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“Do … Dao Boundary small accomplishment?”

Wu Huisheng and Liang Qi, as well as the Cultivator who entered the dragon corpse, had shocking look in their eyes.

Especially the latter, I can’t believe it.

This is Dao Boundary small accomplishment. According to rumors, even some Unparalleled Overlord have not been able to reach this level.

And, if Qin Nan succeeds in ascending immortal, it can be called peerless talent.

The genius who can be matched with the peerless 2 word, looking at the entire 9 Heavenly Immortal domain, that is all as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, can be counted on one’s fingers.

“Good, good, good!”

However, it is amazing that Wu Huisheng did not have any fear, but said 3 good words in a row.

Deep in his eyes, an invisible flame was burning.

“Didn’t expect, this time my luck turned out to be so good that I met an unparalleled talent from Dao Boundary small accomplishment!”

“Fellow Daoist Qin Nan, no matter what, you must fight with me!”

“Wu Huisheng will owe your one person love regardless of winning or losing!”

Wu Huisheng was so imposing and suddenly soared. Countless Profound Lights shone in succession. His shattered arm was reborn at an amazing speed.

He is the Execution Dao Sect First Direct Disciple disciple, and the Asking Dao Technique they learned in Sect is the Shinto Scripture.

The martial arts are extremely mysterious. Once practiced, the battle strength of itself will far exceed that of its peer Cultivator.

Because of this, the general unparalleled talent will not be his opponent.

However, the ability of such heaven-defying also has great constraints.

If he wants to ascending immortal, he must defeat or slay the very powerful genius, or the digital genius and the countless Cultivator.

If he wants to step into Dao Boundary, he needs to defeat or slay the unparalleled talent who has mastered Dao Boundary small accomplishment.

He had been searching for such a Cultivator before Immortal Ancient had not been started, but he could not find it.

Now, his eager opponent appears in front of him!

“Good, you didn’t let me down.”

Seeing this scene, Qin Nan’s majestic fighting intent immediately erupted, and said, “I’ll accompany you to the battle today!”

As soon as the words fell, the Breaking Heavens Blade in his hand suddenly cut out, and countless horrible blade intents were shrouded in moving towards Wu Huisheng.

In the original Qin Nan’s mind, he did not like Wu Huisheng’s aloof and remote attitude. If Wu Huisheng saw him Dao Boundary small accomplishment, he would be very displeased with cowering.

However, Wu Huisheng’s response was unexpected and made a big difference.

In the heart, can not help but breed a strong sense of fighting.

“Fellow Daoist Qin Nan, many thanks!”

Wu Huisheng clenched his fists in both hands, and then screamed, and the meaning of countless Dragon Immortal entangled around him, forming a pair of Dragon Immortal Battle Armor.

Facing the terrifying blade intent cut out by Qin Nan, he did not retreat and made thousands of punches in an instant.

That majestic force will shake a note of blade intent forcibly.

“Cross the Heavens Strikes!”

Qin Nan’s body flickered and he came to the other side like Fiendgod.

“Dragon Immortal!”

Wu Huisheng knotted his hands with one hand, his figure also disappeared.


One after another deafening explosion sounded immediately within the entire dragon corpse, and opened up countless horrible astral qi.


The Cultivators, seeing this scene, were all shaking their hearts.

The confrontation between these two people is too terrifying. It is not like Cultivator of Heavenly God Realm at all, but 2 Human Immortal.

“So amazing will Ah!”

Wan Xiao, Liang Qi, and Purple Fox could not help but sigh.

Whether it was Wu Huisheng’s previous attitude or Qin Nan’s reaction later, they saw a kind of deeply will, deeply feeling.

It’s no wonder why Qin Nan and Wu Huisheng are so powerful.

“Battle for dragon’s heart!”

Wan Xiao 3 people reacted quickly, and immediately shot at dragon’s heart. The 3 people’s attack did not inevitably collide.

They have mastered the martial arts Four Extreme and naturally have their own will, which will not be easily affected by Qin Nan and Wu Huisheng.

“This … could it be that is an Earth Immortal-level dragon corpse?”

“His, what’s inside is amazing treasure Ah!”

“Cultivator has already begun to compete. Fellow daoist, let’s join in Ah!”

Just then, outside of the dragon corpse, one after another came.

The Cultivators who arrived have already arrived here.

The Cultivators, who were originally in the Earth Immortal dragon corpse, immediately responded, looking at each other, and broke into the battlefield among 3 unparalleled talents.

However, no matter how they tried, no one was involved in the battle between Qin Nan and Wu Huisheng.

From beginning to end, I kept the distance of thousand zhang and didn’t dare go further.

Because of that range, it belongs to only 2 kings!

“Dragon Immortal is overwhelming!”

Qin Nan’s body shape changed directly into a Dragon Immortal illusory shadow with a length of several hundred zhang.

“8 Wang Yin!”

Wu Huisheng still hasn’t evaded. Above his hands, a seal of the king condensed, and a move directly below moved towards.


With a loud noise, Wang Yin was broken.

Wu Huisheng’s body was also shaken back by dozens of steps.

Qin Nan killing move did not stop, Breaking Heavens Blade came out, like a peerless Fei Hong, cut to his body.

“The sword of Dragon Immortal, 8 wild swords!”

Unexpectedly, Wu Huisheng was still relentless, letting Breaking Heavens Blade run through his chest, revealing a huge blood hole.

With both hands, he grabbed the void, grabbed two illusive swords, and evolved a huge sword flower, covering Qin Nan.

“It’s a weird flesh body that can recover instantly after being traumatized.”

Between these flashes of light, Qin Nan looked at the blood hole in Wu Huisheng’s chest and recovered as before, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Strands of dao light, emanating from his within the body, flow over the Scarlet-Gold Battle Armor, making the latter aura instantly magnificent.

“The Steps Treads all Under the Heavens, Destruction War Fist!”

He used 2 techniques at the same time, and a shadow of his fist appeared directly in all directions of Wu Huisheng, leaving him nowhere to escape.

Wu Huisheng’s flesh body can instantly recover from injuries, even the limbs before recovery, etc. There must be some found mystery among them.

Since he couldn’t see through his eyes, he found out this found mystery.


Just then, a terrible dragon’s roar sound blew into everyone’s ears, making people feel as if the entire sky had collapsed.

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