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1500 99 Chapter 4

She was very curious about Qin Nan.

Cultivator in an Inferior Lower Realm, it is not so easy to step into the martial arts Four Extreme.

And last time, Qin Nan was able to get the second Ascending Immortal Token of Empress Fei Yue, she thought not at all was that simple.

Most likely, this Qin Nan is the successor of Empress Fei Yue.

If this is the case, it will probably make the entire Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory sensational, even in the 9 Heavenly Immortal domain.

“You want to talk to him?”

Gao Yuanxian complexion stiffened.

“Qin Nan, Xu Xianzhi and other women are not ordinary people like you. You will give me an excuse to leave. Otherwise, even if you are Qiu Hong big brother, I can make you die.”

Gao Yuanxian looked towards Qin Nan, his eyes were slightly cold.

“Let me die?”

Qin Nan felt a little funny.

This Gao Yuanxian and Young Peng King Wan Xiao are a mare of a mound, tyrannize is used to it, and threatens others just for a trivial matter.

“Fellow Daoist Qin Nan, have I troubled you again?”

Xu Xianzhi felt this delicate atmosphere, with a touch of playfulness in the soft voice.

“You can’t blame you for this kind of thing, you can only say that they think I bully that’s all …

Qin Nan shook the head, looking directly at Gao Yuanxian.


I don’t want to say anything extra.

If the person doesn’t give up, then he goes straight.

“You-you let me go?”

Gao Yuanxian shrank his eyes, his face was incredible.

You know, he is the son of an ancient Unparalleled Overlord, countless people are kind to him, even Heavenly Immortal is no exception.

Even Qiu Hong did not let him go.

“courting death !”

Gao Yuanxian’s heart suddenly burst into an astonishment of anger, and the power of Heavenly God within the body stirred up, preparing to make an amazing killing move.

“Brother Gao, you can talk about anything.”

At this crucial moment, a palm rested on Gao Yuanxian’s shoulder. The invisible power made the aura of Gao Yuanxian within the body peaceful.

The man who shot it was Zhao Lijian.

At all times, Ten Thousand Zhang (33.300m) Heaven Territory must not be used by anyone, let alone a birthday party is about to be held.

If he did, Gao Yuanxian would have to suffer.

“Brother Zhao, this person is really crazy, I just–“

Gao Yuanxian’s anger persisted, giving the latter what happened just a ten to ten sound transmission.

“Dare you let me go? It’s up to me.”

Zhao Lijian eyes flash with a cold light, and he didn’t know where to get a jade wine glass from his hands.

“It turned out to be the big brother of Qiu Hong fellow daoist. He lost honour and disrespect, met for the first time, and I will come and go in the future. I respect you for this cup.”

Zhao Lijian smiled and raised his glass.

Talking, not one drop of water can leak out.


Xu Xianzhi and the black robe woman in the distance, as well as many Powerhouses in the great hall, were detected almost instantly. Zhao Lijian injected powerful power into this wine glass.

If you hit the glass, you don’t need to imagine that this power will burst out instantly and crash into Qin Nan within the body silently.

“Zhao Lijian, you—”

Qiu Hong, not far away, immediately saw two immortal glows in his eyes, within the body divine power even climbed the peak, ready to play amazing killing.

“My own cope.”

Qin Nan sound transmission, lightly said with a smile: “Zhao Fellow daoist is very kind. If you have a chance in the future, you will definitely come and go.”

He just wanted to see what kind of immortal technique Zhao Zhao had practiced, and now the latter came to his door, which was exactly what it meant.

“Hum, let’s see how you die now.”

Gao Yuanxian heard this and was sneaked in his heart.

“Qin Nan, little–“

Although Xu Xianzhi knows that Qin Nan cultivation level is extraordinary, he has never seen him do anything, and can’t help reminding him subconsciously.

It was just that she hadn’t finished her words, and the two jade wine glasses, under the gaze of one after another, touched them together.


In an instant, in the depths of Qin Nan within the body, an extremely amazing power erupted, like a world-wide Ominous Beast, shredding his internal organs.

But this force had not yet erupted, and it was directly suppressed by a terrifying force.

Zhao Lijian’s cultivation level is the level of Heavenly God 3-layer. With such a small means, he only needs to operate the Divine Power to easily cope with it.

“It’s your turn!”

Qin Nan moved his finger slightly.

The smile on Zhao Lijian’s face suddenly solidified.

He just felt that, from that invisibility, it seemed as if he had a magic sword, moved towards his flesh body.

The terrifying blade intent made him stand on the end of his hair and felt a sense of crisis.


Suddenly, Zhao Lijian didn’t care about the others, and whispered, within the body has a powerful force, and turned into a magic formation, blocking this force.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of explosive explosions sounded immediately on his body, and his body took a step back for 4 steps before he stabilized.


Many Powerhouses in the great hall suddenly had a startled look on their faces.

Even the Mysterious black robe woman looked up slightly and stared at Qin Nan.

“How can this be?”

Gao Yuanxian looks incredible.

You know, Zhao Lijian is an unparalleled talent.

This Qin Nan is just Earth God peak cultivation level. How can Zhao Lijian be repelled?

“Zhao Fellow daoist, Gao Fellow daoist, I forgot to introduce you, Elder Brother Nan also mastered the martial arts Four Extreme.”

Qiu Hong, not far away, sneered.

With Zhao Lijian’s cultivation level, proactively toasting Qin Nan, isn’t this asking for trouble?

“Has he mastered the martial arts Four Extreme?”

Throughout the great hall, Powerhouses, their hearts simultaneously vibrated.

No one expected that this humble young man turned out to be an unparalleled talent.

“Guy … unparalleled talent?”

Gao Yuanxian’s body trembled, and at the same time shocked, he was a bit lucky.

If he really shot Qin Nan just now, not only would he violate the rules, he would also be taught by Qin Nan.

“It turns out that Qin fellow daoist is also an unparalleled talent. Before, he was awkward and never noticed.”

Zhao Lijian complexion fluctuates took a look, and smiled again on his face, and said, “If so, then I should have another drink with Brother Qin-“

Although Qin Nan’s identity was indeed beyond his expectations, it was not enough to scare him and scare him.

Just now, in the eyes of the public, he was taken a few steps back by Qin Nan. He had to take another shot and fight back the latter.

Otherwise this passed out, how couldn’t it be ashamed?

“Gao Yuanxian, the lesson I gave you last time seems not enough. Today you dare to harass Xianzhi!”

At this moment, a voice came from outside.

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