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Chapter 1500 40 6 Spatial Wheel World

After this conversation, he felt that the person in front of him had no pride and arrogance at all, and was very peaceful. It was worth his great price to make a good destiny.

As for Elder’s death, it was ultimately their fault.

“Then many thanks.”

Qin Nan is not polite when he sees this.

After half a ring, the World Chart was sent by an Elder, and Qin Nan glanced at the current Cloud Stars World, which was close to the Red God World and Spatial Wheel World in the 100 Big Small World.

“Headmaster, then I leave.”

Qin Nan clenched his fists, brought some Luo Shenfu, taught void directly, and passed through the World Crystal.

The distance between the major Small Worlds is not very far. Blood Eye Earth God once told him that as long as he has a cultivation level above Human God, he can cross it.

“Since ascending immortal’s battle requires Ascending Immortal Token, then let Bronze Mirror give me one piece of it.”

Qin Nan looked at the infinite darkness in front of him, thinking for a moment, and sent a spiritual thought to the red rope on his wrist.

“I’m fine, you take this magic seal and come to Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory.”

Empress Fei Yue coldly said that above the red rope, one after another mysterious brilliance spread immediately, forming a special mark.

“Just give me an aura of Unparalleled Overlord, isn’t it enough? Should I go there?”

Qin Nan was quite speechless, but after thinking about it, he didn’t seem to have anything else right now, so it was fine to visit Bronze Mirror.

“It will take another 2 days, just to get a feel for the immortal technique.”

Qin Nan’s mind quickly became immersed.

This immortal technique is the Drought Demon Weapons Immortal Technique obtained when he last got into Nine Heavens.

Drought Demon Heavenly God was almost ascending immortal in the past. His self-created immortal technique and formidable power are also very powerful, which is very suitable for his Boundary right now.

After all, no matter how strong the War God Seven Styles are, they must wait for his cultivation level to rise, in order to gradually exert their true formidable power.

Time passed, and 2 days later, he arrived near Spatial Wheel World and also mastered the Drought Demon Weapons Immortal Technique.

“Spatial Wheel World, there are Five Great Influences, each influence has Crossing Immortal’s Ship, then I will go to Nine Stream Sect.”

Qin Nan glanced at the World Chart and sank into the Spatial Wheel World.

Nine Stream Sect is not far from him, you can see that when you look up, there are giant cities on the ground, which stand up and magnificent.

Countless Cultivator, transformed into Changhong, submerged in, in and out, lively.

The most striking thing is that above the flame-like sky, there are nine streams hanging like long dragons, one after another vast immortal intent.

“This Spatial Wheel World is really not comparable to Cloud Stars World. There are already 3 Powerhouses in Heavenly God Realm, Earth God Boundary Powerhouse, and more …”

Qin Nan’s eyes flickered with golden light, and as he went forward, he swept into the scenes of this Nine Stream Sect.

“Senior, presumably you are coming to Crossing Immortal’s Ship? I wonder which Small Immortal Territory do you want to go to?”

When he arrived in the city, a Nine Stream Sect disciple greeted him immediately.

“Go to Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory.”

Qin Nan said that the 9 Heavenly Immortal domain is divided into 33 Small Immortal Territory, and each Crossing Immortal’s Ship to the Small Immortal Territory is naturally completely different.

“It turned out to be Upward Heaven, and now happens to have a Crossing Immortal’s Ship, and the last place.”

The disciple said immediately, taking Qin Nan to the city.

“This is Crossing Immortal’s Ship?”

After counting ten breaths, Rao was in Qin Nan’s eyes, and a surprise look flashed.

I only saw that in this city, there was a huge training field with a number of hundred thousand li.

Above the training field, there is a huge ship with a height of more than 700 feet and a length of more than 3000 feet. It is quietly suspended and dangles immortal light.

At the deepest part of this giant ship, in addition to the various immortal dao formations, there are strands of dao light, which outline a Mysterious Talisman.

“Senior, you don’t know. These Crossing Immortal’s Ships are made from Supreme Item fragment. It emits aura, which can deter in the sky …”

The disciple talked while guiding his way.

“When you reach Heavenly Immortal, if you master Four Extreme, you can call it Unparalleled Overlord. That means that if you go to the cultivation level and master Dao Boundary, you can call it Nine Heavens Supreme?”

Qin Nan moved slightly.

He has Dao Boundary big accomplishment, only one step away from Perfection.

“Senior, you take this Crossing Immortal’s Ship and you only have to pay–“

The disciple stopped and Qin Nan looked up. There were already more than 30 Cultivators on the ship in front of them, 9 of them were Earth God Powerhouse, and there is a person is Earth God peak.


At this time, a great shout sounded, a cultivation level with a Human God peak came from a distance, looking at Qin Nan, indifferently said, “Let me go first, I owe your one person love.”

After each Crossing Immortal’s Ship leaves, waiting for the next one will take at least 3 days, even 5 days later.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to give this person a chance.

“I’m sorry, I have something to do.”

Qin Nan shook the head.


The young pupil’s pump light was cold for a moment. Didn’t expect the aura emanating from his eyes. Only the existence of Human God dared to reject him.

“Senior, I’m very sorry. We at Nine Stream Sect have rules. Whoever comes first comes on board. Senior, now you pay 3000 Immortal Stones and you can board and leave.”

The disciple’s face remained unchanged, a reminder, and immediately looked towards Qin Nan.

“Immortal Stone?”

Qin Nan expression froze and could not help but get a headache.

He walked very fast, but forgot to find Luoshen Sect Headmaster and learn something about the transactions in 9 Heavenly Immortal.

What to do now?

Use that one piece of Token?

“Oh, I can’t even get 3000 Immortal Stones, and I want to come to Crossing Immortal’s Ship? Don’t hurry up and let me go!”

Seeing this, the Human God youth showed a disdain in his eyes.

“Without the Immortal Stone, don’t come here to waste time. Let him get on board.”

Some Cultivators on Crossing Immortal’s Ship also said, expression is quite displeased, they have been waiting here for a long time.

“Senior, without Immortal Stone …”

The disciple expression was stiff and made a please gesture.

“Wait a moment, I’ll get someone to come over now.”

Qin Nan took out the token and was ready to spread a spiritual thought.

However, at this time, a great shout exploded without warning.

“His 3000 Immortal Stones, I gave them all!”

A powerful momentum raged from a distance, Qin Nan turned his head, expression was directly dumbfounded.

He absolutely didn’t expect that the former Blood Eye Earth God appeared here.

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