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A young man with short golden hair, dark eyes, and scarred face, dressed in an Ancient Beast Battle Armor, strode from the gate of the city gate.

He was imposing, as deep as the sea, unfathomable.

Especially the faintly discernable meaning of extinction emanating from within the body made the void tremble.

Yu Mingfu and Tao Yuan Qing Yuanzi both lost a lot of power in front of him.

“Luo Yan is here!”

Many Cultivators in the city are staring at this silhouette.

Even Qin Nan was not surprised, and his eyes flashed a surprising look.

From within Luo Yan’s within the body, he saw a very Mysterious wave of strength, similar to the strength of Xu Xianzhi within the body, but different in essence.

“Luo Yan, one of the top ten Supreme Dao Lineages, Highest Evolution Lifeless Sect’s First Direct Disciple, was born with a body of silence from ancient times.”

Blood Eyes Human Immortal lowered his voice: “This person is very domineering. Rumors have entered the threshold of Dao Boundary and are impacting Dao Boundary small accomplishment.”

The surprising look in Qin Nan’s eyes grew stronger.

The cultivation level of these First Direct Disciple disciples of Supreme Dao Lineage is completely beyond his expectation, very extraordinary and not to be underestimated.

“There are ten Supreme Dao Lineages in the 9 Heavenly Immortal domain. I don’t know how many First Direct Disciple disciple will come this time?”

Qin Nan couldn’t help secretly thinking.

At this moment, in mid-air, above the chessboard.

Luo Yan made a strong shot and a sunspot shot out. The vast will was actually the will of Yu Mingfu and Taoist Qing Yuanzi, all of which were turned into Peerless Sword.

One after another, the whites suddenly became lightless.

“Luo Yan, you have such a big breath, I might as well tell you that in my eyes, you are not even a ants.”

Xiu Shenliang, located in a hall of Zhuying, even when the pressure on his body doubled, he still did not forget to ridicule and play with imagination.

“Xiu Shenliang, to this day, you dare to speak hard!”

2 shouted, exploded again, 2 vast will, burst out from 2 of them, and fell into the chessboard.

One of them is killing intent, like killing immortals.

The other one was billowing fire, as if to burn everything.

Xiu Shenliang’s ‘arrogant’ attitude made 2 unparalleled talents unsightly and shot straight.

“Fellow fellow daoist, is it that you are my Imaginary Immortal Dao Sect nobody?”

An unpleasant sound, ringing in the air, was another illusion that was completely different from Xiu Shenliang, and evolved into a series of whites.

This is another Direct Disciple of Imaginary Immortal Dao Sect, with unparalleled talent.

Although this genius is actually very upset in Xiu Shenliang, but in this kind of right and wrong, I have to help the latter.

“Haha, play chess! I can’t play chess, so don’t you want to play for me!”

Suddenly a laugh and blasted away.

A tall man with a purple face, towering on the chessboard middle.

This youth, with both hands on one hand, 2 shares will burst out at the same time, attacking 2 unparalleled talents. The most remarkable thing is that there is a dao light shining in the palm of his hand.

This person is very familiar with Qin Nan, one of the 2 true stories of His Majesty Southern World Immortal King, Ding Tianqi with a broken personality.

However, the latter’s martial arts boundary has a breakthrough and stepped into Dao Boundary small accomplishment.

“Do … Dao Boundary small accomplishment?”

Cultivators, Hitomi simultaneously shrank and couldn’t believe it.

“Ding Tianqi, have you even stepped into Dao Boundary small accomplishment?”

Luo Yan also hesitated for a moment before reacting. He was so imposing and soared again: “But Luo Yande told you that Dao Boundary small accomplishment is not my opponent.”

His magic seal came to an end, and the dying will within the body also began to be released.

“Ding Tianqi, even if you step into Dao Boundary small accomplishment, what is it in front of me? You still want to disturb me to play chess and give me a roll!”

be that as it may, but Xiu Shenliang’s body was tense, and she climbed her will to the extreme.

Today, he has just touched the threshold of Dao Boundary.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of thunder covered the city.

No one had expected that Xiu Shenliang’s move to provoke everyone turned into a melee.

Black and white pawns have fallen one after another, sometimes the blacks have the upper hand, and sometimes the whites have the upper hand.

Suddenly, a white chess piece shattered the black chess piece played by Yu Mingfu, making the latter groaned, took several steps backwards, and suffered a certain blow.

“Xiu Shenliang, Immortal Ancient hasn’t opened yet, it’s just the next Go, and it’s a killing move like this? In this case, let me play with you little old man!”

A majestic voice sounded, and then in a great hall, a horrible will rushed into the clouds, shaking all the streets.

Many Cultivator’s complexions have changed.

This is the will of the Earth Immortal giant!

“Why? You’re not as good as a man, and you want to bully the little?”

There was another majestic coldly snorted sound, a horrible will, as if into a big Immortal Dragon hand, blocking the will.

The majestic astral qi immediately blew the whole Daocheng.

Imaginary Immortal Dao Sect’s Earth Immortal giant is out.

“Two fellow daoist, this time is the battle of Immortal Ancient, the battle of Human Immortal, we Old Guys would be too bad, right?”

A hearty voice sounded from the other side.

“I agree, if this is passed on, it will be joked by the world ’s Martial Cultivation.”

“What’s the joke? The old bald donkey can’t bear it first. It has nothing to do with our Three Clear Ancient Sect!”

“That being the case, it would be better to go to war!”

With one after another voice, one after another terrifying aura, one after another rushed.

The entire Flowing Moon Dao city, whether it is a wall or a high-grade on the ground, shines a dreamy moonlight, blocking the impact of this will.

As for the Cultivators in the city, they all turned pale.

The scuffle between digital unparalleled talents has shaken their minds. Now that this Earth Immortal will hiding the sky and covering the earth, how can they block it?

Especially between that vaguely, a terrifying storm is coming, let them trembling in fear, can’t wait to leave immediately.

“Fellow daoist, if you want to fight, how about after Yin-Yang Small World is over?”

At this moment, an old voice overshadowed all will: “Before that, please give me a little face, everyone is kind, don’t start anymore.”

These short tens of words, although not having any majesty, seem to have a strange magic power, which instantly made the violent astral qi disappear and disappear, restoring peace.

Because this person who speaks is an Unparalleled Overlord of Nine Palace Gold Immortal Sect!

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