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Chapter 1590 Bone Demon Immortal King

The White Slash Flying Spirit immortal technique is one of the Taboo-Defying Sect inheritance obtained by Qin Nan.

This technique can only be performed after the Taboo-Defying Physique is performed. Once you take out, you can inject a spirit into Cultivator’s body.

This spirit is invisible and indestructible, and cannot be defeated by ordinary methods.

Then you can use the spirit to summon an weapon and kill Cultivator instantly. If Cultivator is not dead, the spirit will pick up the weapon and kill it.

“Qin Nan, don’t you think–“

Wan Xiao loudly roared, struggling violently, only to see from his wings that he suddenly flew out wings and chopped to Qin Nan.

Each wing is a mighty ability.

Apart from this, in its within the body, there are more fairy charms floating out, and there are rare treasures that gradually rise.

As an unparalleled talent and the son of the Unparalleled Overlord, his inside card of the body is extraordinary.


Qin Nan, if the ancient Heavenly God of a generation, speaks freely, countless pupils, combined with countless Destruction’s Intent, evolved a illusive Great Mountain, directly down town.

Whether it was the wings, Talisman, etc., before they could show the might ability, they were suffocated by one after another, the rays of light were dim and lackluster.

Qin Nan’s action didn’t stop, and he punched directly on Wan Xiao’s back, making the latter groaned, with a sore face.

Even though it is a Divine Bird, the physique is extraordinary, and it is far worse than Qin Nan.

“Bone Demon’s Wrath!”

At this moment, Nether Cloudy Crown Prince burned countless flames, sacrificed his ghost God’s Force, and performed a spell.

Hey, hehe…

Weird voice, I do not know where to start, a whole body decay, like a skeleton at any time, suddenly came out and hit the spirit.

The blow looked unpretentious and without formidable power, but weirdly, the Ying Ling collapsed into nothingness.

“Qin Nan, no matter how powerful you are, you can’t help me today! We will meet again in the future!”

Nether Cloudy Crown Prince growled, his hands forming an ancient magic seal.

All I saw was that the blood he had spilled on the ground seemed to come alive, and quickly gathered, forming a dark black blood cell.

The blood cells burned like flames, and countless formation marks spread out, exuding one after another invisible power, covering him.

His figure suddenly became unreal.

The reason why he left that many blood is to at this time, show a powerful technique and leave directly.

“Want to go?”

Qin Nan evolved a big destruction hand, grabbing Breaking Heavens Blade, and moved towards Nether Cloudy Crown Prince.

“Qin Nan, but I played Bone Demon’s blood. My whole body is now in nothingness. You can’t hurt me at all–“

Nether Cloudy Crown Prince’s face did not change at all, but there was a touch of pride.

He has played with many Powerhouses, and it was on this hand that he left safely.

“Is it?”

The black light in Qin Nan’s eyes burst, and within the body Dao Crystal worked.

In an instant, the entire Breaking Heavens Blade is covered with vast azure light, crushing all the auras here.

“Qin Nan, even if you step into Dao Boundary–“

Nether Cloudy Crown Prince remains unchanged.

Although the Dao Light of Dao Boundary small accomplishment has a very fatal suppression of this power, he is totally afraid of this move.


However, when this blade was cut off, the blood cells and the spreading formula were hit by terrifying, and they broke apart directly.

“what happened?”

Nether Cloudy Crown Prince complexion greatly changed, I never expected such a scene to happen.

“Myriad Spatial Absolute Kill!”

Qin Nan cuts to nothing.

“Qin Nan, you can’t kill me! I’m one of Successor of Bone Demon Immortal King. If you kill me today, Bone Demon Immortal King will never let you go in the future-“

Nether Cloudy Crown Prince hissed suddenly, feeling an unprecedented crisis.

Although such a gesture is very shameful and totally does not fit the status of an unparalleled talent, for him, living is the most important thing.

As long as it can survive, then everything is possible in the future.

However, before he finished speaking at this time, there was a vast blade intent, which spread out on him and smashed him into pieces.

Qin Nan doesn’t care about Immortal King or Supreme. Since the other party is aimed at him, he will never show mercy.

Moreover, in this Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory, he must also start to stand up, otherwise, there will be many more people coming to him.


Just in an instant, the void suddenly trembled violently, a scarlet rays of light, I do not know where it came from, at a very amazing speed, into Qin Nan’s within the body.

On Qin Nan’s body, there was an invisible killing.


Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed slightly.

He has seen it from Myriad Dao Immortal Token before, and it is said that after killing an unparalleled talent, it will cause a reaction from Heaven and Earth and be stamped into the Heaven and Earth mark.

The more unparalleled talent beheaded, the stronger this Heaven and Earth imprint.

Once there was a person, an unnamed ruthless person, who beheaded and killed several unparalleled talents. Without intentional convergence, the entire body exuded scarlet-red murderous aura. After seeing it, other Cultivators fled directly and did not dare to provoke it.

“You dare to kill even my Successor! My Bone Demon Immortal King-“

At this moment, an extremely harsh sound sounded from the blood of Nether Cloudy Crown Prince, and countless dark auras rolled up to form some kind of mark and entered Qin Nan within the body.

Qin Nan had already felt it, and cut it with a knife, shattering it into pieces.

Breaking Heavens Blade itself can shred 10000 things. Although Qin Nan can’t fully play it now, in combination with dao light, everything under Human Immortal can be shredded.

“You … really killed Nether Cloudy Crown Prince?”

Young Peng King Wan Xiao lost his face.

It is not long before he achieves unparalleled talent. This is the first time he has seen the fall of an unparalleled talent.

“Dead… dead?”

A dozen Heavenly God peak Cultivator are also pale.

This is an unparalleled talent, and any young Immortal Territory in the Small Immortal Territory can rank at the forefront of young talents. The future is unlimited.

“Now it is your turn!”

Qin Nan’s momentum is like a rainbow. The magic seal is knotted, and numerous destruction fighting intents have condensed into a dragon-form illusory shadow in his hands.

He had just sealed Wan Xiao’s body full of meridian, and it was just a monster. Now he has to make a special seal to seal Wan Xiao.

Even if Young Peng King Wan Xiao escapes later, the next time you encounter it, you can awaken the seal and let it be a mount.

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