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Chapter 1631 Encounter

“The unparalleled talent found us, he hit a blade in his hand, and we quickly retreated!”

Han Tianxiao first noticed that she was loudly shouted and her body was backwards.

The other Cultivators did not dare to neglect at all, and the retired retired several hundred zhang away.

An extraordinary unparalleled talent, they have to play a trick casually, they have to deal with it carefully, not to mention the other side also hit the Supreme Treasure.

In front of everyone’s eyes, Breaking Heavens Blade, like a meteor, crossed the sky and stuck in front of everyone 8 ten zhang away.

An invisible knife power suddenly swept out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In an instant, Han Tianxiao also there is a person Cultivator’s magic treasures, it seems that they have been hit by some kind of intangible huge blow, and issued one after another amazing explosion.

Every magic treasure, even the device of Half Immortal, is no exception.

“What is this magic treasure?”

Han Tianxiao is also a person of Cultivators who suddenly sucked in a cold breath of air. They have never encountered such a strange Supreme Treasure.

“But just want to stop us with a blade?”

Han Tianxiao reacted quickly, flashing disdain in his eyes, and then aloud sound transmission: “You don’t have to panic, it’s just a knife. We will bypass the knife now and fly all over.”

“Even if the knife is so capable, it can’t stop us.”

Speaking of which, Han Tianxiao added: “This knife may have some kind of suppression on magic treasures, temporarily closing all magic treasures.”

The other Cultivators reacted immediately, and there was no startled look in their eyes.

As Han Tianxiao said, there is nothing more than a knife, even if it is the peerless Dao Item, without the Master’s urging, they don’t have to panic.


Han Tianxiao once again divine light, his body flickered, and he walked around, trying to fly to the mountain from another direction.

However, just as he was ten thousand zhang from Qin Nan to 9900 7 ten zhang from Qin Nan, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his body was frozen as if frozen.

“This… what is this…”

His voice began to tremble.

At that moment, he felt Murderous Aura and Blade Intent, hiding the sky and covering the earth, Murderous Aura like World, and the horrible Blade Intent that can destroy everything.

This made him feel in his heart that if he took a step forward, he would fall here.

Not just him, the dozens of Cultivators behind him are exactly the same as his situation.

“Han Tianxiao, what are you doing?”

Some Cultivators in the rear, brows frowned.

“Don’t … don’t come over …”

Han Tianxiao took a step back, his face full of fear.

“What the hell do you want to do? That person is about to get rid of all the branches. If you’re scared now, let’s go!”

The rear Cultivators, hearing this face turned cold, simultaneously flew up.

However, when they flew out of their few feet, their pupils also shrank simultaneously, and some Cultivators with a lower cultivation level turned their faces pale and full of fear.

What an amazing murderous aura and blade intent Ah!

If they go any further, they will surely die here!

“Fuck, are you afraid to move?”

Eight Luminaries Demon King was shocked and couldn’t believe his eyes.

As an Unparalleled Overlord, it is natural to see that Qin Nan is a murderous aura, and will of himself, all fuse into the strange knife.

In other words, the Cultivator is specifically deterred with momentum.

“Every … guys, don’t panic, this knife is just a myth. It’s just momentum, not really might ability.”

A Cultivator from Heavenly God peak finally came back to his senses and gritted his teeth: “We rush now, this knife can’t do us anything.”

The other 2 Heavenly God peak Cultivator heard this and immediately said, “Yes, let’s go together!”

The other Cultivators heard this, meaning they were loose, but they were still afraid to move.

The 3 Heavenly God peak Cultivator saw this, shook the head, looked at each other, quietly operated an immortal technique, and took a step forward.

If others dare not come, they will come.

If something really happens, they can take another shot.


Just as their footsteps fell, the three horrible blade auras, just like the three worldly sky rivers, moved towards their three people.

“Not good -“

The faces of the three Cultivators suddenly changed.

However, with the exception of one Cultivator who has mastered ancient puppetry, the other two Heavenly God peak Cultivator had no time to respond. The immortal technique was cut and shattered as soon as it was hit.


Whether it is Han Tianxiao or other Cultivators, the stormy sea has set in their hearts.

In their minds, they originally preferred the 3 Cultivator’s words, but after seeing this scene, they were shocked by fiercely.

Their feeling is not wrong.

This knife can cut God!

“Hehe, an uninitiated knife can actually kill two Heavenly Gods. It is truly amazing. But I don’t believe you can do it for the third time.”

A young man in a black robe had a hoarse voice.


He took out a light blue color Talisman and crushed it.

A tremendous strength of Transmission suddenly landed on him, making his body almost disappear.

He urged a teleport Talisman, ready to teleport.

“I almost forgot this method!”

Han Tianxiao and other Heavenly God peaks, their eyes lighted up immediately.


However, at this crucial moment, a terrifying matchless blade aura sprang up again, and the black robe Cultivator, which was full of astonishment, was directly destroyed into nothingness.

The whole mountain forest fell into a deadly silence.

All thoughts were wiped out, and no one dared to move before a knife.

“Fuck !, this kid also knows how to use this method, leave the divine power in the knife in advance, urge several killing moves, and kill several Heavenly God Cultivator.”

“In this way, others are afraid.”

“Even if anyone guesses, don’t dare to rush.”

Eight Luminaries Demon King tsk tsk is amazing, it is indeed the unparalleled talent who masters Dao Crystal big accomplishment.

Time passed little by little.

Although Qin Nan took out a lot of divide power, the battle strength is still extremely arrogant, shattering a section of the branch, leaving only the last 30 more.

On the other hand, on the mountainside, a weird scene was presented.

During the period just now, many more Cultivators have arrived, making Han Tianxiao and the others’ lineup expand to the level of 100 people.

However, these 100 people all stood in front of a knife and did not dare to take a step eagerly, watching Qin Nan cut off the branches.

Because, whenever Cultivator came over and noticed this strange atmosphere, he would ask and be told the truth.

When they were stunned by the momentum, when they saw the three corpses, their thoughts disappeared.

Extraordinary unparalleled talent means they have no courage to challenge at all.

“Only the last 3 branches left!”

Suddenly a Cultivator said in alarm.

Everyone looked at it in unison, immediately seeing a layer of immortal light, with a silhouette, hit a punch, and shattered a branch again.

Twigs, only the last 2 left.

“It’s really a bunch of waste. Such a simple means will actually deter you all and make you dare not take a step in front of a knife without a master!”

At this moment, a thunderbolt-like voice exploded in the forest.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Zhenyi’s body stepped in the air from a distance.

“Unparalleled talent Gu Zhenyi?”

Han Tianxiao and many Cultivator were shocked, and at the same time a light rose in their eyes.

Gu Zhenyi is here, the knife can definitely be broken.

Then, when Gu Zhenyi fights with that extraordinary unparalleled talent, how could they’t it be still a chance to profit from it?

“Brother, use your life!”

Gu Zhenyi be that as it may, but he can see the extraordinaryness of Breaking Heavens Blade. He didn’t shoot directly, but flashed, grabbed an Earth God Cultivator, and dropped it towards the front.

The Earth God Cultivator was so horrified that he could scream in the future, and was torn by the blade light and shattered.

“Now you must not hurt me!”

Gu Zhenyi’s momentum rises, standing across the hands behind the back, giving birth to one after another rippled Divine Immortal light, like a world king, moved towards the front step by step, the speed is amazing.


Suddenly, a sky-splitting sound started.

Breaking Heavens Blade seems to be waved by an invisible blade sage, bursting out of one after another Destruction’s Intent and War God, removed towards Gu Zhenyi.

“Is there a blade aura in it?”

Gu Zhenyi’s eyes flickered, his body flickered, the magic seal came out, and he struck down.

In an instant, there are hundreds of towering great spear illusory shadows with a length of more than 100 feet. From that void, one after another evolves.


At the same time, Qin Nan blood hair flew and swept across.

The last 2 branches, one after another paused, then shattered into nothingness.

Thirty-three Huaxian trees seemed to perceive what they were about to face. Every branch and leaf was flashing immortal light violently, and seemed to be full of unwillingness.

“You are Huaxianshu, born from Heaven and Earth, specially to help others to become immortals. You help me ascending immortal, and will never insult your name.”

Qin Nan’s pupils flickered with a golden flame, and a dao light emerged from her brows.

Thirty-three Huaxian trees paused for a moment, then the branches and leaves danced more vigorously.

“It seems that I can only forcibly subdue you and offend.”

Qin Nan brows slightly wrinkle, regardless of others, evolved out of ten big hands, respectively moved towards ten and three Huaxian captured.


An invisible force, I do not know where it came from, shrouded in every Huaxian tree without any signs.

No matter how powerful his Divine Power is, he can’t move forward in the slightest.

Qin Nan froze for a moment, he did not expect that, in addition to the branches and Knight just now, these 3 Huaxian trees were guarded by Mysterious things.

At this time, a Mysterious runes, condensed on the trunk, amazing mutation, again!

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