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Chapter 1600 47 Primal Beginning Saint Leopard

Chapter 1600 47 Primal Beginning Saint Leopard

On top of the War Dragon are the 7-Claw War Dragon, the 7-Claw Divine Dragon, and the 1-Claw Immortal Dragon.

Today, this demon palace can only reach the middle of the demon palace by taking the Dragon Clan of the War Dragon level, and can no longer move in the slightest.

You need to take a 7-claw War Dragon to enter the depths of the Demon Palace, and the latter 2 can reach the 9-head dragon-form illusory shadow.

Cultivators with 7-clawed Divine Dragon and 9-clawed Immortal Dragon must have already entered the 1-head dragon-form illusory shadow. Qin Nan wants to get it again, basically impossible.

The only way now is to look deeper.

“You will take care of yourself later, if you can enter the 9 Dragon illusory shadow, I will take you in again.”

Qin Nan passed a spiritual thought to Wan Xiao. The whole figure turned into an amazing blade glow and flew to a 7-claw War Dragon instantly.

“Fellow daoist, borrow your War Dragon.”

Qin Nan shoots a finger, countless destruction fighting intent, sweeping out.

“Dare you hit me War Dragon lord intent?”

Riding on this 7-claw War Dragon, Cultivator, wearing a ghost robe, uttered a rage at the moment, his thin, dead hands, and immediately protruded from the robe mouth.

Although Qin Nan exudes a terrifying light of terrifying, Qin Nan’s actions completely touched the great interests of this Cultivator.

So the Cultivator shot with almost no hesitation.

Qin Nan’s body flickered, and he came directly behind this Cultivator, condensing the numerous destruction fighting intent into a big punch, and blasted out directly.

With a loud bang, the Cultivator groaned flew upside down and fell into the void in the distance.

“Fellow daoist, offended, 7 Claw War Dragon will pay you back immediately.”

Qin Nan fists.

7 Claw battle dragon’s eye The eyes were furious, and when he was about to take a shot, he suddenly noticed something. His body trembled, and he swam to the depths of the Zhuyao Palace at an amazing speed.

Qin Nan stepped down from the dragon body, his eyes looked towards the huge and incomparable 9 dragon illusory shadow, his brows frowned slightly.

He was in the middle of the various demon palaces just now, so he didn’t find out that there was an invisible barrier here.

And on the barrier, there is a trace of dangerous aura, which obviously contains some inexplicable danger that cannot be penetrated by the pump technique.

As for the 7-claw War Dragon that Qin Nan was riding on, after a long whistle, it flew back to the original Master. The dragon’s pupil also swept Qin Nan from time to time, with a bit of perseverance inside.

“Can it still be like this?”

Wan Xiao also was a person Cultivators in the middle, with a look of surprise on their faces. No one had thought that the rules here had such a large loophole.

No need to rob, just borrow the dragon, you can go deep.

Soon, Wan Xiao waited for the Cultivator to react, and looked at the remaining 7 heads and 7 claws of War Dragon, so that the Cultivator above the dragon’s head all hit a shivered.

“It’s still a bit too dangerous to break into this barrier. Enter the Monster Beast palace inside and see if you can find anything.”

Qin Nan quickly took notice and looked away.

There are not many deep palaces, only 37.

When it comes to Cultivator in the depths, there will be more, more than 70 people.

However, for a long time, Qin Nan’s gaze locked on a more towering palace made of bronze.

The Monster Beast motif in this temple is an alien beast of antiquity times, named Primal Beginning Saint Leopard.

Compared with some other Monster Beasts, the aura emitted by this beast is more terrifying.

Qin Nan tiptoeed and immediately went into the temple.

I only saw the walls of the Great Hall carved with countless pictures of Primal Beginning Saint Leopard and other Cultivator Monster Beasts fighting.

In the great hall, there is one after another natural phenomenon, which is constantly evolving.

There are some natural phenomena, such as a Transmission Formation. If the Cultivator is mistakenly entered, it will be immediately passed away and entered into a Danger Land.

As for the front of this great hall, there are all kinds of Murderous intentions, among them there are 3 Heavenly God Cultivator trapped in Murderous intentions.

“Fellow daoist, how do we work together? In the end, if you get inheritance and so on, your one person can take 7-“

A Heavenly God peak Cultivator was surprised when he saw Qin Nan.

He is not stupid. From the aura radiating from Qin Nan and the dark red light, we can see that Qin Nan is an extraordinary unparalleled talent.

If this and the others help, they can resolve many Murderous intentions.


However, before he finished speaking, Qin Nan’s figure turned directly into an amazing blade light, and rushed into the murderous intention.

“He rushed by alone?”

The 3 Heavenly God peak Cultivator faces were dumb.

These formidable intentional formidable power, they are no more clear, even if it is unparalleled talent, if only one person, rushing in is asking for trouble.

But next moment, they saw an extremely shocking scene.

Qin Nan’s body, among these many murderous intentions, such as entering a realm of no one, each step will be perfectly avoided by each and everyone murderous intention.

After counting ten breaths, they can’t see the silhouette of Qin Nan.

Qin Nan, has come to the depths of this great hall.

“what is this?”

Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed.

In front of him, a very gloomy scene appeared.

There are nearly 3000 Cultivator heads of different sizes, suspended in the air by gold heels, and each head continues to drip blood and slap on the ground.

Invisible killing, like Nether Soul, shuttled back and forth.

“Not good, this is a Killing Formation!”

Qin Nan complexion slightly changed, and without hesitation, stepped back.

But he was still one step behind, and the eyes on each skull suddenly burst out with amazing blood light, all staring at Qin Nan’s body.

The walls and all around disappeared in an instant, replaced by a quagmire that was transformed into a hell, with ghosts in it that crawled out of it.

Several 10000 killing intents, all locked Qin Nan.

Each of these ghosts is extraordinary, comparable to Heavenly God.

“Heavens Desolation Blade Technique!”

Seeing this scene, Qin Nan no longer stepped back, but moved forward. Breaking Heavens Blade was cut out immediately, and as a peng peng blew, heads of ghosts shattered in succession.

However, the next moment, these ghosts, reshaped.

Compared with the previous ones, their cultivation level is not only stronger, but also many immortal techniques.

“The wicked Killing Formation not only sacrificed the lives of nearly 3000 Cultivators, but also trapped their souls within these bodies.”

Qin Nan’s eyes were cold, within the body Dao Crystal, and it was working immediately.

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