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Chapter 1601

Next, the reception continued.

After the turmoil just now, Qin Nan became the focus of the audience. Elder and geniuses from various major forces came to toast one after another.

Although Qin Nan had no interest in his mind, he still responded one after another.

Time passed quickly, and it was time to die.

In the Ten Thousand Zhang (33.300m) Heaven Territory, the large and small palaces shone one after another.

When you look at it from a distance, it seems to condense into a pattern, which makes people feel like dreams.

Apart from this, the deepest part of Ten Thousand Zhang (33.300m) Heaven Territory seems to have opened a Mysterious mouth, and the Heaven Territory’s Energy that poured out has increased by a full 5 times.

The magic treasures, immortal techniques, etc. that are usually sold have lowered their prices.

Countless Cultivator, immediately jubilant.

Daoist Wu Ding’s birthday party also officially began.

“Fellow fellow daoist, this reception will end here. Let’s go and celebrate the Master’s birthday together now.”

Zhao Lijian faced the crowd, saluted with fists, and led the crowd out of the great hall.

The birthday party was held in Ten Thousand Zhang (33.300m) Heaven Territory 3rd-layer, the most magnificent great hall.

The immortal light of this temple is soaring into the sky, with extraordinary momentum, like an ancient giant creature lying on the ground.

At the Palace Gate, there are 2 disciples next to each other, all dressed in red robes, and greeted a Cultivator.

“Three Clean Ancient Sect is here!”

“Heavenly Void Ancestor Sect is here!”

“Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect is here!”

Different from everyone else, when the three Supreme Dao Lineage people walked in, the dozens of disciples were shouted at the same time.

In Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory, a party like Daoist Wu Ding, even if an unparalleled talent comes, cannot get such treatment.

Only the Unparalleled Overlord was present, or Supreme Dao Lineage sent someone.

“So many Cultivators are here?”

Qin Nan stood beside Qiu Hong, walked into the great hall, and looked at the sight in front of him, a little surprised.

I only saw that the whole temple had a radius of 5 thousand zhang.

All around the temple, there are hundreds of different immortal energies, and the beautiful fairy music rang in every corner.

A total of 1000 sheets made of some kind of Immortal Stone exude a rich immortal intent of tables and chairs, with well-organized bars arranged in an orderly manner, like some kind of formulation.

Now the banquet has just been held. Over 1000 tables and chairs are filled with more than half of them, with more than 1000 Cultivators.

And every aura of Cultivator is very powerful.

“Elder Brother Nan, the old man is Inner Sect Elder of Three Clean Ancient Sect. Next to him are Inner Sect Elder of Heavenly Void Ancestor Sect, and …”

After Qiu Hong was seated, he sent spiritual thoughts to Qin Nan, and introduced all the extraordinary characters present.

Qin Nan slightly nodded, also quietly running War God golden pupil glanced.

A glimpse shows the whole leopard. Through this event, he can have a clearer understanding of the entire Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory.

“Ding Tianqi is here!”

At this moment, there was a commotion in the bustling great hall, and many people looked at it in the past.

I saw a young man who was one foot tall, with a bronze skin and a one after another purple color pattern on his face, and strode out of the hall.

Where he passed, there would be a few quiet breaths, like an invisible aura, which shocked those Cultivators.

His eyes did not have any focal length, as if he didn’t notice the number of Cultivators in the audience of 1000, and found an empty table and chairs to sit down directly.


The golden light in Qin Nan’s eyes was beating.

This Ding Tianqi, within the body, is a little weird. Aura is not hidden in the slightest, but when you look at the pump technique, it looks like you are looking at an abyss.

“Ding Tianqi, although he and Zhao Lijian are known as the 2 true stories of His Majesty the Southern World Immortal King, but he has touched the threshold of Dao Boundary.”

“The entire unparalleled talent under Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory, Human Immortal Boundary, can already be called Peak.”

A burst of fragrant wind blew on Qin Nan. Xu Xianzhi sat at Qin Nan from another table, and the pump light flowed: “It’s just this person, born with a defect.”

Qin Nan startled: “Flaw?”

Xu Xianzhi whispered softly: “According to rumors, he acquired a Supreme inheritance, but his soul suffered a great blow, resulting in a broken personality, extremely combative, and poor conversation.”

“And every time you fight, you have to destroy the opponent’s dantian. Even when you shot with Zhao Lijian, you also destroyed the dantian once.”

“You see Zhao Lijian now, you will never ignore him.”

Qin Nan turned his head and looked at it. As Xu Xianzhi said, Zhao Lijian never walked into the square circle of Ding Tianqi when he was walking among the crowd.

Even some great characters are ignored.

“This Qin Nan …”

Young Peng King Wan Xiao, and Gao Yuanxian, seeing such a sight in the distance, can not help but sink his face, his fists began to clenched.

The two people now have the same feeling. If they continue to do so, Xu Xianzhi has a great possibility and will be conquered by Qin Nan.

At this time, some Heavenly Immortal Powerhouses under the Southern World Immortal King, as well as Heavenly Immortal from other forces, began to enter.

Although these Heavenly Immortal cannot be compared with Unparalleled Overlord, they can also be called the Peak Powerhouse of Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory, and their status is extraordinary.

Immediately afterwards, Xianle in the temple suddenly changed and became high.

An old man wearing a red dragon robe with white hair and eyes like a pair of heaven-defying Divine Swords appeared in front of the great hall.

“Thank you fellow daoist, fellow Elder, for coming a long way to attend the 1000 year old birthday party of the old man, I am very grateful.”

“There are quite a few fellow daoist this time. The old man has not been able to greet him personally, and I hope the fellow daoist is not to blame.”

“However, today’s old man is sure to come and refuse to return.”

The old man is as loud as a bell, with great momentum.

He is the protagonist of this birthday party, Daoist Wu Ding.

“Familiar aura …”

Among many Cultivators, Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed slightly.

He didn’t feel it from Zhao Lijian and Ding Tianqi, but now he felt it from Daoist Wu Ding.

That trace of his memory was deep and he was disgusted with Aura.

“Wu Ding, don’t stop talking about these nonsense. Hurry up and end the previous ceremony. I have to drink today and you will never forget it!”

At the table of Heavenly Void Ancestor Sect, an old man with eagle-eyed eyes, said loudly, with great momentum.

This is a Powerhouse of Heavenly Immortal peak Boundary.

“Haha, now that Divine Eagle Elder has spoken, can’t I not?”

Daoist Wu Ding laughed heartily, sitting at the first table.

Zhao Lijian, who stood aside, immediately understood, smiled, and said, “Then enter the first ceremony first, and send a birthday gift!”

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