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Chapter 1603 The Familiar Sword

“Ding Tianqi?”

Many people’s faces showed a tinge of disorientation.

What happened to Ding Tianqi, they were all very clear.

Judging from his previous actions, he basically does not work for others. How do I know that he is going to give a gift today?

“Could it be that his intellect is gradually recovering?”

A thought flashed through Zhao Lijian’s mind, and his brows frowned.

After Ding Tianqi was impaired, he was cultivated in the power of His Majesty Southern World Immortal King like never before.

It would not be good for him if the former started to recover.

Just when he wanted to say something, he cleverly blocked Ding Tianqi with words, and Daoist Wu Ding, who was sitting at the first table, was curious and said, “Tianqi, what are you going to give me?”

Not only him, but also many people present.

I only saw that Ding Tianqi stood up, like a wild beast, and walked forward, took out a black blade, hoarse sound saying: “Wu Ding Elder, this black edged blade is good, I give it to you.”

He handed the black blade, between manners, without any etiquette, like a child, giving things to others at will.

I did not say the words of birthday.

Zhao Lijian was happy in his heart, but his face was slightly sinking. He suddenly shouted: “Ding Tianqi, I haven’t got the knife back yet, it’s such an ordinary sword–“

Many people present also shook the head.

The aura of this black edged blade is nothing special, and the material is extremely ordinary. Even a Divine Item can’t be called, at most it is equivalent to a powerful Emperor Item.

“This knife–“

Qin Nan’s pupils shrank suddenly.

“Wait a minute, this black edged blade is a bit weird.”

Before waiting for Zhao Lijian’s remarks, Daoist Wu Ding suddenly spoke, and after a closer look, he shots a finger and broke into an immortal intent.


This black long knife instantly seemed to come alive, and a light glow dazzled, and the killing intent of the amazing blade glow, even a thin layer of ice frost on the ground of the great hall.

“This knife has a soul in it, and it also has an amazing will. If it is remodeled, it must be the same Immortal Item. Yes, yes.”

Daoist Wu Ding was satisfied.

A powerful Immortal Item, for him not at all, but in Ding Tianqi’s current state, being able to come up with such things is already quite good.

Zhao Lijian and the Cultivators present didn’t know that such a magical thing was hidden in this knife, and for a moment, no one murmured.

Only the glance in my eyes flashed.

“Tianqi, go back to where you are, now continue with the second one—”

Daoist Wu Ding said.

“Senior Wu Ding, Junior wants something!”

At this time, a sound suddenly sounded.

Zhao Lijian and many Cultivators have frowns, at this time, who is so disabled to tell good from bad that they interrupted the birthday party?

When they turned their heads and expressions, they all froze.

It is Qin Nan who speaks.

“Elder Brother Nan, you …”

Qiu Hong was puzzled, and Xu Xianzhi, not far away, was also confused.

“Who are you?”

Daoist Wu Ding had no expression on his face.

Suddenly interrupted, he was naturally a little unhappy. If it wasn’t for the birthday party now being held, there were more than 1000 overhauls in all around, and with his temper, he would go straight.

Zhao Lijian on the side immediately sounded transmission and informed Daoist Wu Ding all his knowledge of Qin Nan.

“It turned out to be Qin Nan little friend. If anything, you can just say it directly.”

Daoist Wu Ding’s expression eased slightly. He still had some patience for an unparalleled talent.

“Senior Wu Ding, Junior hopes you can give me this knife.”

Qin Nan sorted out the wording, with a solemn expression, and said solemnly, “This knife was used by a brother who was born to die. I never left, and now I am here, what must have happened.”

“If Senior is willing, this friendship, Junior will take it to heart and give it back ten times in the future.”

When he took the knife from Ding Tianqi, he already saw it. It was the black edged blade used by his Senior Brother, Tang Qingshan.

And this black blade, or Tang Qingshan beloved.

It is for this reason that he stands up.

As for how Ding Tianqi obtained this black blade, after getting it, he carefully questioned it.

“You want this knife?”

Daoist Wu Ding’s expression, which had just eased, suddenly became indifferent again.

The Cultivators present were looking at each other in shock, but did not say a word.

“Qin Nan, didn’t expect you to do such a stupid thing!”

In the distance, Young Peng King Wan Xiao, and Gao Yuanxian, were instantly refreshed, and even Zhao Lijian’s eyes were brightened.

You know, it’s Daoist Wu Ding’s 1000-year birthday.

This black blade is a birthday gift from Ding Tianqi to Daoist Wu Ding. Who can speak directly and want a birthday gift?

Such a move by Qin Nan would completely offend Daoist Wu Ding.

This is Daoist Wu Ding, not an ordinary Heavenly Immortal character. The former also mastered the existence of martial arts Four Extreme. After becoming the Heavenly Immortal peak, it is Unparalleled Overlord.

In terms of status alone, I don’t know how many times higher than Qin Nan.

“Senior Wu Ding, Elder Brother Nan is eager to see things, and hope not to be angry. I also hope Senior Wu Ding can help Elder Brother Nan, Junior is grateful.”

Qiu Hong stood up without hesitation.

“Senior Wu Ding, this is a very bad move, but it can also be seen that Fellow Daoist Qin Nan is a person of value emotion, value friendship. If Senior Wu Ding gives it, it can be regarded as the beauty of an adult. It is a good story to pass on.”

Xu Xianzhi pupil light flows, the voice is soft.


Qin Nan’s heart warmed, he knew what his actions meant.

The ability of two people to stand up at this time is undoubtedly their greatest support.

“3 unparalleled talent!”

All the Cultivators in the audience watched this scene with interest.

They want to see how it ends.

“Xianzhi is now at the risk of offending Daoist Wu Ding, and is here to help this guy!”

Young Peng King Wan Xiao and Gao Yuanxian’s faces simultaneously sank.

“Master, what do we do now?”

Zhao Lijian whispered Asking Dao.

Daoist Wu Ding saw this scene, still without expression on his face.

In his heart, naturally, it was very uncomfortable, but now besides Qin Nan, Qiu Hong and Xu Xianzhi are also begging for help. If he still refuses, it is unlikely that the impact will be good.

The face of 3 unparalleled talents, he still wants to give.

Even more how, this is just a normal black blade that’s all.

However, if he did give it, what would the other Cultivator think about it?

“Tianqi, you still gave this knife after all. In your opinion, should you give it to Qin Nan?”

Daoist Wu Ding opened his mouth to ask.

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