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Chapter 1500 38 Cang Lan Times

The entire Space-Time, at this moment, has slowed down.

Unlike Heaven List, Southern Heaven Gate not only tampered with Cang Lan Continent’s martial arts rules, but also suppressed Cang Lan magic seal. In addition to Empress Fei Yue, other Powerhouse giants were blocked by it pace.

Its Life and Death is the real cross-era!

At this crucial moment, a powerful Mysterious force erupted without warning from the depths of the Southern Heaven Gate, turning into an invisible barrier, blocking this blade, forcibly.


Empress Fei Yue pupil light for a moment.


The next moment, on the Southern Heaven Gate, the dazzling immortal light burst out and rushed into the sky, as if a Space-Time tunnel had been opened in the midst of the horror. The terrifying coercion straddled it and descended on Cang Lan.

“what is this–“

All Powerhouse giants present had a sudden change of face.

Obviously nothing appeared, but they felt that in this sky of Cang Lan Continent, there was a Supreme Overlord, overlooking them, making their souls tremble!

“Could it be that was the immortal fate involved in Southern Heaven Gate-“

Lu’s Heavenly God reacted quickly, and a rejoicing expression suddenly appeared on his face.

“Here are the lower realm ants. Listen to me. Southern Heaven Gate is my destiny. If you dare to hurt it again, I will destroy his 9 clan and destroy the World. It ’s hurt, you at all costs, also fix it for me— “

The sound like Divine Thunder exploded throughout the entire Heaven and Earth. Every word and every sentence in it was like Supreme Grand Dao, so that all creatures would not dare to rebel.


Qin Nan didn’t want to listen to his nonsense, he gathered all the power of within the body on Breaking Heavens Blade, turned it into a peerless sharp glow, and chopped it down.

He didn’t care what the Boundary of the voice was.

He only knows one thing. Not to mention all the Cultivators of Cang Lan Continent, just the blood debts of Southern Heaven Gate, they must be paid for!


Divine Thunder’s voice was immediately filled with amazing anger.

Its deity did not even think that the ants in a lower realm would make him dare to roll!

However, no matter how angry he is, he cannot cross the infinite Space-Time and drop his true power.

Qin Nan’s power, even if it is different from him now, is Heaven and Earth, but this peerless sharp glow that he cut out, still immortal light that lowered him, etc., instantly cut into a void.

“Southern Heaven Gate, Lu’s Heavenly God, die!”

Qin Nan blood hair dances wildly and has heavens-frightening. The 2 Innate Sword Embryo left by Demon Hair Sword God in the past are run by him, burst out of the body, and merge into the Breaking Heavens Blade.


A sword-like sword-like killing became a 10000-year-old lore.

All the Cultivators present saw an eternal scene.

The broken Southern Heaven Gate, and Lu’s Heavenly God in it, were torn and shattered.


The sound of screaming sounded through the entire Cang Lan Continent.

The next moment, the endless blue color dots swept millions of li.

The space World in the Southern Heaven Gate seems to have broken the only way to the world, and it will never fall into darkness.

The ten Divine Mountain Small Worlds, and many, many Southern Heaven Divine Land Cultivators, lost their support and began to fall apart, aura fell.

Then, the whole Cang Lan Continent began to change!

In that meditation, there is one after another invisible Heaven and Earth Rule, martial arts rules, and it collapses into a void.

The body of each Cultivator suddenly shook fiercely, and Heaven, Earth, Xuan, Huang 4 major Martial Spirits disappeared from their within the body.

“Martial Spirit is gone, could it be that … Qin Nan broke the Southern Heaven Gate?”

Cultivators from all over the mainland, Hitomi shrank and his heart shook.

However, the change is not over yet. The sky of Cang Lan Continent, as if washed with water, becomes clear.

Although each Cultivator did not see any changes, they felt that the earth and the sky, the mountains and the forest, and even the breeze blowing, made them feel very comfortable in their hearts.

Then, in the extreme south land where Qin Nan and the others are located.

Countless Taos of white and flawless light shine through all the chaos.

As if they were summoned, moved towards the front of the convergence, until the end, evolved into a land ten thousand li, aura mysterious magic seal.

When the magic seal was born, every giant whose cultivation level reached the Martial God peak seemed to have broken an invisible shackle in his heart, and was inspired by a fatly discernable.

In Inferior Lower Realm, every continent, or World, has this magic seal.

It is also called ‘flying magic seal’.

This magic seal was conceived by Grand Dao. As long as the magic seal exists, any Cultivator of Martial God peak can attract ascension tribulation. After passing through, it rises up and enters the upper world.

“Emperor’s List, give you 3 time to think about it! Are you self-defeating everything, or become my dead soul, one, two-“

Qin Nan stood still and looked into the distance.

“I … I scrap everything … I scrap everything!”

Emperor List’s Spirit has long been completely frightened by what just happened. When it felt the bone chill, it made a choice without any hesitation.

At the same time, his heart is extremely regretful.

when the sandpiper and the clam fight each other, it’s the fisherman who benefits?

It’s a good thing, it shouldn’t be caught in the middle of the 2nd party at that time, it should bet everything to help Qin Nan.

The next breath, the rays of light on Emperor’s List also began to fall apart.

Cang Lan Continent This tens of thousands of years of darkness, on this day, is completely over.

Every Cultivator of Cang Lan Continent, starting from this day, they have lost all their shackles, and can rely on their own strength to prove the emperor and seal the gods, and even to see the more vast heavenly kingdom!

“Are we … victorious?”

Martial Fate Pavilion and the Cultivators can hardly believe it.

It wasn’t until a few breaths passed that huge cheers erupted. Whether it was Martial God or those Cultivators with a weak cultivation level, everyone’s face was full of unprecedented surprises.

Even crying with joy and tears in his face.

Maybe in the future, the martial arts will still be cruel. Many of them will still be unable to prove the emperor and become a Powerhouse. But at least from this moment, each of them, no longer a chessman, has hope.

This World is also clean.

At this moment, the gorgeous colorful clouds were printed on Heaven and Earth.

Qin Yin, Xiao Sheng, and so on, constitute a pleasant music, ringing in everyone’s ears, the light of countless Dao Source, blooming in the sky, falling on Qin Nan, and everyone against Southern On Cultivator of Heaven Divine Land.

This is the original rule of Heaven and Earth. After Emperor’s List, God List, and Southern Heaven Gate fell, the remaining Source Strength naturally falls into its within the body.

“You have completed an immortal feat. After that, your name will be circulated for 10000 years. How do you feel now in the heart?”

Empress Fei Yue looked at all of this, surprisingly not cold, but asked Qin Nan calmly.

Qin Nan is full of vigor and has recovered as before. Instead of talking, he looks up towards Seven Luminaries Flying Immortal Sword in the distance.

His gaze fell on the one piece of crystal in the sword, and he stared quietly.

The crystal seemed to feel something, with a white light and a black light floating at the same time.

They must be proud of him.

“I just want to do one thing now.”

After a long time, Qin Nan retracted his gaze and passed a spiritual thought to the original rules of Heaven and Earth. All of them were remembered by Cultivator and even all beings, and they rang in their ears.

“Everything is over, the real Cang Lan era … is here!”

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