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Chapter 1500 95 Daoist Wu Ding

You know, this is not the inner sect disciple in the Unparalleled Overlord forces, but the inner sect disciple of the Supreme Dao Lineage.

Once successful, it will have a place in the entire Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory.

Not only that, but even a Cultivator who has mastered the martial arts 3 poles and has the immortal root within the body, it has to be tried and tested very hard to become an inner sect.

She took the test 3 times in a row and all failed.

“It must be because of Qiu Hong big brother. Even if there is an Innate natural phenomenon immortal root, it can only be an outer sect at most, and it only gets more practice resources.”

The blue clothed woman came back to his senses quickly and saw the key. Not only did she not look at Qin Nan, she also had a bit of hatred.

She is close to Qiu Hong just to enter the inner sect for the exception, for a better future.

But now, this guy named Qin Nan gave the early bird catches the worm.

“Elder, sorry, I will not join any forces now.”

Qin Nan didn’t think about it and shook his head to refuse.

“You … unwilling to join?”

Third Elder, middle-aged man, and blue clothed woman, all of them were dumbfounded, and almost all suspected that they heard it wrong.

Such a great opportunity, in front of him, he would refuse?

“Little friend, you have to think about it clearly. There are some opportunities. Once you miss it, there will be no more.”

Third Elder’s tone became slightly different.

Just as the blue clothed woman guessed, he was willing to let Qin Nan make an exception to inner sect because Qin Nan is the big brother of Qiu Hong.

At the same time he recruited disciple, Qiu Hong owed him a favor, kill two birds with one stone.

However, Qin Nan’s attitude made him a little upset.

If it wasn’t for Qiu Hong, how could he have such good conditions?

Do you even refuse now?

Even if you are the big brother of Qiu Hong, you cannot fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness.

Qiu Hong, on the one hand, twitched at the corner of his mouth, and then speechless saying: “Third Elder, no need to say more, even if it is Direct Disciple, Elder Brother Nan would not easily agree, he already entered the road …”

“Four Extreme Boundary.”

Earth God Boundary has already stepped into Dao Boundary. This kind of thing is already considered as shocking and horrifying. It is not a good thing to say it in advance.

“4 … Four Extreme Boundary?”

The Third Elder, middle-aged man, and blue clothed woman’s eyes suddenly showed shock, with an incredible look on their faces.

In any case, they never thought that Qin Nan was an unparalleled talent.

“Didn’t expect little friend is so hidden, and don’t blame the old man’s eyes.”

Third Elder’s indifferent, and unhappy, suddenly disappeared, replaced by awkward faces.

An unparalleled talent, let alone be an inner sect disciple, placed in any Supreme Dao Lineage, can make an exception as a Direct Disciple.

“Elder is polite.”

Qin Nan waved with a smile.

“Then we leave first.”

Third Elder and the middle-aged man smiled awkwardly, unwilling to stay long, and left quickly.

“South … Hello Elder Brother Nan.”

The pretty face of the blue clothed woman is also slightly pale and somewhat restrained.

As soon as she thought of the thoughts in her mind, she was afraid for a while.

Fortunately, she didn’t say much, otherwise, she would be miserable today.

Qin Nan glanced at her, nodded, and said, “Qiu Hong, what task did you take this time?”

Qiu Hong expression rightly said, “Elder Brother Nan, in fact, there are 3 tasks this time. I haven’t decided yet. You have to look at it first.”

After finishing his shoots a finger, he put a spiritual thought into Qin Nan’s mind.

“Southern World Immortal King, His Majesty Supreme Elder Daoist Wu Ding, hosted a 1000-year-old birthday feast, went to congratulations, don’t be rude, and reward 2 Heavenly God Pill.”

“Heavenly Void Ancestor Sect Long Xuanling, promoted Earth Immortal, mastered Four Extreme, worshiped Unparalleled Overlord, held a teacher worship banquet, if you go to participate, reward a royal prince.”

“In the 3000 Small World, there was a battle in Saintless World. Go and help–“

These three tasks are all carefully selected by Qiu Hong.

After traveling, you can not only gain benefits, improve cultivation level, but also strengthen Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory, or unparalleled talent among other Small Immortal Territory, Elder, etc.

“What a Long Xuanling!”

Qin Nan saw the second mission, and his middle deep place flashed over the killing intent.

He did not expect that Long Xuanling stepped into Earth Immortal so quickly and mastered the martial arts Four Extreme.

If he was to be promoted to Heavenly Immortal, it could be called Unparalleled Overlord.

“Just pick the first task.”

Qin Nan calmed down quickly, and spoke.

The first task can just let him go and see if the so-called Southern World Immortal King is the Unparalleled Overlord behind Southern Heaven Gate.

As for not accepting the second character, his current cultivation level is too weak.

Now, the past is exactly a lamb in a tiger’s den.

“Elder Brother Nan, I have 3 days to prepare for this task. You are waiting here.”

After Qiu Hong finished speaking, he suddenly whispered sound transmission: “I joined the Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect this time and got the first of the Asking Dao Technique. I used some means to pass it to you.”

“Elder Brother Nan can practise it if he is interested.”

He did not wait for Qin Nan to say anything, handed out a jade slip, and left the box with the blue clothed woman.

“Asking Dao Technique? Qiu Hong, he’s really brave.”

Qin Nan’s eyes showed a surprising look, and his heart warmed at the same time.

Asking Dao Technique, Asking Dao Land, is the core of a Supreme Dao Lineage.

Even Immortal Fortune Dao Land is not the core.

For this reason, every Supreme Dao Lineage has arranged countless means to prevent His Majesty ’s discipline from passing on to others. It is also extremely taboo. Once found, the crime is higher than betraying the sect.

Although I don’t know what method Qiu Hong used, I can pass it on to him, but don’t think about it, how much risk is involved.

A little mistake is the disaster.

“The next time you have to warn him, you can’t let him continue doing this.”

Qin Nan secretly thought, with a magic seal, in this room, to arrange various restrictions.

His spiritual thought was also moved towards jade slip.

He is not going to cultivation now, just to see.

If this Asking Dao Technique is really useful for him, then he can join a Supreme Dao Lineage and get it himself.


When his spiritual thought pierced into jade slip, a mighty bell sounded from 10000 years ago, slowly swinging in his mind.

His within the body’s divine power, there was an ups and downs immediately, Dao Crystal was more like a call, dao light flickered, dao intent flowed.

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