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Chapter 1592 Chapter 2

However, what she said these all are true.

To have heaven-defying cultivation level among peers, this is not very difficult, as long as you have enough luck, enough courage and persistence, you can achieve it.

However, really wanting to reach the level of Nine Heavens Supreme, or even the level of Unparalleled Overlord, is extremely difficult.

“Could it be that there is no other way?”

Qin Nan’s mind was heavy, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

He even thought of white-blue flower, and went looking for Immortal Ancient, which had not been opened, to mutate it.

However, it is uncertain whether white-blue flower can affect Immortal Ancient.

And generally named Immortal Ancient, Cultivator cannot be forcibly entered before it is opened. Not every place is the same as Six Desolate Battlefield.


After a long time, a coldly sound echoed in Qin Nan’s mind.

“There is a way?”

Qin Nan was stunned.

“Of course, everything in the world can be human, and so is opening Immortal Ancient.”

The speed of Empress Fei Yue’s speech, somehow slowed down, is like deliberately hanging Qin Nan: “When I was ascending immortal for the second time, there were only 2 Immortal Ancient meetings, and with some methods, There are ten or four. “

“I can’t tell you how, and you can’t do it now.”

“However, if you agree, if you listen to my order in the future, I can make Immortal Ancient appear at this time to more than ten or four.”

Step by step, she finally revealed her purpose.

“… If you can do it, I promise you.”

Qin Nan’s mouth twitched slightly and he said.

Although Empress Fei Yue gave him good news and great help, but he couldn’t cheer up at all.

Just a few moments ago, his mood has risen and fallen 2 times.

What it is like now is completely unclear.

Empress Fei Yue didn’t notice the difference, and as always, her voice didn’t ring again, and she returned to peace.

“I didn’t even tell me the approximate time, it seems I can only wait.”

Qin Nan calmed down, shook the head, and spiritual thought swept through Myriad Dao Immortal Token.

Perhaps because of the imminent opening of Immortal Ancient, there has been a lot of news about how to raise the cultivation level.

Some of the previously silent Unparalleled Overlord-level forces have also opened up a variety of conditions to attract others to the Immortal Fortune Dao Land practice.

“That’s all, go to the Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect.”

Qin Nan retracts the spiritual thought and makes a decision.

Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect is one of the 3 Supreme Dao Lineages of the Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory.

Bronze Mirror rejected all invitations, but ended up in a position like Honorary Elder.

The unparalleled talent, also known as Qiu Hong, is among them.

And according to some rules, he has many opportunities in the Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect, which can be tempered and raise the cultivation level.

He can also take this opportunity to see the so-called Supreme Dao Lineage and the genius in it.

Time passed, and 2 days passed.

During these 2 days, the news that Nether Cloudy Crown Prince was killed by an unparalleled talent was passed to some people by a guy named Qin Nan.

However, in the end, it did not make much waves.

After all, the eyes of everyone gathered on Immortal Ancient, which was about to open.

And Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory is different from the previous Cang Lan Continent. There is no Emperor’s List and God List, or the forces that specialize in spreading news.

An unparalleled talent was beheaded and was not well known.

As for Qin Nan, in these 2 days, rushing through the night, not far from the Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect.


Suddenly, Qin Nan stopped and glanced at all around.

Just now, he noticed a weird wave.

“Could it be that it was Long Xuanling who killed them?”

Qin Nan’s thoughts flashed, his body was tight, and the divide power was running, ready to erupt at any time.


After a few breaths, a flame of purple-gold color burned in front of Qin Nan without any sign.

In this flame, there is one piece of jade slip, shining with warm and radiant jade light.

“what is this?”

Qin Nan was puzzled, and after thinking for a while, he still took the jade slip and explored the above prohibition. Spiritual thought penetrated into it.

“Qin Nan big brother, my name is Qiu Hong.”

A slightly excited voice rang in his mind: “I was going to go to you, didn’t expect to notice your aura, so I specifically heard one piece of jade slip-“

Qin Nan listened to it, even if it was him, he couldn’t help but suck in a cold breath of air, and shook his look.

He never thought that Qiu Hong, who thought that having the same given name and family name, turned out to be the flesh body named Qiu Hong that he once occupied with his soul.

If it wasn’t Qiu Hong, he said the picture of the animal skin, and the white eyebrows old man, and everything that happened at the time, he would not believe it at all.

You know, the original Qiu Hong, but lost all vitality!

“Although the Qiu Hong was different from the princess, the flesh body was not rotten. I also stepped into Dao Boundary through his body, but …”

Qin Nan’s mind is still difficult to calm down.

The ability of the animal skin to draw pictures completely exceeded his imagination.

This is almost a means of resurrection. Even a Nine Heavens Supreme may not be able to do it?

“Qin Nan big brother, I know you are raising the cultivation level and preparing for ascending immortal.”

“I happened to take on a task this time, and it has great benefits. The big brother might as well go with me.”

“I don’t know if the big brother has believed at this time. I will now send Immortal Demon Dao Oath. No matter what happens, I will never betray–“

Qin Nan’s mood began to calm down gradually, and he couldn’t help showing a smile on his face when he heard the last few words.

He did not send Immortal Demon Dao Oath because of Qiu Hong, but it was extremely rare to be able to meet someone who is very familiar with each other in this immortal Immortal Territory.

The feeling in my heart is also inexplicably warm.

Not only that, but the relationship between him and Qiu Hong is extraordinary now, and it feels like a brother.

“Then you wait for me in Quiet Ancient City, and I arrive a day later.”

Qin Nan passed a spiritual thought to jade slip. After destroying it, he converged into Internal Qi and flew into the distance.

His within the body, stamped into the Heaven and Earth mark, will release the invisible killing intent.

Usually, you can use this killing intent to deter Xiaoxiao, but in the place of Supreme Dao Lineage, it is completely unnecessary.

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