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Chapter 1580 Intimidation

Although he was stationed in Pure Saint Great Space but was hunted or so years, but such strange things, he has never seen or heard similar rumors.

In the past, some powerful Cultivator shot, and some Mysterious Cultivator used very heaven-defying methods, and they couldn’t achieve this level. They could only take 30-40% of the same product.

“Yang Elder, Cultivator in 7-Rank, also started protesting to us, let us expel this person …”

Youth disciple wiped the sweat from his forehead.

“My own come and see.”

Yang Elder stood up without hesitation.

He did not protest because of Cultivator in 7-Rank Purity, but if this person has been staying in their Pure Saint Great Space and has taken 90% of the time, who would dare to come here after that?

What’s more, this person’s ability to do this is obviously the secret of how to attract the power of the Holy Saint.

As for Qin Nan, he is constantly refining the Qing Saint Crystal.

Unlike the previous 4 times, after all his refining this time, the heart of taboo-defying shook slightly, emitting a lot of taboo-defying aura, which was submerged in the 4 limbs of his four limbs.

Although nothing has changed, it is a very good sign.

“I made only one strand of earthen-colored aura in these 5 shots. If next time, I merge in 2 strands, or even 3 strands, what will it look like …”

Qin Nan thought to himself, just then, that he suddenly noticed something, his face was slightly cold, and he stood up.


His right arm, slowly broken apart, condensed into Breaking Heavens Blade, within the body’s divine power, and also worked to the extreme.

“Yes, the Earth God peak Boundary can perceive me.”

With an appreciation, Yang Elder’s body emerged in the stone chamber, and his immortal power was not covered in the slightest.

Floating Life Immortal King’s Elder, at least Human Immortal Boundary.

He can be sent to defend Pure Saint Great Space, which is far beyond the ordinary Elder, reaching the level of Human Immortal peak.

“Who are you?”

Qin Nan body was tight and his eyes flickered with golden glow.

Although this Human Immortal Boundary’s Powerhouse did not show the slightest killing intent, but the strands of celestial power, like ancient boulder, pressed on his heart, making him feel heavy.

“The gap between Heavenly God and Human Immortal is really not that big.”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart.

“Forgot to introduce, I’m Elder from Floating Life Immortal King, surnamed Yang Minglong.”

Yang Elder Long stands crossing the hands behind the back, lightly said with a smile, a pair of eyes that flowed immortal light, without the slightest scruples, glanced up and down at Qin Nan as if to thoroughly see Qin Nan.

“It’s Yang Elder. I don’t know what to do? I remember you have rules, you can’t reveal the identity of anyone, and you can’t enter other stone chambers.”

Qin Nan calmly said.

“There are such rules, but the little friend made such a noise. I had to break the rules and come here in person.”

Yang Elder Long’s face converged with a smile, his eyes turned into 2 peerless Divine Blades, staring directly at Qin Nan: “I will not talk about the superfluous, I am very curious, what method did the little friend use to attract the clear Holy power? “

At this point, Yang Elder Long suddenly thought of something, saying, “Of course, if little friend is willing to tell, the benefits will definitely not be small.”

He shoots a finger, and in front of Qin Nan, two zhang high are floating, flashing dazzling azure light, which contains all kinds of strange beasts of Monster Beast illusory shadow.

Qin Nan expression was a little surprised.

The aura emanating from these two big stones is similar to the Qingsheng crystal, but the power of the former is equivalent to ten 2 pieces, and there is still an essential gap.

“Yang Elder’s shot is just my little ability, which is not convenient to inform.”

Qin Nan calmed down quickly, not even looking at these two big stones.

Yang Elder Long’s eyes moved, although he didn’t see the slightest on the surface, in fact, there was more or less discomfort in his heart.

Although it would be him, he would not surrender such a secret, but his direct rejection in this way made him somewhat resentful.

“Since it’s inconvenient, forget about it. It’s just the ability of little friend that has caused us a very bad impact on Pure Saint Great Space.”

“I give little friend one piece of dashi, and little friend sells me another face, and I just leave here, how?”

Yang Elder Long paused, as if inadvertently said: “In Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory, even if itself is a bit of origin, but offend some Powerhouse, it is not very good.”

The meaning is very clear.

Qin Nan expression is still the same, but the tone is a bit indifferent: “I’m sorry, I have no plans to leave.”

If this Yang Elder Long is in harmony with him, well, he will think about it.

Just the last word made him resolutely refuse.

He has offended two unparalleled talents, and one more Human Immortal Powerhouse, and that’s nothing.

Even more how, he also saw that the so-called Yang Elder Long could not be shot in this clear holy space, or Pure Saint Heavenly Country, forcibly suppressed.

Yang Elder Long’s face suddenly changed slightly.

Originally in his imagination, this person would directly promise not to offend him, didn’t expect to dare to reject him in the end.

But this made him a little tricky.

As Qin Nan found out, although he has the name of Elder, he is also stationed in Pure Saint Great Space, but this is to cope with various sudden occurance, and has no right, he can punish other Cultivator at will.

“No, if I let this child go, it would have a very bad impact, and the responsibility would definitely be on me …”

Yang Elder Long thought one after another in his mind, and while he was thinking about the response, he suddenly had a plan.

“Oh, if my little friend doesn’t want to leave, then I won’t be too reluctant. However, in my opinion, by means of my little friend, I don’t have to stay in this 7-Rank to cleanse.”

Yang Elder Long smiled.

“What does Elder mean?”

Qin Nan frowned.

“Although I don’t have much rights, I can let little friend go to 9-Rank to cleanse and stay for 2 months.”

“If the means of the little friend can still be used, then it will really make a lot of money.”

Yang Elder Long smiled, and in his words, there was a hint of provocation: “I just don’t know, can a little friend have the courage?”

This was the plan in his mind, a conspiracy.

Through a simple provocation, this person was allowed to enter the 9-Rank Qingsheng.

Today, there are 9 unparalleled talents, 3 Supreme Dao Lineage inner sect disciple, and more than a dozen Human Immortal Powerhouse.

Under such a lineup, only Qin Nan of the Earth God peak Boundary, even if the means were heaven-defying, they had to return without any help and be suppressed by death.

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