 8 sides.

“How can it be?”

The deputy Sect Master, Supreme Elder, and so on who just performed the operation were taken a few steps back by an invisible force, and their faces were filled with incredible colors.

They had nearly 30 Heavenly God peaks, and they also attracted the power of the fairy mountain. How could they be broken directly by this person’s blow?

“Big Buddha heaven!” “4 Fang Qiong Yu!” “The capital of the gods of desire!”

Yu Mingfu 3 unparalleled talents were suddenly killed, and 3 great immortal techniques evolved from the Asking Dao Technique were played.

The three amazing natural phenomena of Buddha Country, the dome, and the capital of God are like three peerless cages that overlap and lock Qin Nan together.

No matter how fast Qin Nan is, it can’t be avoided at all.

It turned out that when the deputy Sect Master and Supreme Elder shot, they had expected that Qin Nan would release, secretly gain momentum, and wait for the opportunity.

“Amitabha, fellow fellow daoist, Qin Nan is now locked. Please attack with 3 of us to destroy Qin Nan.”

Yu Mingfu clasped his hands together, sounding like a thunderbolt, ringing in everyone’s ears: “Don’t take any action to avoid breaking our immortal technique and let Qin Nan escape-“

All the Cultivators present, as well as the deputy Sect Master and Elder, heard the words, and the coldness in their hearts immediately disappeared.

Because the big picture is set, Qin Nan will be a dead man next time.

“Taboo-Defying Physique!”

However, before Yu Mingfu’s words have been finished, under the three amazing natural phenomena like a cage in the world, Qin Nan’s momentum suddenly skyrocketed and climbed.

The Scarlet-Gold Battle Armor on his body, and the sword in his hand, began to buzz fiercely, as if there were 2 kinds of horrible will awakens.


Qin Nan moved, a punch was blown out, and the terrifying power shook the Buddha Country directly into a shatter. He was again in shape, person and blade unites, and slashed.

The vast blade aura shattered the two natural phenomena in an instant. The astral wind generated by the collision was like a tide. It slaps three people in Yu Mingfu, and the other one is Cultivator and vice Sect Master, Elder, and the others. Body.

Their hearts suddenly shook.

Even Yu Mingfu 3 is no exception.

Each of them knew that Qin Nan was powerful, but absolutely did not expect that Qin Nan was so powerful.

After breaking the cooperation of those Sect Master and Elder, they could break the cooperation of their 3 unparalleled talents.

“Fellow daoist, keep your mind steady! Qin Nan, no matter how strong the cultivation level is, he has never stepped into Human Immortal. As long as we work together, we will certainly be able to–“

The unparalleled talent of Ten Desires Sect first reacted and sent out shouting loudly.

In his drinking, an ancient method was used, which could keep one’s heart clear and keep people calm and free from other interference.

However, the next moment, his pupils shrank sharply.

Because he was keenly aware that just at the last breath, Qin Nan again used that weird method and came to his back.

“Destruction War Fist!”

Majestic fist intent, erupted straight.

“Six Desires Original Form True Scripture!”

Ten Desires Sect’s unparalleled talent complexion greatly changed, hair stands on end, spurred a Forbidden Technique to become a person of 6 desires, use the desire of people to resolve the attack together.


With a loud noise, he wanted to be his true body, and immediately collapsed, his body was also shaken out, flesh body broke through numerous wounds, and spilled a lot of blood.

“Ownerless Vault Chart!”

Qin Nan shoots a finger, an ancient map, opened instantly, and in the extremely shocked gaze of the latter, sucked the latter into it.

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