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Chapter 1607: Sudden Crisis

You know, Ding Tianqi only suppressed it to Heavenly God 3-layer.

Qin Nan’s level of Earth God peak, under his hands, has sustained a full 1000 breaths, what does this mean?

Under the same cultivation level of Qin Nan and Ding Tianqi, two people must be equal.

Even to say, Qin Nan is a little bit better.

“This child, is it possible that mastered Dao Boundary small accomplishment?”

In the head of a Cultivator, a single thought popped up, causing them to hold breath cold air.

As everyone knows, the cultivation level reaches Heavenly Immortal, mastering the martial arts Four Extreme, it can be called Unparalleled Overlord.

Going up, as long as the cultivation level is enough to master Dao Boundary, it can be called Nine Heavens Supreme.

Dao Boundary small accomplishment, this is countless unparalleled talents, and even some new Unparalleled Overlord, the coveted Boundary.

If you wait for Qin Nan ascending immortal to succeed and master Dao Boundary, then you can call it ‘peerless talent’.

Looking at the entire 9 Heavenly Immortal domain, it is one of the most Peak’s geniuses.

Peak geniuses at this level are either Supreme Successor or Core Disciple of Supreme Dao Lineage. Their status and status are extremely extraordinary. Future achievements also point to Supreme!

“Qin Nan, you really gave me too many surprises today. I lost this time, but next time you don’t want to win me again.”

Ding Tianqi took the lead in came back to his senses, with no loss in his face.

After speaking, the focal distance in both eyes began to slowly collapse, and the whole person seemed to be a puppet, moving towards his position.

Qin Nan nodded, fighting intent retreated.

I have to say that he has experienced so many battles, this Ding Tianqi is one of those opponents that he can respect.

At this moment, the entire great hall is still absolute silence.

Qin Nan returned quickly, stepped out of the field, and said, “Senior Wu Ding, as promised, can you give me that knife now?”

As soon as he said this, many Heavenly Immortal Powerhouses started to come back to his senses.

“Haha, it really is Heroes come out from the Youth. I am afraid that I am less than 30% of you.” Daoist Wu Ding laughed out loud. “This knife belongs to you today.”

There is no dissatisfaction in his heart now.

Qin Nan’s strength has made him look impressive.

If he had known that Qin Nan had such strength, he would first give Qin Nan without the slightest hesitation at first, and this battle would not be held.

“Qin Nan little friend, what you did, it was really wonderful!”

“Qin Nan little friend, congratulations Ah!”

“Qin Nan-“

Powerhouses from other forces also reacted and raised a toast.

As the saying goes, winner is the king, loser is the villain.

Now that Qin Nan has won, he is the current king. No one will sneer at him any more, but he will be 100 with him.

“Fellow Daoist Qin Nan, didn’t expect your strength to be so powerful, and it just worried me for a while.”

Xu Xianzhi gently moved his steps, smiling like a flower, saying, “I have just sent someone to trace the origin of this knife.”

Qiu Hong on the side also quickly said: “Elder Brother Nan, don’t worry, I will send someone to check.”

Qin Nan heard this, and for a moment, he solemnly saluted.

Although Xu Xianzhi’s actions were quite good for him and deliberately betrayed others, but now he is weak in the Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory and it is too difficult to trace it alone.

Xu Xianzhi and Qiu Hong, who took the initiative to help him, were a profound friendship.

“Must is fine!”

Qin Nan clenched the black blade tightly and released it slowly after half a ring.

“After going back this time, I will retreat!”

The faces of Gao Yuanxian and Zhao Lijian are not particularly good-looking, but Young Peng King Wan Xiao, while looking ugly, his fists clenched tightly.

In his heart, a long-lost fighting spirit was also ignited.

Because he wanted to surpass Qin Nan, the Great Mountain.

“Continue to hold the birthday party.” Zhao Lijian took a breath, calmed his mind, and said, “Now a second pass ceremony, all the fellow daoist, saluted, respecting the birthday wine-“

Everything is on track.

However, because of Qin Nan and Ding Tianqi’s engagement just now, the atmosphere of this banquet became very warm.

As before at the reception, Qin Nan also became the focus of the audience.

Time passed by bit by bit. After half an hour, all the ceremonies were over.

The Cultivators present began to talk to each other, toast each other, and establish diplomatic relations.

At a time when the atmosphere was very warm, a disciple wearing a blue color robe suddenly rushed to face Daoist Wu Ding sound transmission saying.

“Long … Elder, something went wrong, Linhe River, and Yuan Seeking Ancient Road. Mutation happened, and it suddenly opened early.”

Linhe River and Yuan Seeking Ancient Road are both Ten Thousand Zhang (33.300m) Heaven Territory. The two famous Smelting Trial Lands were created by Southern World Immortal King and belong to Daoist Wu Ding.

Daoist Wu Ding indifferent took a look at this disciple and said, “Just open it in advance, then let the outer sect and inner sect disciple start the assessment and enter the market in advance.”

If it was not for the birthday feast, he would definitely reprimand the disciple.

What kind of thing is reported now?

The disciple had cold sweats on his back and his voice trembled: “In addition … long … Elder, Looking Dao Stone also started to run ahead of time.”

Daoist Wu Ding expression for a moment.

Looking Dao Stone, different from the previous 2 Smelting Trial Land.

It is made from Southern World Immortal King and runs once a year. After operation, it can detect their enemies from Ten Thousand Zhang (33.300m) Heaven Territory.

It is precisely because of this stone that many other dead men sent by other forces were discovered one by one, which brought great benefits.

It’s just that it was opened a month ago, how can it be opened now?

“I’m understood, you go down first.”

Daoist Wu Ding waved his hand. He now feels strange, but he can only wait until the end of the birthday party.

“As you bid!”

The disciple was relaxed and jogged down.

The conversation between the two people was undetected, and throughout the great hall, people coming, people going, still lively.

In particular, Qin Nan was shown by many forces. After learning that Qin Nan does not have Sect, he also got a lot of enthusiasm.

“Qin Nan little friend, why not join us? With your aptitude, you will definitely be the Direct Disciple of the Southern World Immortal King. By then-“

Daoist Wu Ding’s eyes also started to focus on Qin Nan.


Before he finished speaking, the whole great hall suddenly trembled.

A sense of intangible coercion, I do not know where to come, above the crowd, slowly swinging away.


In the presence of Cultivator, one after another looked up.

“This could it be that is–“

Daoist Wu Ding, and Zhao Lijian, and many Heavenly Immortal Powerhouses under the Southern World Immortal King, were keenly aware of what.


Suddenly, a vast blue color rays of light, across countless voids, fell like Qin Nan on the body.

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