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Chapter 1500 70 Fight

When she asked this, almost all Cultivators focused their eyes on Qin Nan.

Obviously, they were all very curious about Qin Nan’s identity.

In particular, Nether Cloudy Crown Prince and Traceless Sword God. At the beginning, they two people thought that this person was a fox.

“No name Cultivator.”

Qin Nan said that he is now an unknown Cultivator in Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory.

“Giggle, what a nameless Cultivator, in the Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory, it is rare for a nameless Cultivator like Your Excellency.” Purple Fox issued a laughter pleasening to the ear: “But the nameless Cultivator, Have a name, too? “

“I wonder if you would like to tell?”

Not just her, no one believes that Cultivator, who has such terrifying power, is an unnamed Cultivator.

“Qin Nan.”

Qin Nan has no scruples, speak frankly.

It’s not long before he came to Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory. He has offended Young Peng King and Long Xuanling. I don’t mind offending a few more.

“Qin … South?”

At this moment, the purple fox, Nether Cloudy Crown Prince, Traceless Sword God, and other Cultivators present were all dumbfounded.

The name Qin Nan, of course, they knew that they had offended Young Peng King Wan Xiao and had disputes with Supreme Dao Lineage inner sect disciple on the training field.

There is also some friction between Nether Cloudy Crown Prince and Qin Nan.

“Hahaha, did you could it be that treat us all as fools?”

Nether Cloudy Crown Prince came back to his senses, with a loud laugh and disdain.

He didn’t believe at all that Qin Nan would have such strength.

Moreover, if Qin Nan really has that strength, then no matter how bold the young Peng King is, he won’t dare to let it go and kill Qin Nan.

When Qin Nan saw this, he could only shrugged.

All he said was true. These people didn’t believe it. What else could he do?

“Since Your Excellency does not want to say, then we will not reluctant Your Excellency. Everyone is here for the chance. Although your Excellency is strong, but you do not want to give up, I hope you will not blame the little girl at that time.”

The purple fox was not angry, and didn’t say much. A movement technique immortal technique was exhibited. It came to the top of the two Destruction Great Mountains, and jade hand smashed it.

“Two fellow daoist, how about working together?”

The purple fox’s eyes are like water, sexy bearing and charming temperament. If others can see her true content at this time, if the cultivation level is poor, she will be directly confused and unable to extricate herself.

“I think so too!”

Nether Cloudy Crown Prince and Traceless Sword God both floated into the air at the same time, wiped off the blood from the corners of their mouths, and were fighting intent, rising sharply.

Being able to master Four Extreme Boundary, regardless of whether the character is proud, insidious, or mild, etc., has one thing in common, has great perseverance, and is not afraid of danger.

Even if they face a Powerhouse far beyond themselves, they will never give up until the last minute.

The higher the opponent’s cultivation level, the higher their fighting spirit.


The three unparalleled talents stopped talking nonsense and shot straight.

Although they are not familiar with each other and have no communication at all, they now have an amazing tacit understanding. They cooperate with each other to make the immortal technique more powerful.

Viewed from a distance, now the three people are just like three Human Sovereigns. They are shaking, extraordinary, and trembling.


In the face of such a lineup, War Blood of Qin Nan within the body has boiled to the extreme for the first time since the closure of God.

Even the Scarlet-Gold Battle Armor on his body was flashing red gold, as if there was a peerless Ominous Beast in the depths, and one after another roared.

“Three unparalleled talents … together against a Cultivator?”

Cultivators all around, watching the sight in front of them, couldn’t help swallowing.

You know, the chance at this time is a great good fortune, but it is not an ascending immortal chance.

It is extremely difficult to have unparalleled talents come and fight each other, let alone three unparalleled talents, and join forces to fight against the enemy.

Such things are extremely rare.

“I don’t know. Can the three unparalleled talents work together to defeat this Mysterious Blocker?”

But for a long time, their thoughts rose up at the same time, their eyes stared at them without blinking.

Their appearance is now fully immersed in this confrontation.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

When the war broke out, Heaven and Earth, a dozen or more li, fell into a tremor.

There are 4 kinds of completely different divide light. In the mid-air, each collision has launched several thousand collisions.

Only this time, the battle situation is completely different from last time.

With the joining of Purple Fox, Qin Nan’s various killing moves were successively resolved, and their to arrange killings became even more amazing.

Apart from this, Purple Fox is not only good at charm, but also at some strange methods, such as mobilizing world’s strength, creating puppets, and attracting the thunder of the void.

Rao is Qin Nan’s divine power, and the martial arts boundary reached, far exceeding 3 people, and for a while, was also suppressed by 3 people.

“Fellow daoist, what are you still doing there? Now most of the time has passed. If you want to get this fortunuitous encounter, you should shoot together.”

The jade hand of the purple fox stunned and typed out a Dao Talisman text, and at the same time lightened his red lips, and the sound was like the spring breeze and spring, flowing into the hearts of all Cultivators.

In her voice, a powerful immortal technique was used.

“Get together!”

The Cultivators suddenly woke up.

Although it is extremely rare for three unparalleled talents to join forces, fortuitous encounter is more important than that.

Whiz whiz whiz !

A bit of Cultivator, swinging the light of the divine light, broke through, the magic seal in his hand came out, took out an immortal technique, and attacked Qin Nan from all directions.

The confrontation between Qin Nan and the three unparalleled talents was so amazing that they couldn’t get close and could only shoot from a distance.

“Cross the Heavens Strikes!”

Qin Nan’s figure suddenly disappeared in place, passed 3 unparalleled talents, waved Breaking Heavens Blade, and was ready to cut Supreme.

“Purple Water Exquisite Technique!”

“Nine Disaster Fetters!”


Purple Fox and Nether Cloudy Crown Prince seem to have expected it. The palm of the hand was shot at the same time. The former was transformed into purple water and wrapped around Qin Nan.

The latter called out a yoke with 9 auras, each and everyone on Qin Nan.

In the end, Traceless Sword God was transformed into a ray of invisible sword aura, which sealed Qin Nan all around the void, and also covered Qin Nan’s body.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Nan was completely locked and unable to move.

Moreover, the blockade at this time is quite trivial, and it is specifically aimed at several techniques mastered by Qin Nan, leaving Qin Nan helpless.

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